Standing Committee on Public Bills


Bill No. 906 — The Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute Amendment Act




of the

Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan





Hansard Verbatim Report


No. 7 — Tuesday, May 7, 2024


[The committee met at 09:02.]


The Chair: — Well welcome this morning to the Standing Committee on Private Bills. I’m Fred Bradshaw. I’m the Chair. We also have with us the Hon. Lori Carr, and substituting for Meara Conway we have Nathaniel Teed. We have Ms. Lisa Lambert, Mr. Greg Ottenbreit, and Ms. Nicole Sarauer, Deputy Chair.


Bill No. 906 — The Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute Amendment Act


Clause 1


The Chair: — We are happy today to examine private Bill No. 906, The Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute Amendment Act. We will first table the report from the Law Clerk, have some comments from the sponsoring member or organization, and then we will proceed to clause-by-clause consideration of the bill.


I’d like to table PBC 13‑29, Law Clerk and Parliamentary Counsel: Report on Bill No. 906, dated April 25th, 2024.


Marie Shalashniy, Deputy Parliamentary Counsel, is available if there are any questions on the Law Clerk report. Are there any questions?


Mr. Ottenbreit, would you please introduce the witnesses here with you and make any comments you have on the bill.


Mr. Ottenbreit: — Absolutely, Mr. Chair. Thank you to the committee members for sitting this morning. With me to my far right is Mr. Daniel Glaeske, member of the governance committee. Just behind us is Mr. Murray Nelson, Chair of the board of regents. And to my immediate right is Ms. Elizabeth Williamson of Williamson Law.


And my only opening comments, very brief, is that I’m honoured to be sponsoring Bill 906 on behalf of the Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute, a long-standing entity in this province. Great work that they’ve done for the many decades that they’ve been involved.


And to just bring a bill like this forward for some housekeeping amendments to change it to more align with the way they operate, to make their operation more efficient when it comes to meeting dates and gatherings, Mr. Chair, is something I am very honoured to do. And I’m proud to be with them here today.


The Chair: — Well thank you, Mr. Ottenbreit. Are there any committee members that have any questions? Seeing there are no more questions, we will begin a clause-by-clause consideration.


Clause 1, short title, is that agreed?


Some Hon. Members: — Agreed.


The Chair: — Carried.


[Clause 1 agreed to.]


[Clauses 2 to 11 inclusive agreed to.]


The Chair: — His Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan, enacts as follows: The Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute Amendment Act.


I would ask a member to move that we report Bill No. 906, The Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute Amendment Act without amendment. Mr. Ottenbreit so moves. Is that agreed?


Some Hon. Members: — Agreed.


The Chair: — Carried. I will now ask a member to move the following motion:


That the fees respecting Bill No. 906, The Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute Amendment Act be waived.


Ms. Carr.


Hon. Ms. Carr: — I’ll move:


That the fees respecting Bill No. 906, The Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute Amendment Act be waived.


The Chair: — Is that agreed?


Some Hon. Members: — Agreed.


The Chair: — Carried. Well thank you, Mr. Ottenbreit. Do you have any final comments?


Mr. Ottenbreit: — No, Mr. Chair. I don’t, but I do believe the guests may have.


Ms. Williamson: — Yes, on behalf of the Lutheran Collegiate Bible Institute, its board of regents, and management, I would like to thank this committee for its diligent process in reviewing the bill to amend the Act. And we are very pleased that these changes will hopefully be enacted and proclaimed soon.


And we would also like to thank Marie Shalashniy for guiding us through the process. Thank you very much.


The Chair: — Okay. Well thank you for that. We have a draft report before the committee. Are there any more questions? Seeing none, I’ll ask a member to move the following motion:


That the seventh report for the Standing Committee on Private Bills be adopted and presented to the Assembly.


Ms. . . . [inaudible].


Ms. Lambert: — I will move:


That the seventh report of the Standing Committee on Private Bills be adopted and presented to the Assembly.


The Chair: — Is that agreed?


Some Hon. Members: — Agreed.


The Chair: — Carried. That concludes today’s agenda. I would ask a member to move a motion of adjournment. Mr. Teed has so moved. Is that agreed?


Some Hon. Members: — Agreed.


The Chair: — Carried. This committee stands adjourned to the call of the Chair.


[The committee adjourned at 09:09.]






Published under the authority of the Hon. Randy Weekes, Speaker


Disclaimer: The electronic versions of the Legislative Assembly's documents are provided for information purposes only. The content of the documents is identical to the printed record; only the presentation differs unless otherwise noted. The printed versions are the official record for legal purposes.