Standing Committee on Public Accounts




of the

Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan





Hansard Verbatim Report


No. 21 — Wednesday, November 15, 2023


[The committee met at 11:01.]


The Chair: — Well good morning, everyone. We’ll convene the Standing Committee on Public Accounts. I’ll recognize our committee members that are with us today: Mr. Hugh Nerlien, Ms. Lisa Lambert, Mr. Todd Goudy, Mr. Daryl Harrison, and Mr. Jim Lemaigre. We have Mr. Clarke substituting for Ms. Young, Regina University.


The first item of business is the election of a Deputy Chair here today. I’d like to remind all members of that process. I’ll first ask for nominations. Once there are no further nominations, I will then ask to move a motion to have a committee member preside as Deputy Chair. So I will now call for nominations for that position. I recognize Mr. Goudy.


Mr. Goudy: — I would like to nominate the very capable Hugh Nerlien for the position of Deputy Chair.


The Chair: — All right, Mr. Goudy has nominated Mr. Hugh Nerlien to the position of Deputy Chair. Are there further nominations? Any further nominations? Any further nominations? Seeing none, I would now invite one of the members to move that motion. Mr. Goudy.


Mr. Goudy: — I move:


That Hugh Nerlien preside as Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts.


The Chair: — All in favour of that motion? All opposed? That’s carried.


Deputy Chair Nerlien, it will be good to work with you. And to all committee members — there’s been a couple adjustments to this committee — looking forward to working with you all in our work in the weeks and months to follow.


I have some documents to table. At this time, I’d table the following documents: PAC 101‑29, Ministry of Education: Report of public losses, March 1st, 2023 to May 31st, 2023; PAC 102‑29, Provincial Auditor of Saskatchewan: First quarter financial forecast for the first three months ending June 30th, 2023; PAC 103‑29, Ministry of Advanced Education: Report of public losses, April 1st, 2023 to June 30th, 2023; PAC 104‑29, Ministry of Finance: Report of public losses, April 1, 2023 to June 30th, 2023; PAC 105‑29, Ministry of Finance: Government response to third report of the Standing Committee on Public Accounts, dated August 10th, 2023; PAC 106‑29, Ministry of Health: Report of public losses, April 1, 2023 to June 30th, 2023; PAC 107‑29, Ministry of Education: Report of public losses, June 1, 2023 to August 31st, 2023; PAC 108‑29, Provincial Auditor of Saskatchewan: Second quarter financial forecast for the six months ending September 30th, 2023; PAC 109‑29, Ministry of Advanced Education: Report of public losses, July 1, 2023 to September 30th, 2023; PAC 110‑29, Ministry of Social Services: Responses to questions raised at February 27th, 2023 meeting; PAC 111‑29, Ministry of Finance: Report of public losses, July 1, 2023 to September 30th, 2023.


I’d like to also advise the committee that pursuant to rule 142(2), the following documents were committed to the committee: Provincial Auditor of Saskatchewan 2023 report volume 1; Provincial Auditor of Saskatchewan Annual Report on Operations for the Year Ended March 31st, 2023; Government of Saskatchewan 2022‑23 Public Accounts volume 1, summary financial statements; Government of Saskatchewan 2022‑23 Public Accounts volume 2, General Revenue Fund details.


That’s it, folks. So no other business here today. We will be organizing some upcoming meetings, a couple that we’ll have to reschedule from before.


So at this point in time, I’d welcome a motion of adjournment. Moved by Mr. Lemaigre. All agreed?


Some Hon. Members: Agreed.


The Chair: — That’s carried. This committee stands adjourned to the call of the Chair.


[The committee adjourned at 11:06.]






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