Standing Committee on Human Services




of the

Legislative Assembly of Saskatchewan





Hansard Verbatim Report


No. 29 — Wednesday, November 15, 2023


[The committee met at 11:13.]


Procedural Clerk (Ms. Gudereit): Good morning, everyone. Welcome to the Standing Committee on Human Services. I’m Miranda Gudereit, the committee Clerk. It is my duty as committee Clerk to preside over the election of a new Chair. I’d like to remind members of the process. I will first ask for nominations. Once there are no further nominations, I will then ask a member to move a motion to have a committee member preside as the Chair.


I will now call for nominations for that position. I recognize Mr. Nerlien.


Mr. Nerlien: — I nominate Ms. Alana Ross for the position of Chair.


Procedural Clerk (Ms. Gudereit): Mr. Nerlien has nominated Ms. Alana Ross to the position of Chair. Are there any further nominations? Seeing none, I would now invite the member to move the motion. Mr. Nerlien.


Mr. Nerlien: — I move:


That Ms. Alana Ross preside as Chair of the Standing Committee on Human Services.


Procedural Clerk (Ms. Gudereit): It has been moved by Mr. Nerlien:


That Ms. Alana Ross preside as Chair of the Standing Committee on Human Services.


All in favour of the motion?


Some Hon. Members: Agreed.


Procedural Clerk (Ms. Gudereit): All those opposed? I declare the motion carried and invite Ms. Ross to take the Chair.


The Chair: — Okay, so welcome. And I’m Alana Ross, I’m the MLA [Member of the Legislative Assembly] for Prince Albert Northcote. And thank you, committee members. Welcome to the Standing Committee on Human Services, and I will be chairing this committee.


Our first item of business is the election of a Deputy Chair. I’d like to remind members of the process. I will first ask for nominations. Once there are no further nominations, I will ask a member to move a motion to have a committee member preside as Deputy Chair. I will now call for nominations for that position. Okay, I recognize Mr. Wotherspoon.


Mr. Wotherspoon: — I nominate Mr. Jared Clarke to the position of Deputy Chair.


The Chair: — Mr. Jared Clarke has been nominated to the position of Deputy Chair. Are there any further nominations? Seeing none, I would now invite one of the members to move a motion. I recognize Mr. Wotherspoon.


Mr. Wotherspoon: — I move:


That Mr. Jared Clarke preside as Deputy Chair of the Standing Committee on Human Services.


The Chair: — All in favour of the motion?


Some Hon. Members: Agreed.


The Chair: — All those opposed? Seeing none, I declare the motion to be carried.


So we have two documents to table. HUS 23‑29, Ministry of Labour Relations and Workplace Safety: Responses to questions raised at the April 18th, 2023 meeting; and HUS 24‑29, Ministry of Social Services: Responses to questions raised at the April 5th, 2023 and April 18th, 2023 meetings.


That concludes our business today. I would ask a member to move a motion of adjournment. I recognize Ms. Lambert. Ms. Lambert has moved. All agreed?


Some Hon. Members: Agreed.


The Chair: — Carried. The committee stands adjourned till the call of the Chair.


[The committee adjourned at 11:17.]






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