Standing Committee on Crown and Central Agencies
Legislative Assembly of
Verbatim Report
29 — Monday, November 20, 2023
committee met at 11:00.]
Clerk (Ms. Drake): — Good morning, committee
members. I’m Anne Drake. I’m the committee Clerk of this committee today.
Welcome to the Standing Committee on Crown and Central Agencies.
is my duty as committee Clerk to preside over the election of a Chair. I would
like to remind members of the process. I will first ask for nominations. Once
there are no further nominations, I will then ask a member to move a motion to
have a committee member preside as Chair. I will now call for nominations for
the position of committee Chair. Mr. Bradshaw.
Mr. Bradshaw: — I move that Ken Cheveldayoff
be nominated for the Chair of Crown and central committee.
Procedural Clerk (Ms. Drake): — Mr. Bradshaw has nominated Mr. Cheveldayoff to
the position of Chair. Are there any further nominations? Seeing none, I would
now invite one of the members to move that motion. Mr. Bradshaw.
Mr. Bradshaw: — Okay. I move that Ken Cheveldayoff be elected to
preside as Chair of the Standing Committee of Crown and Central Agencies.
Procedural Clerk (Ms. Drake): — All those in favour of the motion? Any opposed?
I declare the motion carried, and invite Mr.
Cheveldayoff to take the Chair.
Chair: —
Thank you very much, Madam Clerk. Thank you to members for your confidence in
me. I look forward to a very busy time as Chair of the Crown and Central
Agencies Committee.
All right, I would like to table the following
documents: CCA 32‑29, SGI: Responses to questions asked at the March 20th
’23 meeting; CCA 33‑29, Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan:
Report of public losses, April 1st, 2023 to June 30th, 2023; CCA 34‑29,
Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan: Significant transactions re:
Lotteries and Gaming Saskatchewan Corporation and Saskatchewan Liquor and
Gaming Authority, dated August 29th, 2023; CCA 35‑29, Crown Investments
Corporation of Saskatchewan: Report of public losses, July 1st, 2023 to
September 30th, 2023; CCA 36‑29, Crown Investments Corporation of
Saskatchewan: 2022‑2023 payee disclosure report.
to rule 145(1), the following documents were committed to the committee:
Lotteries and Gaming Saskatchewan Corporation: Notice of creation report;
Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation: 2022‑23 annual report and SGC Holdings
Inc. financial statements for the year ended March 31st, 2023; Saskatchewan
Power Corporation: 2022‑23 annual report; NorthPoint Energy Solutions
Inc.: 2022-23 financial statements; Power Corporation Superannuation Plan: 2022
annual report; Saskatchewan Water Corporation: 2022‑23 annual report;
Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan: 2022‑23 annual report and
CIC Asset Management Inc. financial statements for the year ended March 31st,
2020; Capital Pension Plan: 2022‑23 annual report; SaskTel: 2022‑23
annual report; Saskatchewan Telecommunications: Financial statements for the
year ended March 31st, 2023; Saskatchewan Telecommunications International
Inc.: Financial statements for the year ended March 31st, ’23; SecurTek
Monitoring Solutions Inc.: Financial statements for the year ended March 31st,
2023; Saskatchewan Telecommunications Pension Plan: Annual report for the year
ended March 31st, 2023; SaskEnergy: 2022‑23 annual report; SaskEnergy:
2022‑23 SaskEnergy Incorporated and subsidiaries financial statements:
SaskEnergy Incorporated, TransGas Limited, and Bayhurst Gas; Saskatchewan Auto
Fund: 2022‑23 annual report; SGI Canada: 2022‑23 annual report; SGI
Canada Insurance Services Ltd.: 2022 annual report; Coachman Insurance Company:
2022 annual report; Saskatchewan Government Insurance Superannuation Plan: 2022
annual report.
to rule 145(3), chapter 22 of the Provincial Auditor of Saskatchewan’s 2023
report volume 1 was committed to the committee.
that concludes our business for today. I would ask a member to move a motion of
adjournment. Mr. Bradshaw has moved. All agreed? Carried. This committee stands
adjourned to the call of the Chair.
committee adjourned at 11:06.]
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