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Hansard Subject Index

2nd Session, 24th Legislature



A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z 


Aboriginal Affairs See Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Department


Aboriginal Employment Development Program See Employment development – Aboriginal Employment Development Program


Aboriginal internship and management development program, 3, 1473


Aboriginals See Indians/First Nations


Abortions See Health care – Abortions


Abuse and Exploitation of Children through the Sex Trade Prevention Committee

Final report, M. (Prebble) for concurrence

Hermanson, 2194

Julι, 2193–94

Prebble, 2190–93

Member's statement

Jones, 2313–14


Van Mulligen, 547–48

Report, recommendations, implementation

Toth, 2069–70

Van Mulligen, 2069–70


Accountability of Subsidiaries of Subsidiary Crown Corporations Act (No. 217)

First reading

Wall, 710


ACRE See Action Committee on the Rural Economy


Action Committee on the Rural Economy (ACRE), 106, 1265, 2245

Boyd, 549

Huyghebaert, 233


ACTRA Saskatchewan See Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists Saskatchewan


Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, 16–45, 55–78, 89–106, 115–38, 141–65, 174–96, 207–25, 236–55


Addley, 70–75

Allchurch, 151–53

Belanger, 120–25

Brkich, 245–48

Crofford, 192–96, 207–10

Eagles, 155–56

Elhard, 159–65, 174–77

Goulet, 91–96

Hamilton, 127–34

Harper, 156–59

Hart, 188–92

Heppner, 248–52

Hermanson, 24–28, 55–61

Higgins, 153–55

Hillson, 211–14

Huyghebaert, 116–20

Jones, 16–20

Julι, 89–91

Junor, 218–21

Kwiatkowski, 223–25, 236–39

McCall, 20–24

McMorris, 97–103

Osika, 177–81

Peters, 221–23

Prebble, 239–45

Stewart, 125–27

Thomson, 143–51

Van Mulligen, 252–55

Wakefield, 75–78

Wall, 135–39, 141–43

Wartman, 103–6, 115–16

Weekes, 214–18

Wiberg, 181–88

Motion for consideration, moved by Ms. Jones, seconded by Mr. McCall, 20; amdt. (Hermanson), 61

Motion for presentation to Lieutenant Governor (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 255


Administrative Professionals Day, April 25, 2001

Member's statement

Heppner, 738

Kasperski, 738


Agricultural Credit Corporation of Saskatchewan

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2402


Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance program (AIDA), 26, 102, 118, 156, 161–62, 174, 212, 584–85, 588

Bakken, 307

Draude, 318

Contribution to program design, 587

Number of claims, 585

Payments, low average for Saskatchewan, member's statement

Harpauer, 200

Program philosophy to identify need, 585–86


Agricultural policy See Agriculture – Policy


Agricultural producers See Farmers/Producers


Agricultural products See also Hemp; Potato industry; Value-added industries/products; Wild rice

West Central Pelleting Ltd., Wilkie, livestock feed production, member's statement

Peters, 1276


Agricultural research and development, 77


Cline, 267

Melenchuk, 440


Agricultural tourism See Tourism – Agricultural


Agriculture, 161, 174 See also Farm safety net; Grain; Value-added industries/products

Adaptation program, alternative operations

Cline, 266


Agricultural Excellence (AGEX), Saskatchewan Institute of Agrologists, Newfield Seeds, Nipawin, 239

Canada Agri-Infrastructure Program (CAIP) in Saskatchewan, 133, 212

Crisis, 211–12, 216, 221, 246 See also Employment – Loss, agricultural sector; Farm income – Crisis; Women – Farm – Agriculture crisis

Bakken, 307–8

Crofford, 294

Draude, 318

Disaster relief programs, 586

Diversification, 77, 124, 208, 212, 215, 249

Bakken, 308

Crofford, 294

Drought assistance

Boyd, 2258–59

Serby, 2258–59


Harpauer, 370

Funding, increase

Calvert, 446

Crofford, 292

Melenchuk, 440

Sonntag, 403

Trew, 381

Yates, 312

Funding, to stabilize, 531


Boyd, 52

Serby, 52

Policy, federal, overhaul, Saskatchewan proposals

Boyd, 1667

Serby, 1667

Research and development See Agricultural research and development

Stability programs, 589–91

Strategy, long-term See Farm income – Crisis – Federal aid

Western Canada Farm Progress Show, Regina, June 20-23, 2001, member's statement

Boyd, 1979

Wartman, 1864


Agriculture and Agri-Food Committee (Federal) See Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (Federal)


Agriculture and Food Department

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 584–91, 935–44, 1502–10, 1947–57, 2398–2402, 2402

Bjornerud, 935–39

Boyd, 584–91, 1507–9, 1947–57, 2398–2402

Brkich, 2398

Elhard, 1509

Harpauer, 1503–7

Hart, 941–43

Huyghebaert, 939–41

Serby, 584–91, 935–44, 1502–10, 1947–57, 2398–2402

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2402


Agriculture Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 236


Agri-Food Equity Fund

Cline, 266–67


Agri-value See Value-added industries/products


Agroforestry See Forest industry


AIDA See Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance program (AIDA)


AIMDP See Labour force – Aboriginal internship and management development program


Ainsworth Lumber See Forest industry – Closure, Ainsworth Lumber


Air ambulance See Ambulance service – Air ambulance


Air Cadet League of Canada

60th anniversary, April 9, 2001, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 902



Airplane pull competition, Canada Remembers International Air Show, Saskatoon, August 18-19, 2001, member's statement

Brkich, 2063–64

Government, aviation fleet, 757 See also Ambulance service – Air ambulance

Costs, 757–58, 1386–87

Staff, 758

Government, use by cabinet ministers, policy

Hamilton, 1135–36

Lautermilch, 1136–37

Government, use by cabinet ministers for political purposes

D'Autremont, 1135–37


Alberta See also Child poverty – Alberta; Education, post-secondary – Fees, Alberta; Health care – Alberta; Insurance – Automobile – Alberta; Oil industry – Alberta, bonus; Wages and salaries – Minimum wage, Alberta; Wages and salaries – Women, Alberta


Belanger, 373

Harpauer, 372–73

Osika, 411


Alberta envy See Alberta – Contrast


Alcohol and drug abuse

Detoxification centres, 2167

Prescription drugs, Indians/First Nations, 2166–67

Treatment centre, Weyburn, petitions, 1012, 1099, 1395, 1455, 1598, 1630, 1743, 1775, 2004, 2092

Bakken, 983, 1072, 1336, 1425, 1565, 1597, 1685, 1742, 1907, 1977, 2061


Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Regina

New equipment for radiation treatment, ministerial statement (Nilson)

Gantefoer, 1195–96

Nilson, 1194–95


Alliance of Canadian Cinema, Television and Radio Artists Saskatchewan

Life membership proclamations, Jean Freeman, Steve Arsenych, Lyn Goldman, member's statement

Nilson, 2094


All-party committees See Abuse and Exploitation of Children through the Sex Trade Prevention Committee


ALS See Health care – ALS Week, June 17-23, 2001


Ambulance service

Air ambulance, 68

Purchase of additional, 757

Brkich, 345

Cline, 266

Osika, 409

Trew, 380

Yates, 312

Community-based, 1965, 1966–68

Community-based, consolidation and centralization, 119, 188, 189

Bakken, 309

Huyghebaert, 433

Community-based, consolidation and centralization, petitions, 81, 107, 167, 197, 227, 257, 273, 321, 356, 390, 424, 452, 480, 512, 542, 566, 594, 640, 660, 702, 785, 837, 868, 900, 926, 952, 984, 1012, 1042, 1072, 1099, 1131, 1156, 1186, 1219, 1242, 1274, 1307, 1337, 1395, 1426, 1455, 1484, 1512, 1598, 1630, 1660, 1686, 1743, 1775, 1804, 1834, 1862, 1908, 1978, 2004, 2141, 2224, 2252, 2310, 2348, 2390

Allchurch, 47, 836

Bakken, 7, 47, 81, 107, 197, 227, 273, 321, 355, 389, 423, 451, 479, 542, 565, 639, 702, 736, 761, 836, 899, 925, 951, 1011–12, 1041, 1129–30, 1155, 1185, 1273, 1306, 2091, 2223, 2347

Bjornerud, 47

D'Autremont, 1659, 1773, 1833, 1861, 1908, 2091

Draude, 197, 389, 423, 451, 479, 511, 541, 565, 593, 639, 701, 735, 761, 835, 867, 899, 925, 951, 1071, 1185, 1597, 1773, 1803, 1861, 1977, 2251

Eagles, 701, 735, 835, 899, 925, 1335

Elhard, 7, 47, 81, 107, 167, 197, 277, 321, 389, 423, 451, 511, 541, 983, 1011, 1041, 1071, 1097, 1129, 1155

Gantefoer, 1741

Harpauer, 952, 984, 1012, 1042, 1742–43

Hart, 47, 355, 423, 512, 542, 566, 593, 639–40, 659–60, 736, 762, 784, 836, 900, 926, 984, 1130, 1155, 1217, 1242, 1337, 1454, 1566, 1630, 1659, 1685–86, 1743, 1907, 2091, 2190, 2310

Hermanson, 511, 867, 899, 1097, 1129, 1155, 1185, 1273, 1741

Huyghebaert, 1743, 1774, 1803, 1834, 1861, 1977–78

Julι, 273, 355, 389, 451, 479, 511, 735, 761, 835, 925

Krawetz, 1741

McMorris, 659, 761–62, 836, 867, 951, 983, 1012, 1098, 1155, 1185–86, 1217, 1241, 1273, 1306, 1336, 1394, 1425, 1453, 1483, 1565, 1597, 1659, 1861, 2189, 2223–24, 2251, 2347, 2389

Peters, 1186

Wiberg, 1743

Community-based, Redvers, 1973–74

Costs, member's statement

Hillson, 50–51

Emergency services, 67–68

Fees, standardization, 2370

Hillson, 2231–32

Nilson, 2231–32

Two-tier See Ambulance service – Costs


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis See Health care – ALS Week, June 17-23, 2001


Anniversaries See Wedding anniversaries


Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission

Funding, 689

Training, Indians/First Nations, expansion

Hagel, 436


Apprenticeship Commission

Funding, 689


Apprenticeship training

Cline, 269


Appropriation Act, 2001 (No. 1) (No. 18)

First reading

Cline, 477

Second reading

Cline, 477

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Cline, 477

Third reading

Cline, 477

Royal Assent, 477


Appropriation Act, 2001 (No. 2) (No. 46)

First reading

Cline, 1436

Second reading

Cline, 1436

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Cline, 1436

Third reading

Cline, 1436

Royal Assent, 1452


Appropriation Act, 2001 (No. 3) (No. 59)

First reading

Cline, 2414

Second reading

Cline, 2414

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Cline, 2414

Third reading

Cline, 2414

Royal Assent, 2414


Archery See Sports – Archery


Army Cadet League of Canada (Saskatchewan)

572 Humboldt Legion Cadet Corps, annual ceremonial review, trophy presentation, member's statement

Julι, 1777–78


Art galleries See Cumberland Gallery, Saskatchewan Legislative Building, Regina; Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina Public Library, Regina; Guest houses – Atelier Manor, Maryfield, art gallery and guest house; MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina



Cathedral Village Arts Festival, Regina, member's statement

Crofford, 1245

Common Weal Community Arts Inc., activities, Regina, member's statement

McCall, 1777

Prince Albert Centre for the Visual and Performing Arts, groundbreaking ceremony, July 6, 2001, member's statement

Thomson, 2392–93

Vic Juba Performing Arts Centre, Lloydminster, sod-turning ceremony, April 6, 2001, member's statement

McCall, 515


Arts and culture

Funding, member's statement

Kasperski, 357


Arts stabilization program See Saskatchewan arts stabilization program


Assessment Management Agency Amdt. Act (No. 22)

First reading

Osika, 934

Second reading

D'Autremont, 1498–99

Harpauer, 1198–99

Osika, 1107–8

Wakefield, 1842–44

Weekes, 1108

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Bjornerud, 2045–47, 2049–50

Elhard, 2047–49

Osika, 2045–50

Third reading

Osika, 2051

Royal Assent, 2249


Assiniboia, Sask. See Municipalities – Recreational facilities – Prince of Wales Cultural and Recreation Centre


Associated Entities Fund See Cultural industries – Associated Entities Fund

Community-based organizations, program grants, Saskatoon See Community-based organizations – Program grants, Saskatoon, Associated Entities Fund


Athletics See Sports – Athletics


Attitude, 1302

Positive, 1267, 1268

Positive, leads to success, member's statement

Yates, 1221–22


Auditors See Provincial Auditor Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 14)


Avonlea dam

Reconstruction and expansion, petitions, 1804, 1834

Stewart, 1773, 1803

Reservoir, 1451

Water management infrastructure, dam rehabilitation, ministerial statement (Osika)

Brkich, 1752

Osika, 1751


Awards See Honours and awards



Top of page



Balanced Budget Act (No. 212)

First reading

Hermanson, 431


Baseball See Sports - Baseball


Basketball See Sports - Basketball


Battlefords Health District See Health care - Public health inspectors, shortage, Battlefords Health District


Beaver dams See Water - Beaver dam management


Beef industry See Cattle industry


Bengough, Sask. See Business - Loss of, Bengough


Biggar, Sask. See Oil industry - Used oil recovery, Biggar recycling centre


Bills, private See Titles of specific Bills (Royal Assent denoted by *)

*No. 301. International Bible College Amdt. Act, 2001. Higgins

*No. 302. Our Lady of the Prairies Foundation Act, 2001. Addley

*No. 303. Providence Hospital, Moose Jaw Repeal Act. Higgins

*No. 304. Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Amdt. Act, 2001. Wartman

*No. 305. St. Anthony's Home Repeal Act. Higgins

*No. 306. St. Thomas More College Act, 2001. Addley


Bills, public See Titles of specific Bills (Royal Assent denoted by *)

*No. 1. Partnership Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 2. Securities Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 3. Historic Properties Foundations Act. Lorjι

*No. 4. Registered Nurses Amdt. Act, 2001. Nilson

*No. 5. Dietitians Act. Nilson

*No. 6. Planning and Development Amdt. Act, 2001. Osika

*No. 7. Superannuation (Supplementary Provisions) Amdt. Act, 2001. Cline

*No. 8. Provincial Emblems and Honours Amdt. Act, 2001. Lorjι.

*No. 9. Power Corporation Amdt. Act, 2001. Sonntag.

*No. 10. The Oil and Gas Conservation Amdt. Act, 2001. Sonntag

*No. 11. Freehold Oil and Gas Production Tax Amdt. Act, 2001. Sonntag

*No. 12. Water Corporation Amdt. Act, 2001. Osika

*No. 13. Class Actions Act. Axworthy

*No. 14. Provincial Auditor Amdt. Act, 2001. Cline

*No. 15. Credit Union Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 16. Film Employment Tax Credit Amdt. Act, 2001. Crofford

*No. 17. Professional Corporations Act. Axworthy

*No. 18. Appropriation Act, 2001 (No. 1). Cline

*No. 19. Land Titles Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 20. Land Surveys Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 22. Assessment Management Agency Amdt. Act, 2001. Osika

*No. 23. Rural Municipality Amdt. Act, 2001. Osika

*No. 24. Urban Municipality Amdt. Act, 2001. Osika

*No. 25. Northern Municipalities Amdt. Act, 2001. Osika

*No. 26. Hearing Aid Sales and Services Act, 2001. Nilson

*No. 27. Corporation Capital Tax Amdt. Act, 2001. Cline

*No. 28. Commercial Liens Act. Axworthy.

*No. 29. Student Assistance and Student Aid Fund Amdt. Act, 2001. Hagel.

*No. 30. Labour Standards Amdt. Act, 2001. Trew.

*No. 31. Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation Amdt. Act, 2001. Osika.

*No. 32. Queen's Bench Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy.

*No. 33. Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Amdt. Act, 2001. Lautermilch

*No. 34. Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amdt. Act, 2001. Lorjι

*No. 35. Public Trustee Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 36. Public Trustee Consequential Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 37. Statute Law Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 38. Statute Law Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 2). Axworthy

*No. 39. Occupational Health and Safety Amdt. Act, 2001. Trew

*No. 40. Teachers' Dental Plan Amdt. Act, 2001. Melenchuk

*No. 41. Teachers Superannuation and Disability Benefits Amdt. Act, 2001. Melenchuk

*No. 42. Mιtis Act. Lorjι

*No. 43. Police Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 44. Prairie and Forest Fires Amdt. Act, 2001. Belanger

*No. 45. Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation Amdt. Act, 2001. Crofford

*No. 46. Appropriation Act, 2001 (No. 2). Cline

*No. 47. Miscellaneous Statutes (Domestic Relations) Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 48. Miscellaneous Statutes (Domestic Relations) Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 2). Axworthy

*No. 49. Land Surveyors and Professional Surveyors Amdt. Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 50. Mineral Resources Amdt. Act, 2001. Sonntag

*No. 51. Income Tax Amdt. Act, 2001. Cline

*No. 52. Railway Amdt. Act, 2001. Atkinson

*No. 53. Highways and Transportation Amdt. Act, 2001. Atkinson

*No. 54. Education Amdt. Act, 2001. Melenchuk

*No. 55. Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal (Regulatory Reform) Act, 2001. Axworthy

*No. 56. Tobacco Control Act. Nilson

*No. 57. Political Contributions Tax Credit Act. Lautermilch

*No. 58. Highway Traffic Amdt. Act, 2001. Sonntag

*No. 59. Appropriation Act, 2001 (No. 3). Cline

No. 201. Saskatchewan Farm Security Amdt. Act, 2001. Bjornerud

*No. 202. Holocaust Memorial Day Act. Thomson

No. 203. Whistleblower Protection Act. Heppner

No. 204. Justice System Review Act. Heppner

No. 205. Sex Offender Registry Act. Julι

No. 207. Regulatory Reform Act. Wakefield

No. 208. Saskatchewan Property Rights Act. D'Autremont.

No. 209. Fire-fighter Protection from Liability Act. Wall

No. 210. Children's Law Amdt. Act, 2001. Toth

No. 211. Health Care Commissioner Act. Gantefoer

No. 212. Balanced Budget Act, 2001. Hermanson

No. 213. Recall of Members of the Legislative Assembly Act. Hermanson.

No. 214. Direct Sellers Amdt. Act, 2001. Wall

No. 215. Democratic Unionism Act. Weekes

No. 216. Crown Corporations Disclosure Act. Elhard

No. 217. Accountability of Subsidiaries of Subsidiary Crown Corporations Act. Wall

No. 220. Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Amdt. Act, 2001 (Votes of Confidence). McMorris

No. 221. Crown Corporations Amdt. Act, 2001. Brkich

No. 222. Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Amendment Act, 2001 (Set Election Dates). Huyghebaert

No. 224. Government Accountability Act. Krawetz

No. 225. Crown Corporations Amdt. Act, 2001 (Foreign Investments). Harpauer

No. 226. Trade Union Amdt. Act, 2001 (Freedom of Speech in the Workplace). Weekes

No. 227. Four-year Taxation Plan Act. Hermanson

No. 228. Election Amdt. Act, 2001 (Financial Disclosure). Heppner


Biosphere reserves See United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization - Biosphere reserves, Redberry Lake


Birch Hills, Sask. See Rail transportation/Railways - Carlton Trail Railways, OmniTRAX subsidiary, grain transport restored from Birch Hills


Birthdays, 100th See Centenarians



Heppner, Dillon, April 19, 2001, grandson, Rosthern member, Ben Heppner, member's statement

D'Autremont, 642

Osika-Schick, Colby Ron, July 4, 2001, grandson, Melville member, Ron Osika, member's statement

Osika, 2349


Bison industry, 249


Book publishers See Saskatchewan arts stabilization program - Funding



Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, by Dulu Wang, son and daughter-in-law residents in Swift Current, member's statement

Wall, 1568

Saskatchewan anthology for grade 12 students, 195

Saskatchewan Trivia Challenge by Robin and Arlene Karpan, Souvenir of the Year Award, 2000 Saskatchewan Tourism Award of Excellence, member's statement

Addley, 955


Bowling See Sports - Bowling



Molson Brewery, Regina, closure, May 9, 2001, member's statement

Heppner, 1015-16


Bribery See Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan - Investments, non-disclosure


Bridges See Highways and roads - Bridges


British Columbia

Election results, member's statement

Bjornerud, 1188-89

Osika, 1188


Brkich, Francis (Mrs.) See Centenarians - Brkich, Francis (Mrs.)


Broomball See Sports - Broomball



Balanced, 130 See also Balanced Budget Act, 2001 (No. 212)

Atkinson, 416

Melenchuk, 441

Eighth consecutive, 527

Belanger, 373

Calvert, 446

Cline, 278-79

Crofford, 291

Goulet, 299

Hamilton, 332, 339

Lorjι, 349

Yates, 312

Eighth consecutive, member's statement

Harper, 274

Balanced, fair

Thomson, 367

Balanced, responsible, sustainable

Crofford, 294

Balanced by drawing on reserves

Hillson, 405-6

Wakefield, 298

Direction, 2000 and 2001, 889-90

Good news budget, member's statement

Yates, 453

Investment strategies, highways and roads, education

Cline, 398-99

Positive effect on economy, member's statement

McCall, 425

Previous budgets, first, 1905, review

Hillson, 405

Sustainability, 2405-8

Hillson, 407

Wakefield, 298

Well received

Cline, 447-49


Budget (March 30, 2001)- See also Specific subjects

Debate, 264-71, 281-304, 305-19, 332-53, 363-87, 401-21, 432-50


2000-2001, supplementary, M. (Cline) to refer to committee, 264

2000-2001, supplementary, transmitted, 264

2001-2002, main M. (Cline) to refer to committee, 264

2001-2002, main transmitted, 264


Atkinson, 415-19

Bakken, 307-10

Belanger, 373-76

Bjornerud, 436-38

Brkich, 344-47

Calvert, 444-47

Cline, 447-50

Crofford, 291-96

D'Autremont, 351-53, 363-66

Draude, 315-18

Goulet, 299-304, 305-7

Hagel, 434-36

Hamilton, 318-19, 332-39

Hermanson, 441-44

Hillson, 405-8

Huyghebaert, 419-21, 432-33

Krawetz, 270-71, 281-86

Kwiatkowski, 376-79

Lorjι, 347-51

McMorris, 381-87, 401-2

Melenchuk, 438-41

Osika, 408-12

Sonntag, 402-5

Toth, 339-43, 366-70

Trew, 379-81

Wakefield, 296-98

Wall, 286-91

Weekes, 412-15

Yates, 310-15

M. (Cline) to resolve into Committee of Finance, 270; amdt. (Krawetz), 286

M. (Lautermilch ) to resume debate April 2, 2001

Lautermilch, 271


Buildings See Government building space


Business - See also Property tax - Business; Small business

Business Builder Awards, North Saskatoon Business Association, 2001, member's statement

Lorjι, 200

Government as regulator

D'Autremont, 364

McMorris, 387

Hardware, family, Wadena, closure, member's statement

Draude, 2254

International Road Dynamics Inc., technology company, large sale, member's statement

Jones, 1310

Junior Achievement of Northern Saskatchewan awards, 2001, Grassroots company, North Battleford, member's statement

Hillson, 324

Junior Achievement of Northern Saskatchewan awards, 2001, member's statement

Addley, 108

Weekes, 108

Loss of, Bengough

Bakken, 307

Loss of, Choiceland, 182

Loss of, effects

Bakken, 307


Rise 'N' Shine Cafe and Snypers Lounge, Canora, Nolan Kuruliak, owner, member's statement

Wartman, 425

New, expanded, nine, member's statement

Junor, 1805

New, opportunities creation, 247

News in Sask Business magazine, member's statement

McCall, 1189

North Battleford, progress, member's statement

Jones, 1980

Partnerships- See Partnership Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 1)

Partnerships with government

Thomson, 366-67

Samuel McLeod Awards, 2000, Prince Albert, member's statement

Lautermilch, 643

Saskatchewan Dream campaign, radio and television vignettes, member's statement

Thomson, 902

Saskatchewan Electronic Tax Service, member's statement

Addley, 1777

Swift Current Business Excellence awards, May 23, 2001, congratulations to winners, member's statement

Wall, 1396-97

Swift Current Business Excellence awards, May 23, 2001, member's statement

Yates, 1276


D'Autremont, 364

Osika, 769

Wakefield, 297

Taxation, cuts

Brkich, 346


Business-labour round table See Labour-business round table





Cable industry

Nexans Canada Inc. power cable plant, Weyburn, expansion project, grand opening, May 18, 2001, member's statement

McCall, 1243-44


CAIP See Agriculture - Canada Agri-Infrastructure Program (CAIP) in Saskatchewan


Cameron, Stan See Workers' Compensation Board - Retirement - Stan Cameron


Canada Agri-Infrastructure Program (CAIP) in Saskatchewan See Agriculture - Canada Agri-Infrastructre Program (CAIP) in Saskatchewan


Canada Book Day, April 23, 2001

Member's statement

Osika, 662


Canada Farm Income Program (CFIP), 215, 585

Brkich, 345

Cline, 266

Draude, 318

Yates, 312

Grain and oilseed, significance to Saskatchewan, 586

Payment on negative margins, 588


Boyd, 329

Serby, 329


Canada Health and Social Transfer (CHST) See Education, post-secondary - Funding, federal


Canada Millennium Foundation

Excellence Awards- See Scholarships - Canada Millennium Foundation


Canada-Saskatchewan Assistance Program II (C-SAP II)

Application process, praised, member's statement

Higgins, 1807

Payments, 589, 935

Payments, lower than Manitoba and Alberta, 935-37, 1503-4


Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Program, 1, 2058

North Battleford, water treatment assistance

Hillson, 1194

Osika, 1194


Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Works Program (1994-1998), 2058


Canada-Wide Science Fair See Students - Science fairs - Canada-Wide Science Fair


Canadian Armed Forces


Acceptance show for 2001 air show season, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 786

Deputy Crew Chief, ground crew, Master Corporal Mark Gegner, member's statement

Harpauer, 515


Canadian Blood Services

Saskatchewan participation, 2158


Canadian Cancer Society

Relay for Life fundraiser- See Cancer - Survivors - Relay for Life


Canadian Centre for Philanthropy

New Spirit of Community Partnership Award, SaskEnergy and United Way of Regina, recipients, member's statement, 395


Canadian Farm Income Program (CFIP) See Farm safety net


Canadian Geography Challenge See Great Canadian Geography Challenge


Canadian Light Source synchrotron project, Saskatoon See High technology


Canadian National Arabian Horse Show

Regina, August 20-25, 2001, member's statement

Wartman, 705


Canadian National Institute for the Blind

Vehicles, donated, Makwa Lions Club and Makwa River Lions Club, member's statement

Sonntag, 358


Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) See Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Levy to support costs in rural and remote areas


Canadian Western Agribition

President, election, Gary Anderson, Bethune, member's statement

Brkich, 641


Canadian Wheat Board

Organic grains, marketing barriers, 90


Canadian Wildlife Federation

Habitat 2000 projects, Canwood School, Canwood, and Marion McVeety School, Regina, recognition, member's statement

Nilson, 483


Cancer - See also Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Regina; Saskatchewan Cancer Agency

Breast cancer screening program, Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, 2156-58

Cobalt-60 beam therapy unit, inception 1951, national historic event, member's statement

Junor, 2313

Cops for Cancer, 2001, fundraiser, Nipawin RCMP detachment, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 1745

Month, designation, April, member's statement

Lorjι, 764


Relay for Life, Canadian Cancer Society fundraiser, Tristin Vincente, team captain, Bladworth, member's statement

Brkich, 323, 1601


Cancer Agency See Saskatchewan Cancer Agency


Canora, Sask. See Business - New - Rise 'N' Shine Cafe and Snypers Lounge, Canora


Care homes See Special care homes



Tax credits- See Income tax - Provincial tax credits, increases


Casinos - See also Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority


Associated Entities Fund- See Cultural industries - Associated Entities Fund

First Nations Fund, 2339-40

Accountability, 2339-40

Expenditure on economic and social development for Aboriginal people

Julι, 1637, 1665, 1693-94

Lorjι, 1637

Provincial audit, findings

Julι, 1636-37, 1664-65

Lorjι, 1637

Provincial audit, government actions

Lorjι, 1636, 1664-65, 1693-94

Repayment to Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, 753


Cattle industry, 248- See also Community pastures

Red Coat Feeders, Hazenmore, 119


CCP See Farmland - Conservation Cover Program (CCP)


Cellular telephones See Telephones - Cellular service



Brkich, Francis (Mrs.), 100th birthday congratulations, member's statement

Brkich, 1864-65

Kinne, Doris, 100th birthday congratulations, member's statement

Gantefoer, 1134


Centenary Capital Fund, 179- See also Gasoline - Orphaned underground tank sites, clean-up, Centenary Capital Fund; Parks - Urban, funding, Centenary Capital Fund

Osika, 360, 410

Distribution to projects, 1732-33

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2027-33

Cline, 2027-33

Krawetz, 2027-33

Internet connectivity, schools, funding, 536

Melenchuk, 440

Northern Saskatchewan

Goulet, 301


Accounting procedures, 2028

Choice and allocation, 2028-31

Choice and allocation, Municipal Affairs and Housing Department, 2030-31

Regional parks, 2033

Water and sewer infrastructure, northern Saskatchewan, 2031-32


Centennial 2005- See also Government House, Battleford

Crown corporation, establishment

Bakken, 664-65

Lorjι, 665


Centennial scholarship program

Sonntag, 405


Centennial summer student employment program, 3, 155, 192, 194, 217, 241, 527, 528, 1212-14

Calvert, 2396

Lorjι, 348

Accountability, 973

Allocation of jobs, 970

Health care workers, excluded in 2001, 1212-13

Member's statement

Prebble, 258

Renewal within public sector, 970

Selection of students for jobs, 972-73

Small business sector ignored, 970-71

Wage rates, 971-72


Century Family Farm Award, 133


CFIP See Farm safety net - Canada Farm Income Program


Chamber of Commerce, Regina

Paragon awards, 2001, member's statement

McMorris, 1099-1100


Chamber of Commerce, Saskatchewan See Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce


Chamber of Commerce, Saskatoon

SABEX (Saskatoon Achievement in Business Excellence) awards, 2001, member's statement

Wakefield, 1159


Change management

Agricultural, 2


Chaplin, Sask. See Pulses - Pulse processing plant, Chaplin


Charles, Prince of Wales See Royal family - Prince of Wales


CHEP (Child hunger and education program)

Good food box program, Saskatoon- See Children - Good food box program, Saskatoon


Child abuse See Abuse and Exploitation of Children through the Sex Trade Prevention Committee; Prostitution - Child prostitution


Child care

Child Care Week, May 27 - June 2, 2001, member's statement

Wartman, 1340

Family-based model

Crofford, 293


Child custody See Child protection - Custody, access, maintenance


Child Find Month See Children - Child Find Saskatchewan Green Ribbon of Hope campaign


Child hunger See Children - Hunger, reduction


Child hunger and education program (CHEP)

Good food box program, Saskatoon- See Children - Good food box program, Saskatoon


Child poverty, 91, 148

Alberta, 208

Reduction, 105, 128, 193, 212, 218, 241, 578

Crofford, 295

Reduction, member's statement

Wartman, 2095

Reduction, Report Card on Child Poverty, 3


Child prostitution See Prostitution - Child prostitution


Child protection

Case workers, numbers, increase

Thomson, 369

Custody, access, maintenance, 560-62, 1795-98

Inequities, family court system, 1795-96

Inequities, family court system, review, 1796-97


Child tax credit See Income - Child tax credit



Action Plan for Children

Hamilton, 335

Child Find Saskatchewan Green Ribbon of Hope campaign, 2001, member's statement

Julι, 838-39

Child welfare system, public consultation, ministerial statement (Van Mulligen)

Toth, 1812-13

Van Mulligen, 1812

Chili for Children, fundraising dinner, member's statement

Wartman, 1045

Early childhood development program, implementation, M. (Prebble)

Draude, 1009

Prebble, 1000-1004

Yates, 1004-9

Early childhood intervention program, funding, member's statement

Wartman, 1457

Early development programs, 3, 73, 93, 155, 210, 218, 1473, 1901, 2154-56 See also Health care - Fetal alcohol syndrome, early childhood development programs

Atkinson, 416

Cline, 267

Funding, 1825-27, 2287

Hamilton, 335

Trew, 380

Funding, 91, 126, 238, 1235

Cline, 266

Melenchuk, 439

Good food box program, Saskatoon, member's statement

Cline, 1865

Hunger, reduction

Cline, 267

Yates, 312

National Missing Children's Day, May 25, 2001, member's statement

Draude, 1309

Preschool, speech and language services, funding, petitions, 2224

Hillson, 2189

Sex trade, protection- See Prostitution - Child prostitution - Protection

Sexual abuse- See Prostitution - Child prostitution

Tobacco, possession, penalties

Bakken, 2066

Nilson, 2066

Tobacco use, education

Bakken, 2065-66

Melenchuk, 2066

Nilson, 2065

Tobacco use, protection, petitions, 452, 512, 542, 566, 594, 837, 1042, 1307, 1426, 1455, 1484, 1566, 2141

Addley, 479, 541, 566, 1394, 1425, 1453, 1511

Atkinson, 542

Hagel, 480, 566, 1908, 2092

Higgins, 480, 565, 1012

Julι, 423, 1273

Junor, 480, 541-42, 1454

McCall, 512, 783-84

Nilson, 479

Osika, 541

Prebble, 511

Van Mulligen, 479, 1394

Wartman, 511, 783, 1011, 1393, 1425-26

Yates, 512, 1395


Children's Law Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 210)

First reading

Toth, 574


Chronic wasting disease

Belanger, 398

Kwiatkowski, 397-98

Control measures, 1656-57, 2132-34

Belanger, 398

Kwiatkowski, 398

Control measures, elk, 2134-38


CHST (Canada Health and Social Transfer) See Education, post-secondary - Funding, federal


Churchbridge, Rural Municipality See Water - Drainage, ditches, Rural Municipality of Churchbridge, legal action, against


CIC See Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan



Status granted, Humboldt, November 7, 2000, member's statement

Julι, 257



Brian Hanson, honoured for community service, Davidson, member's statement

Brkich, 1663

Canadian citizenship, honourary, Nelson Mandela, denial, Rob Anders, Alberta MP, member's statement

McCall, 1662

Lakeland community, 2001 Citizens of the Year, Blake and Stella Jones, member's statement

Wiberg, 454


Civil service See Public service


Class Actions Act (No. 13)

First reading

Axworthy, 432

Second reading, 1881

Axworthy, 746

D'Autremont, 747

Heppner, 883-85

Wiberg, 963-65

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2168-69

Heppner, 2168-69

Third reading

Nilson, 2171

Royal Assent, 2250


Claybank, Sask. See Manufacturing industry - Claybank brick plant See Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Investments, poor,


Climate change, 243


Climate change/global warming See Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)


CNIB See Canadian National Institute for the Blind


Collective bargaining See Teachers - Collective bargaining process



International Bible College, Moose Jaw- See International Bible College Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 301)

St. Thomas More College, Saskatoon- See St. Thomas More College Act, 2001 (No. 306)


Colleges, regional See Regional colleges; Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology


Collins, Will See Police services - Saskatoon commercial crime section


Commercial Liens Act (No. 28)

First reading

Axworthy, 993

Second reading

Axworthy, 1088-89

Boyd, 1089

Elhard, 1816

Heppner, 1612-15

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 1995-96

Heppner, 1995-96

Third reading

Hagel, 1997

Royal Assent, 2001


Commission on Medicare, 4, 134, 155, 196, 218, 219, 2363-68- See also Health care; Health Care Committee; Hospitals; Specific health districts

Atkinson, 417

Brkich, 346

Calvert, 232

Hamilton, 336

McMorris, 382

Nilson, 204, 205

All-party participation, 2411

Commissioner of Medicare support staff to appear before Committee of the Whole, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 591

Commissioner of Medicare to appear before Committee of the Whole, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 521

Final report, examination of Mr. Ken Fyke, Commissioner

Bakken, 627-29

D'Autremont, 629-30

Fyke, 603-38

Gantefoer, 607-9, 612-14

Hart, 630-31

Hermanson, 620-22

Higgins, 604-7

Hillson, 615-17

Julι, 631, 635-37

Junor, 617-20, 633-34

Krawetz, 622-23, 626-27

Lautermilch, 637-38

Prebble, 623-26

Thomson, 609-12, 632-33

Hospitals, closure, effect

Draude, 643

Hospitals, closure, effect, northern Saskatchewan

Wiberg, 644

Hospitals, closure, remaining services available, Cypress Hills

Elhard, 643

Public meeting, discussion of report, Redvers, member's statement

D'Autremont, 764-65

Public policy, citizen participation for formation

Calvert, 602


Hire additional managers

Hermanson, 516

Hospital bed closures

Hermanson, 516

Hospital closures

Bakken, 520

Gantefoer, 518, 546

Hermanson, 516

Physicians/Doctors, salaried

Gantefoer, 519

Process for dealing with

Calvert, 516, 517

Gantefoer, 545, 1983

Hermanson, 516

Hillson, 549

Lautermilch, 1984

Nilson, 520, 1983

Serby, 546, 547, 549

Process for dealing with, all-party committee

Lautermilch, 643-44

Process for dealing with, all-party committee, mandate

Gantefoer, 644

Lautermilch, 644-45

Public consultation

Calvert, 516-18

Serby, 545-47, 549

Reduce services

Gantefoer, 517

Recommendations, review

Cline, 266

Recommendations, review, Health Department committees, 1479-80


Serby, 546

Toth, 341

Health care mismanagement

Bakken, 520

Health care system fragile

Gantefoer, 545


Hillson, 601-2

Sustainable system needed

Hillson, 549-50


Commission on the Future of Health Care in Canada

Commission Chair, Roy Romanow, congratulations

Hillson, 408


Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (Federal) See Agriculture and Agri-Food Committee (Federal)



Deputy Chair, Graham Addley, appointment, M. (Calvert)

Calvert, 255

Deputy Chair, Ron Harper, appointment, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 1051


Committees, all-party See Abuse and Exploitation of Children through the Sex Trade Prevention Committee; Tobacco Control Committee


Committees, continuing See Continuing Select Committee


Committees, special See Abuse and Exploitation of Children through the Sex Trade Prevention Committee; Nominating Committee; Regulations Committee; Rules and Procedures Committee


Committees, standing See Agriculture Committee; Communication Committee; Constitutional Affairs Committee; Crown Corporations Committee; Education Committee; Estimates Committee; Health Care Committee; Municipal Law Committee; Non-controversial Bills Committee; Private Members' Bills Committee; Privileges and Elections Committee; Public Accounts Committee; Regulations Committee


Communication Committee

Legislative Library, report, committee referral, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 16

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 235

Records retention and disposal, committee referral, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 16

Second report, 1908

Second report, M. (Jones) for concurrence

Jones, 1909


Communities, 148- See also Ambulance service

Applications for government grants, 1207

Economic capacity, building

Cline, 268

Infrastructure, 155

Macdowall, volunteers, Macdowall Housing Authority, recognition, member's statement

Wiberg, 1745-46

Melville and District Chamber of Commerce Annual Trade Fair and Melville Hospital Foundation fundraiser, member's statement

Osika, 514

Recreational facilities, energy costs- See Municipalities - Recreational facilities - Energy costs

Safe and secure, 551

Unity, Communities in Bloom competition, member's statement

Peters, 987


Community associations

Dieppe Community Association, Regina, celebration, International Year of the Volunteer, member's statement

Kasperski, 1745


Community pastures

Fees, 943

Management, 942-43

Meyronne, cattle deaths, 939-43


Community policing See Police services - Community policing


Community schools See Schools - Community schools


Community-based organizations

Funding, lack of

Weekes, 413-14

Program grants, Saskatoon, Associated Entities Fund, member's statement

Prebble, 1429

Rail City Industries, Melville, employee wage increase, petitions, 1242

Van Mulligen, 1217


CommunityNet, 194, 209, 536, 829, 1267, 1902-3, 2412

Cline, 268

Goulet, 302

Lorjι, 349

Melenchuk, 440

Yates, 313

Funding, 827, 1236

Member's statement,

Addley, 324

Official launch, ministerial statement (Crofford)

Crofford, 1283

Wall, 1283-84


Condolences - See also Tributes

Communication, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 658, 2261

Grant, Gordon Burton (former MLA), M. (Serby)

Krawetz, 650

Melenchuk, 650-51

Serby, 649-50

Thomson, 651

Kowalchuk, John Russell (former MLA), M. (Serby)

Krawetz, 655

Osika, 655-56

Prebble, 656

Serby, 654-55

Maher, Hugh James (former MLA), M. (Calvert)

Calvert, 2260-63

Hermanson, 2263

Semchuk, Martin (former MLA), M. (Serby)

Addley, 651-52

Krawetz, 649

Serby, 648-49

Valleau, Delmar Storey (former MLA), M. (Serby)

Krawetz, 653

Serby, 652-53

Wartman, 653-54


Confidence, government

D'Autremont, 2199-2220

Hermanson, 2198-99


Conservation Cover Program (CCP) See Farmland - Conservation Cover Program (CCP)


Constituency Boundaries Act

Census, Boundary Commission, 2377-79, 2403-5


Constitutional Affairs Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (D'Autremont )

D'Autremont, 15

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 235, 1051


Consumers' Co-operative Refinery See Co-operatives


Continuing Select Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 236, 1051



Cattle co-operative feeder issue, Spy Hill-Rocanville area, 937-38

Consumers' Co-operative Refinery, member's statement

Harper, 81

Development, 526, 1299-1300

Hog producers, new generation co-operative, Leroy, member's statement

Wartman, 839

Melfort Co-op, record sales, member's statement

Yates, 663

Pioneer Co-op, Swift Current, record sales and renovations, member's statement

Yates, 903

Shaunavon Co-op Association, record sales, 2000, member's statement

Higgins, 738

Spiritwood and District Co-op, record-breaking year in 2000, member's statement

Jones, 1101


Corporate tax See Business - Taxation


Corporation Capital Tax Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 27)

First reading

Cline, 993

Second reading

Cline, 1087

Krawetz, 1815-16

Wiberg, 1087

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Cline, 2023-24

Krawetz, 2023-24

Third reading

Cline, 2027

Royal Assent, 2249


Correctional centres

Regina Provincial Correctional Centre

Employees, additional

Thomson, 368-69

Security, increased

Crofford, 293



Addiction programs, 552

Anger management programs, 552

Case management, comprehensive, 552

Conditional sentences, 552


Court of Queen's Bench See Queen's Bench Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 32)


Cover Program See Farmland - Conservation Cover Program (CCP)


Craik, Sask. See Rural communities - Craik, economic viability, future; Sports - Golf - Craik golf course fundraising


Craik Regional Park See Dugout houses


Credit rating See Government - Credit rating


Credit Union Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 15)

First reading

Axworthy, 488

Second reading

Axworthy, 1023

D'Autremont, 1023-24

Eagles, 1815

Heppner, 1646-48

Toth, 1257-59

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2086-87

Heppner, 2086-87

Third reading

Axworthy, 2089

Royal Assent, 2249


Credit unions- See also Credit Union Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 15)

Canora Credit Union, sod-turning ceremony, May 7, 2001, member's statement

Kasperski, 1160

Shaunavon, banner year 2000, member's statement

Higgins, 986

Shellbrook Credit Union, record equity payments, member's statement

Yates, 1131-32


Crime - See also Correctional centres; Police services; Young offenders

Police officers, liability, 557


Crop insurance, 102-3, 586, 2398-2401- See also Farm safety net


Crown Capital Partners Inc. See Saskatchewan Government Growth Fund - Crown Capital Partners Inc.


Crown corporations, 149- See also Accountability of Subsidiaries of Subsidiary Crown Corporations Act (No. 217); Crown Corporations Amdt. Act, 2001 (Foreign Investments) (No. 225); Crown Corporations Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 221); Crown Corporations Disclosure Act (No. 216); Names of specific Crown corporations

Accountability, 59, 2410

Hermanson, 873

Competition with private sector

Hermanson, 1222-23

Contribution to economy

Calvert, 873

Sonntag, 404-5

Debt, 285, 2285

Debt, increase

Cline, 486

Hillson, 408

Krawetz, 485-86

Wakefield, 298

Hurting small business

Wall, 876

Investment, due diligence guidelines

Gantefoer, 933

Sonntag, 933-34

Investment, due diligence guidelines, ignored

Gantefoer, 934


Sonntag, 646-48, 666-68, 906-7

Investments, effect on retention of youth

Hillson, 1314-15

Investments, non-Saskatchewan

Hillson, 406-7

Sonntag, 1315

Investments, non-Saskatchewan, Liberal support

Lautermilch, 1916

McMorris, 1915-16

Sonntag, 1915

Investments, private business, Liberal support

McMorris, 1915

Sonntag, 1915


Hermanson, 872

National recognition, Conference Board of Canada

Sonntag, 404


Calvert, 1222

Ownership, member's statement

Thomson, 50


Goulet, 306


Calvert, 1223

Salary increases, managers

Wall, 485


Crown Corporations Amdt. Act, 2001 (Foreign Investments) (No. 225)

First reading

Harpauer, 2319


Crown Corporations Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 221)

First reading

Brkich, 744


Crown Corporations Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (D'Autremont )

D'Autremont, 16

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 235, 1051


Crown Corporations Disclosure Act (No. 216)

First reading

Elhard, 845


Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan

Business plans, concerns

Axworthy, 873

Hermanson, 873

Business plans, due diligence

Sonntag, 907

Wall, 907

Dividends, use of

Cline, 597-98

Wall, 597-98

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2403

Former minister, Janice MacKinnon, resignation

Calvert, 904-5

Hermanson, 903-5

Investments, non-disclosure in exchange for world trip

D'Autremont, 992

Hermanson, 840-41

Lautermilch, 992

Investments, non-disclosure in exchange for world trip, allegations by member

D'Autremont, 994-96

Heppner, 996-97

Lautermilch, 997-1000

Non-Saskatchewan investment, 222

Hillson, 87-88, 233-34, 398

Sonntag, 87-88, 233-34, 398


Crown land

Leases, sales, 1951-52


CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission) See Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Levy to support costs in rural and remote areas


C-SAP II See Canada-Saskatchewan Assistance Program II


CSIP See Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Program


Cultural industries, 4

Associated Entities Fund, use of for cultural facilities grant program, 1205

Contributions, economic, 210

Cultural facilities grants program, criteria for grant application, 1205-7, 1210-11

Cultural facilities grants program, successful applicants, 1209-10

Government training and marketing, 968


Cultural tourism See Tourism - Cultural


Culture, 4


Culture, Youth and Recreation Department, 3, 4, 126

Cultural facilities grants program- See Cultural industries - Cultural facilities grants program

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 967-74, 1205-15, 2342-44

Crofford, 967-74, 1205-15, 2342-44

Hart, 1207-9, 1212-15

Huyghebaert, 967-74, 1210-11, 1212, 2342-44

Julι, 1205-7, 1209-10, 1211-12

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2344

Financial assistance to culture and recreation, 973-74

Mandate, 967-68, 969

Mandate, youth, 1211-12

Staff, administrative, 969


Cumberland Gallery, Saskatchewan Legislative Building, Regina

Scyther Caf-, exhibit by Regina Early Learning Centre, member's statement

Crofford, 1133


Cupar, Sask. See Sports - Hockey - Shore Recreational Park, Cupar


Curling See Sports - Curling


Custody, child See Child protection - Custody, access, maintenance


CWSF See Students - Science fairs - Canada-Wide Science Fair






Dairy industry, 248


Dams See Avonlea dam; Meridian dam project


Dams, beaver See Water - Beaver dam management


D.A.R.E. (Drug Abuse Resistance Education) See Schools - Programs - Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.)


Deafness See Hearing Aid Sales and Services Act, 2001


Debt, public See Government expenditures


Debt reduction See Government - Financial management


Debt Reduction Surtax See Taxation - Reform


Deer See Chronic wasting disease


Deer Valley Golf and Estates See Sports - Golf - Deer Valley Golf and Estates


Democratic Unionism Act (No. 215)

First reading

Weekes, 520


Department of ... See under subject term, e.g., Health Department


Diabetes See Health care - Diabetes


Diamond mining

Fort - la Corne project, 1391


Dietitians Act (No. 5)

First reading

Nilson, 207

Second reading

Bakken, 1931-32

Draude, 1121-22

Gantefoer, 1640-41

Nilson, 961

Weekes, 961-62

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Gantefoer, 2153

Nilson, 2153

Third reading

Nilson, 2153

Royal Assent, 2250


Direct Sellers Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 214)

First reading

Wall, 2319


Disabled and handicapped persons, 105

Employment program, 2335-37

Funding formula, special needs, 1268-70

Funding formula, transportation, 1270-71

National Access Awareness Week, May 27 - June 2, 2001, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 1339

Report, Saskatchewan's Disability Action Plan, ministerial statement (Van Mulligen)

Toth, 2232-33

Van Mulligen, 2232

Tax credits- See Income tax - Provincial tax credits, increases - Disabled and handicapped persons


Osika, 410

Handivan, Ituna, 178

Paratransit services, 2337

Special needs transit vehicle, Moose Jaw, member's statement

Higgins, 1276-77


Discrimination and racism

International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, March 21, 2001, member's statement

McCall, 8-9

Wiberg, 9

Justice system, 1998-99

Living in Harmony awards, 2001, Saskatoon Race Relations Committee, member's statement

Junor, 454

United Youth Peace Summit, Rainbow Youth Centre, Regina, April 19, 2001, member's statement

McCall, 642


Disenfranchised Widows Group, Saskatchewan See Workers' compensation - Survivor benefits, one-time tax free payment, old age security clawback


Distance learning See Education - Distance learning


Divisions (Recorded votes)

Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne, motion for consideration; amdt. (Hermanson), 224

Balanced Budget Act, 2001 (No. 212), Motion for 2R., 670

Budget (March 30, 2001) M. (Cline) to resolve into Committee of Finance; amdt. (Hermanson), 450

Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan, investments, non-disclosure in exchange for world trip, allegations by member, debate adjournment, M. (Lautermilch), 1000

Economic and Co-operative Development Department, estimates, main (2001-2002), 2187-88

Economic and Co-operative Development Department, estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2188

Employment development, commitment not attained, M. (Wakefield); amdt. (Yates), 1771

Farm income crisis, $1 billion federal aid, M. (Serby); amdt. (Boyd), 45

Finance Committee, estimates vote for Economic and Co-operative Development Department, June 26, 2001, not vote of non-confidence in coalition government, M. (Lautermilch), 2220

Health care, Commission on Medicare, final report, referral to Health Care Committee, M. (Lautermilch); amdt. (Gantefoer), 1384

Legislative Assembly

Move to Bill No. 203, Whistleblower Protection Act, M. (D'Autremont), 1465

Members of the Legislative Assembly, government employees, impartiality and co-operation in police investigations M. (Heppner); amdt. (Yates), 1410

Mιtis Act (No. 42)

Committee of the Whole Assembly M. (Lorjι), report Bill with amendments, 2333

2R. M. for amdt., 2017

Miscellaneous Statutes (Domestic Relations) Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 47)

Motion for Committee of the Whole Assembly, 1989-90


Divorce - See also Child protection - Custody, access, maintenance

Settlement and mediation, 562-63, 1798-1801


Doctors See Physicians/Doctors


Domestic relations See Miscellaneous Statutes (Domestic Relations) Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 47); Miscellaneous Statutes (Domestic Relations) Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 2) (No. 48)


Dorsey report on the Workers' Compensation Board See Workers' Compensation Board - Review 2000 of the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board


Dosenberger, Joe See Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority - Appointment and firing of Joe Dosenberger; Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority - Firing - Joe Dosenberger


Drama See Theatre


Drinking water See Water quality


Drop-in centres for women See Women - Drop-in centres


Drought, 162, 175

Contingency programs, agricultural, 159, 1954-57, 2296-97

Boyd, 2354

Serby, 2354-55

Emergency funds, 2298-99


Drug abuse See Alcohol and drug abuse


Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) See Schools - Programs - Drug Abuse Resistance Education


Drugs and pharmaceuticals

Saskatchewan Drug Plan, 2163

Saskatchewan Drug Plan, additions, 2001, member's statement

Junor, 765

Saskatchewan Drug Plan, Formulary, addition of estrogen, 2176


Ducan, Robert See Highways and roads - Highway No. 4 - Construction and maintenance, compliments, Robert Ducan, mayor of Val Marie


Dugout houses

Reconstruction, Craik Regional Park, Austin Eade, builder, member's statement

Brkich, 514-15


Dumont Technical Institute, 94


Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina Public Library, Regina

Rielisms exhibit, member's statement

Nilson, 1398






Early childhood development See Children - Early development programs


Early childhood development program See Children - Early childhood development program


Early Childhood Intervention Week

Member's statement

Prebble, 704


East Central Health District- See also Hospitals - Yorkton, pediatric unit, bed closures

Board of directors

Removal/replacement, 1126

Closures, concerns about Commission on Medicare report, 1127

Pediatrician, possible loss of, Yorkton- See Physicians/Doctors - Pediatrician, possible loss of, Yorkton

Yorkton area, administrators working on longer term plan

Nilson, 1490


Eastend, Sask. See Kinette clubs



Greetings, member's statement

Toth, 543

Wartman, 543


Ecological reserves See Representative areas network (RAN) program



ShopSPMC, 132


Economic and Co-operative Development Department

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 526-34, 824-33, 1297-1304, 2184-88, 2262-65, 2283-84

Lautermilch, 526-34, 824-33, 1297-1304, 2184-87, 2262

Wakefield, 526-33, 824-27, 829-33, 1297-1304, 2184-87

Wall, 533, 827-29

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2188, 2284

Facilitator for economic growth, 527

Mandate, goals, and principles, 526

Office in Ottawa, purpose, 2184

Programs, funding, 825-26

Provincial economic strategy, 1265, 1298-1302

Staff, increase in number, 824-25


Economic and Co-operative Development Department, Office of Northern Affairs See Northern Affairs Office


Economic development, 127

Krawetz, 286

Strategy- See Economic and Co-operative Development Department - Provincial economic strategy


Economic policy

D'Autremont, 352


Economy - See also Information economy

Conference Board of Canada, provincial outlook report, spring 2001, member's statement

Wartman, 1776

Confidence, 72-73, 105, 116, 133, 155

Calvert, 741-42, 2144-45

Lautermilch, 741, 1019

Low, general population

Hermanson, 741

Member's statement

Thomson, 2253

Regina, member's statement

Yates, 2197

Deregulated, market-driven

Sonntag, 571

Diversification, 104, 145, 526

Cline, 265, 266

Lautermilch, 570, 1692

Yates, 312

Forecast, government, 2001-2002

Cline, 1980-81

Krawetz, 1980-81

Forecast, Toronto Dominion Bank

Eagles, 2396

Hermanson, 2394

Globalization and technology, 2

Gross domestic product (GDP), growth, eight consecutive years

Lautermilch, 570

Gross domestic product (GDP), largest growth per capita in 1990s

Calvert, 429

Growth, 129, 145, 151, 158, 254

Cline, 265, 266

Lautermilch, 571

Thomson, 367

Forecast, Royal Bank of Canada

Calvert, 446

Forecasts, Royal Bank and Toronto Dominion Bank, member's statement

Addley, 393


Lautermilch, 395, 570

Industrial incentives, encourage

McMorris, 386

Lloydminster, 76-77, 527

Long term, 530

Natural resources revenue

Cline, 266

Regina, member's statement

Harper, 49

Revenue distribution, 254

Saskatoon, 17

Saskatoon, member's statement

Jones, 2226


Thomson, 366

Opportunities, 1

Cline, 265, 268

Opportunities, agricultural, 185

Partnership for Growth (1996)

Calvert, 1635

Partnership for Prosperity (2001), blueprint, 2, 73, 207, 210

Partnership for Prosperity (2001), strategic plan

Calvert, 1636, 1693, 1747, 2396, 2412

Lautermilch, 1667

Wall, 2354

Partnership for Prosperity (2001), strategic plan, ministerial statement (Lautermilch)

D'Autremont, 1638-39

Lautermilch, 1638

Performance, weakest in Canada, Globe and Mail report

Hermanson, 570

Influenced by agricultural crisis

Lautermilch, 570

Resource based, cyclical

Crofford, 293

Revitalization, 530

Rural- See Rural economy

Signals to attract development, 527, 1300-1303


Hermanson, 1693

McMorris, 2145

Stagnant, 181-82

Successes, member's statement

McCall, 2196

Yorkton, booming, healthy housing market, member's statement

Serby, 1664


Economy, Information See Information economy


Education, 131, 157, 220- See also Indians/First Nations - Education; Mιtis - Education; Property tax - Education tax; School divisions; Schools

Alternative programs, 241

Better, promotion of, 2

Changing, Role of the School Task Force, 240

Draude, 317

Melenchuk, 439

Changing, Role of the School Task Force, final report, member's statement

McCall, 228

Changing, Role of the School Task Force, final report, ministerial statement (Melenchuk)

Draude, 206

Melenchuk, 206

Changing, Role of the School Task Force, implementation, 2293

Conference, Breaking Down Barriers: Old Challenges, New Solutions, Meadow Lake, May 10, 2001, member's statement

Sonntag, 1100

Curriculum, mathematics, 251

Distance learning

Saskatchewan Communications Network, use in rural and northern colleges

Hagel, 436

Distance learning, via Internet, 105 See also CommunityNet

Enrolment, declining, 58

Funding, 186-87, 240, 2376-77

Atkinson, 416

Belanger, 374

Brkich, 346

Calvert, 447

Cline, 269, 449

Crofford, 291, 295

Draude, 316

Goulet, 302

Hagel, 435

Harpauer, 370

Hillson, 408

Krawetz, 281

Melenchuk, 2066-67

Osika, 280, 409

Sonntag, 403, 405

Yates, 313

60/40 split, 2291-92

Northern Saskatchewan

Goulet, 300


High school, member's statement

Draude, 2196

St. Gabriel School, Biggar, member's statement

Weekes, 2226

Investment, strategic

Cline, 268, 269

Opportunities through technology, 3


Urge government to carry through long-term plan for education as announced in budget, M. (McCall)

McCall, 1410-14

Wartman, 1414-24

Rural areas, 247

Shared services, funding

Melenchuk, 440

Transportation grant

Melenchuk, 440

SchoolPLUS: a Vision for Children and Youth

Expansion of pre-kindergarten program, funding, 1235

Hamilton, 335

Melenchuk, 439

Special education

Funding, 1235-36, 1238

Cline, 269

Melenchuk, 440

Yates, 314

Tax rebate program- See Farmland - Education tax - Rebate program

Teaching resources, Natalie Regier, Radville entrepreneur, member's statement

Bakken, 1015

Technological tools, investment, 269

World Catholic Education Day, May 24, 2001, member's statement

Draude, 1284-85

Melenchuk, 1284


Education, post-secondary, 157, 191- See also Education - Distance learning; Post-Secondary Education and Skills Training Department; Teachers - Bursaries, student; Universities

Fees, Alberta, 207


Hagel, 435


Hagel, 435

Federal, 691-92

Information technology

Hagel, 436


Thomson, 369-70


Choosing Saskatchewan, tax credit, 811

Convocation and graduation, congratulations, member's statement

Hart, 1276

Convocation and graduation, member's statement

Thomson, 1310

Increase numbers of, 192

Indians/First Nations, 807

Mobility, 811-12, 1709

Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology, remaining in Saskatchewan, member's statement

Higgins, 1745

Indians/First Nations, 687-89


Belanger, 374

Thomson, 366

Investment, strategic

Cline, 269

Northern health science access program, ministerial statement (Hagel)

Hagel, 1985

Hart, 1985

Quality assurance, via legislation, degrees, college reviews, 687


Cline, 269

Hagel, 435

Tax credits See also Income tax - Provincial tax credits, increases - Post-secondary education

Brkich, 346

Crofford, 294

Tuition fees, increase, 246, 2374-75

Weekes, 414

Virtual campus, Web-based, 689

Cline, 269

Hagel, 436


Education Amdt. Act (No. 54)

First reading

Melenchuk, 1607

Second reading

Draude, 1932

Krawetz, 1697-98

Melenchuk, 1696-97

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Draude, 2077-78

Melenchuk, 2077-78

Third reading

Melenchuk, 2079

Royal Assent, 2249


Education Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 235


Education Department

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 534-40, 1234-40, 1622-28, 1899-1905, 2291-96

Bakken, 538

Bjornerud, 537-38

Brkich, 1238-40

D'Autremont, 2294-95

Draude, 534-39, 1234-38, 1622-28, 1899-1904, 2291-94

Kwiatkowski, 537

Melenchuk, 534-40, 1234-40, 1622-28, 1899-1905, 2291-95

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2295

Staff, additional, 1900

Travel budget, 1904


Education tax See Farmland - Education tax


E-government See Internet - Government strategy, Government On-Line Fund


Election Amdt. Act, 2001 (Financial Disclosure) (No. 228)

First reading

Heppner, 1842


Elections - See also British Columbia

Calvert, 2413

Hermanson, 2411

Costs, member's statement

D'Autremont, 515


Calvert, 327

Hermanson, 327

Kwiatkowski, 378

Promises, Liberal

Draude, 1916-17


Electricity - See also Saskatchewan Power Corporation

Cogeneration, 150

Cogeneration, capacity, expansion, Cory and Muskeg Lake

Cline, 486

Generation, 119

Portable power plant, Kelliher, 189


Elevators See Grain - Elevators


Elk, 249- See also Chronic wasting disease


Elks of Canada See Sports - Curling - Provincial Elks and Royal Purple championships


Emblems See Provincial Emblems and Honours Amdt. Act, 2001


Emergency medical services See Ambulance service; Health care - Emergency services

Saskatchewan EMS Development Project, report, recommendation- See Ambulance service - Community-based


Emergency medical services workers

Pay rates, standardization

Hillson, 2232

Nilson, 2232


Emergency preparedness

Emergency Preparedness Week, May 7-13, 2001, member's statement

Addley, 1075


Emergency services- See also Ambulance service

Facility, new, Gull Lake, member's statement

Thomson, 228


Emergency vehicles See Vehicles, emergency


Employment, 1, 125- See also Youth - Employment

Agriculture, 208

Equity- See Women - Aboriginal - Employment equity

Growth, 147

Growth, March 2000 and March 2001

Lautermilch, 427

Growth, projection

Calvert, 1635-36

Hermanson, 1635-36

Loss, 151, 155, 176, 188, 211, 214, 222, 2408 See also Unemployment

Calvert, 10-12, 2393-94

D'Autremont, 352, 364

Eagles, 2395-97, 2397

Hermanson, 10, 277, 278, 427-28, 441, 1692, 2393-94

Hillson, 1668, 1748

McMorris, 387

Wakefield, 1666-67

Wall, 288

Weekes, 413

Loss, agricultural sector

Calvert, 428, 1746-47

Lautermilch, 1666, 1668, 1692, 1748

Numbers, by category, changes, 531

Numbers, increase, 122, 208, 218

Numbers, increase, member's statement

Jones, 258


Employment development, 129-30, 142, 144, 155, 179, 193, 222

Lautermilch, 1019

Aboriginal Employment Development Program

Funding, 752

IPSCO Saskatchewan, partner, member's statement

Wartman, 2349-50

North West Regional College, member's statement

Sonntag, 987

Commitment not attained, M. (Wakefield); amdt. (Yates), 1753-71

Hillson, 1755-58

Thomson, 1765-71

Wakefield, 1753-55

Yates, 1758-65

Government, youth, 176, 968, 969-70, 1214-15, 2343

Crofford, 295

Government projections, 529, 530

Government/private sector partnerships for youth, 968

Graduates, retention

Brkich, 346

Interprovincial Association on Native Employment, conference, May 30, 2001, member's statement

Goulet, 1428

Lack of

Bakken, 310

Hermanson, 427-28

Krawetz, 281, 285

Toth, 342-43

Wall, 287, 288

Small business

Krawetz, 285

Statistics, 55-56


Employment insurance See Women - Entrepreneurs - Employment Insurance, maternity leave benefits


Energy, 142

Alternative, recycled French fry oil, eco-bus, student promotion, member's statement

Crofford, 2064

Conservation, 243

Conservation and ethanol production, ministerial statement (Calvert)

Calvert, 1281-82

D'Autremont, 1282

Rate increases, 99, 119, 243

Rebates to consumers, petitions, 480, 566, 594, 640, 660, 702, 785, 837, 868, 900, 926, 952, 984, 1012, 1042, 1072, 1099, 1131, 1156, 1186, 1219, 1242, 1274, 1307, 1337, 1395, 1426, 1484, 1512, 1566, 1630, 1660, 1743, 1775, 1804, 1834, 1862, 2004, 2062, 2092, 2190, 2224, 2252, 2310, 2348, 2390

Allchurch, 566, 660, 702, 736, 762, 784, 868, 926, 984, 1042, 1072, 1156, 1743, 2141

Brkich, 542, 566, 593, 659, 702, 736, 762, 784, 836, 868, 900, 1012, 1041, 1072, 1098, 1156, 1186, 1218, 1242, 1274, 1395, 1454, 1511, 1685, 2141, 2190, 2224, 2252, 2309, 2348, 2390

Eagles, 639, 1305-6, 1741

Gantefoer, 423, 451, 565, 701, 735, 783, 835, 867, 983, 1011, 1029, 1335, 1393

Hermanson, 541, 565, 593, 659, 701, 735, 761, 783, 835, 925, 951, 1011, 1803

Huyghebaert, 2004, 2062, 2190, 2224

Peters, 736, 1218, 1242, 1274, 1307, 1395, 1454, 1484, 1511, 1598, 1630, 1685, 1743, 1774, 1804, 1834, 1977, 2062, 2190

Weekes, 1511, 2224, 2251, 2309, 2347, 2389

Renewable, development, 243


Energy and Mines Department

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 695-700, 1388-92, 2344

Sonntag, 695-700, 1388-92

Stewart, 695-700, 1389-92

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2344

Mandate, 696

Staff, increase in number

Sonntag, 403


Entrepreneurs, women See Women - Entrepreneurs



Government programs, young people, 2343-44

Publication, Don't Turn Out the Lights, Al Scholz, author, member's statement

Wartman, 325


Environment - See also High schools - Hudson Bay Composite High School; Schools - Lakeridge School, Saskatoon

Canadian Environment Week, June 3-9, 2001, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 1514

Cleanup, 243

Protection, 4

Protection and management

Cline, 267

Protection and management, budget highlights, member's statement

Prebble, 394


Environment and Resource Management Department

Additional staff, 910

Additional staff, distribution, 678-79

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 676-83, 908-19, 1650-57, 2132-40, 2402

Allchurch, 1650-57, 2132-34, 2136-39

Belanger, 676-83, 908-19, 1650-57, 2132-40

Bjornerud, 679-81

Draude, 914-16

Huyghebaert, 912-14, 918-19

Kwiatkowski, 676-78, 681-83, 908-12, 2132, 2134-36, 2139-40

Peters, 917-18

Toth, 916-17

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2402


Belanger, 374

Minister, resignation request

Heppner, 1080

Minister, resignation request denied

Calvert, 1080

Water quality

Testing, 915

Kwiatkowski, 1048

Testing, informing, regulating communities

Belanger, 1225-26

Kwiatkowski, 1225-26

Water quality issues, communication, 2357-61, 2362-63

Water quality issues, no common government database

Kwiatkowski, 1048

Water quality issues, role in, 908-19

Belanger, 1077, 1079

Heppner, 1077


Equalization payments/transfers, 892- See also Municipalities - Equalization payments


Esterhazy, Sask. See Hospitals - St. Anthony's, Esterhazy


Estevan, Sask. See Music - Estevan and District Music Festival



2000-2001, supplementary, M. (Cline) to refer to Committee of Finance, 264

2000-2001, supplementary, transmitted, 264

2001-2002, main, M. (Cline) to refer to Committee of Finance, 264

2001-2002, main, transmitted, 264


Estimates Committee

Legislative Assembly estimates, main and supplementary; Provincial Auditor, estimates; Chief Electoral Officer, estimates; Information and Privacy Commissioner, estimates; Ombudsman and Children's Advocate, estimates; Conflict of Interest Commissioner, estimates; Supplementary estimates, referral, M. (Hagel)

Hagel, 1095

Second report, M. (Harpauer) for concurrence

Harpauer, 1274


Ethanol production- See also Energy - Conservation and ethanol production, ministerial statement (Calvert)

Incentive program, five-year, government, 1507

International Fuel Ethanol Workshop and Trade Show, Minnesota, member's statement

Harpauer, 2142

Provincial study, 1505-6


Everest, Mount

Canadian achievement, second reaching of summit, David Rodney, member's statement

Serby, 1309


Executive Council

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2355-87, 2403-13

Boyd, 2384-87

Calvert, 2355-87, 2403-13

Eagles, 2379-84

Hermanson, 2355-76, 2405-13

Krawetz, 2377-79, 2403-5

Staff, increase, 2408

Staff positions, rationale, deputy minister to the Premier, cabinet secretary, 2409


Exports, 1

Growth, member's statement

Thomson, 704


Extended care centres See Special care homes






Fair, Milton See Tributes - Fair, Milton


Families, 210

Building independence programs, 148, 242 See also Labour force - Re-entrance

Father's Day, June 17, 2001, member's statement

Draude, 1837

Health care

Protection and improvement, 2

International Day of Families, May 15, 2001, member's statement

Eagles, 1133

Mothers, March of Dimes, member's statement

Lorjι, 1073-74



Cline, 202-3

Hermanson, 202

Violence, Women's Secretariat, policy initiatives, 975


Leave, paid, 1069


Family Service Regina

Annual general meeting and 70th anniversary luncheon, June 20, 2001, member's statement

Hamilton, 2064


Farm families

Difficult times, 179, 246

Government programs

Harpauer, 52-53

Serby, 52-53

Health and safety programs, ministerial statement (Trew)

Trew, 88

Weekes, 88


Farm fuel

Tax elimination, 179, 2287-88


Farm income- See also Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance program (AIDA); Canada-Saskatchewan Assistance Program II (C-SAP II); Farm safety net; Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA)

Crisis, 25-28, 123-24, 136, 155

Boyd, 51-52

Calvert, 51-52

Correspondence with Prime Minister

Boyd, 601, 645

Serby, 601, 645

Federal aid, 215, 221

Boyd, 548, 645-46

Serby, 548, 645-46

Provincial strategy for solicitation, 751

Serby, 548

Federal aid M. (Serby); amdt. (Boyd)

Boyd, 31-36

Harpauer, 36-38

Hart, 43-45

Hillson, 40-42

Osika, 38-40

Serby, 28-31

Sonntag, 42-43

Crisis, $1 billion federal aid, MLAs presenting case in Ottawa

Boyd, 13-15

Calvert, 13-15

Federal aid

Negotiations, plan

Boyd, 51-52

Calvert, 51-52

Programs, 943

Receipt of

Serby, 548

Funding support

Melenchuk, 440

Osika, 409

Rebate programs, 936


Farm income security crisis See Agriculture - Crisis


Farm land property tax rebate program See Farmland - Farm land property tax rebate


Farm Land Security Act See Farmland - Sales, out-of-province


Farm machinery industry

Dealers, Westby Tractor and Equipment, Watrous, award, John Deere Performance Excellence Dealership, member's statement

Harpauer, 229

Dealership, D R Sales & Service, Dysart, fire, member's statement

Hart, 1567-68

Expansion, Honey Bee Manufacturing Ltd., Frontier, member's statement

Elhard, 1159

Yates, 1101


Farm products See Value-added industries/products


Farm safety- See also Farm families - Health and safety programs

Children, ministerial statement (Trew)

Trew, 88

Weekes, 88

North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks, ministerial statement (Trew)

Trew, 88


Farm safety net, 101-3, 116, 153, 155, 162, 175, 214, 215, 222, 238, 247, 2401-2- See also Agricultural Income Disaster Assistance (AIDA); Canada Farm Income Program (CFIP); Crop insurance

Bakken, 307, 310

Boyd, 549, 2259-60

D'Autremont, 365

Draude, 318

Harpauer, 371

Melenchuk, 440

Serby, 2259-60

Weekes, 415

Farm Support Review Committee

Boyd, 329

Harpauer, 371

Serby, 329

Farm Support Review Committee, development, recommendations

Harpauer, 52-53

Serby, 52-54

Long-term, 2385-87

Boyd, 13, 2201

Calvert, 13, 2201

Harpauer, 52-53


Farm Safety Net Review Committee See Farm safety net - Farm Support Review Committee


Farm Support Review Committee See Farm safety net - Farm Support Review Committee

Recommendations- See Farm safety net


Farmers/Producers - See also Agriculture; Crop insurance; Farm safety net; Grain


Brkich, 345, 347

Costs, increasing

Brkich, 345

Remain in business, survey, The Western Producer, member's statement

Wartman, 568



Wakefield, 296



Conservation Cover Program (CCP), 2, 101, 118, 126, 152, 155-56, 175, 190, 215, 246, 2398

Bakken, 307

Boyd, 52

Cline, 267

Harpauer, 372

Melenchuk, 440

Serby, 52

Education tax, 1236

Rebate program, 179, 190

Melenchuk, 440

Farm land property tax rebate

Administration costs

Boyd, 601

Serby, 601

Ownership regulations

Boyd, 1984

Serby, 1984-85

Ownership regulations, restrictive, review, 1952-54

Sales, out-of-province, 938-39, 1268


Federal government

Equalization payments/transfers- See Equalization payments/transfers

Funding to provinces, 2338-39


Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations See Indians/First Nations - Justice system, relationship to Aboriginals; Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority - Gaming agreement, new, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations


Fencing See Sports - Fencing


Fetal alcohol effect See Health care - Fetal alcohol effect


Fetal alcohol syndrome See Health care - Fetal alcohol syndrome


Film Employment Tax Credit Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 16)

First reading

Crofford, 488

Second reading, 1881

Crofford, 797-98

Draude, 965-66

Elhard, 1260-62

Huyghebaert, 1707-9

McMorris, 798-99

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Crofford, 2121

Wakefield, 2121

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Film industry, 4- See also Film Employment Tax Credit Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 16)

Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon- See Books - Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon

Partners in Motion production company, awards, Yorkton Short Film and Video Festival, International Film Festival, Houston, Texas, member's statement

Wartman, 1568-69

Pioneer Priest, documentary on Constant Jean Baptiste Bourdel, Prud'homme, member's statement

Julι, 50

Servant of God: German Painter Berthold Imhoff, documentary, St. Walburg, member's statement

Sonntag, 169

Sound stage, Regina, 2342-43

Tax credit, 968, 973

Walt Disney characters, member's statement

Wall, 82

Worldfest International Film Festival, Houston, Texas, 2001, Partners in Motion, Regina production company, awards, member's statement

McCall, 1074

Yorkton Short Film and Video Festival, 54th, May 24-27, 2001, member's statement

Serby, 1309

Yorkton Short Film and Video Festival, 54th, May 24-27, 2001, Outstanding Cultural Event Award, Attractions Canada, member's statement

Serby, 1458


Finance Committee

Appointment, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 255

Budget (March 30, 2001) M. (Cline) to resolve into committee

Cline, 270

Budget (March 30, 2001) M. (Lautermilch ) to resume debate April 2, 2001

Lautermilch, 271


2000-2001, supplementary, M. (Cline) to refer to committee, 264

2000-2001, supplementary, transmitted, 264

2001-2002, main, M. (Cline) to refer to committee, 264

2001-2002, main, transmitted, 264

Estimates vote for Economic and Co-operative Development Department, June 26, 2001, member's statement

Wakefield, 2195-96

Estimates vote for Economic and Co-operative Development Department, June 26, 2001, not vote of non-confidence in coalition government, M. (Lautermilch), 2202-20

Crofford, 2216-19

D'Autremont, 2207-8

Hagel, 2208-11

Hermanson, 2211-16

Hillson, 2219-20

Lautermilch, 2202-5

Melenchuk, 2205-7


Finance Department

Deputy Minister of Finance, Dr. Paul Boothe, contract termination, 888-89

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 888-98, 1175-84, 2284-91

Cline, 888-98, 1175-84, 2284-91

D'Autremont, 2287-88

Krawetz, 888-98, 1175-80, 2284-87

Wakefield, 1180-84, 2288-90

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2290

Expenditure increase

Additional auditors, 1180

Auditing services, 1182

New income tax system, 1180

New payroll system for Government of Saskatchewan, 1180, 1182, 2284

General Revenue Fund, allocations approved by Legislative Assembly, 1178


Firearms Act (C-68)

Enforcement, 558

Opposition, 557

Provincial prosecution services unavailable for infringements, 558


Fire-fighter Protection from Liability Act (No. 209)

First reading

Wall, 2319


Firefighters - See also Fire-fighter Protection from Liability Act (No. 209); Forest fires; Workers' Compensation Board - Occupational diseases, firefighters, review

Volunteer Firefighters Association, training symposium, Balgonie, member's statement

Hamilton, 359


First Nations See Indians/First Nations


First Nations Fund See Casinos - Revenue - First Nations Fund


First Nations Party of Saskatchewan- See also Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Department - Aboriginal affairs - Minister, First Nations Party of Saskatchewan, candidate, derogatory remarks towards

Connections, Saskatchewan Party, allegation, 94-96


First Nations Winter Games See Sports - Winter Games


Fiscal Stabilization Fund, 2405

Cline, 449

D'Autremont, 364

Trew, 379-80

Wakefield, 298

Weekes, 415

Funding for highways, 948



Licences, reverse decision to raise fee, petitions, 1131


Fishing industry

Fish processing, northern Saskatchewan, 1040

Fish transportation subsidy, northern Saskatchewan, 1040



Southeast Saskatchewan, economic impact, member's statement

McMorris, 704-5


Food banks, 242- See also Children - Good food box program, Saskatoon; Regina Food Security Project (RFSP); Social assistance

Continuing need, 578

Life skills programs, 579

Melfort, construction of new building, member's statement

Gantefoer, 929


Foot-and-mouth disease

Guest ranches, communication on safeguards, 533

Preventive measures, ministerial statement (Serby)

Boyd, 331

Serby, 330-31


Football See Sports - Football


Foreign investment, 213


Forest Fire Contingency Fund

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2402


Forest fires- See also Prairie and Forest Fires Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 44)

2001 season, forecast, 678

Contingency fund, 676-77, 891

Legislation, 678


Crofford, 293

Numbers, increase, northerners

Thomson, 368

Firefighting, out-of-province, funding recovery, 678

Mobile fire suppression service

Belanger, 907-8

Hillson, 407, 907-8

Prevention and preparedness, funding, 678

Rapid response strategy

Thomson, 368

Use of timber, Tobin Lake area, 2139


Forest fringe land

Definition, location, 1651-52

Ownership, administration, 1652

Tax assessment for cattle grazing, 1295-96, 1652-55, 1729-32

Use, 1652


Forest industry, 146

Closure, Ainsworth Lumber

Lautermilch, 206, 396-97

Wiberg, 205, 396-97

Development plan, northern Saskatchewan

Allchurch, 205

Lautermilch, 205

Employment development, 176

Expansion/strategy, northern communities, 2, 115, 124, 152, 186-88, 1855-56

Forestry Sector Memorandum of Understanding, member's statement

Goulet, 2007

Investor confidence

Lautermilch, 399

Wiberg, 399

Lumber mill development, Penn-Chitek Lake area, 2139

NorSask lumber mill, Meadow Lake Tribal Council, owners, most productive lumber operations in North America, member's statement

Sonntag, 1514

Oriented strand board mill, OSB 2000, Hudson Bay, grand opening, June 29, 2001, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 2253

Partnerships, 92-93, 152-53

Protection and monitoring

Belanger, 374

Softwood lumber, stop proposed American trade sanctions, M. (Higgins); amdt. (Wakefield)

Allchurch, 862-64

Harper, 859-61

Higgins, 857-59

Hillson, 864-65

Wakefield, 861-62

Wartman, 865

Softwood lumber agreement, US-Canada, 152

Sustainable development, 243-44

Wapawekka Lumber, financing, 1853-54

Weyerhaeuser Saskatchewan, ISO 14001 certification, environmental impact standards, member's statement

Addley, 1397

Weyerhaeuser Saskatchewan, 20-year plan, forest cutting, Whelan Bay area, 1650-51


Forestry See Forest industry


Foster care- See also School divisions - Funding - Foster care children, difficulties


Complaints, investigation procedures, 923-24, 1830-31

Public consultation, 1823-25

Removal from, 922-24

Parents, financial assistance/compensation, 2337-38


Four-year Taxation Plan Act (No. 227)

First reading

Hermanson, 2319



F-te fransaskoise, 22nd, August 3-5, 2001, Willow Bunch, member's statement

Kasperski, 2350


Fransaskois See Francophones - F-te fransaskoise


Free-fall laboratory

Proposed, member's statement

Heppner, 275


Freehold Oil and Gas Production Tax Amdt. Act (No. 11)

First reading

Sonntag, 401

Second reading, 1881

D'Autremont, 1027-29

McMorris, 670

Sonntag, 669-70

Stewart, 879-80

Wakefield, 670-71

Weekes, 1814

Committee of the Whole Assembly

D'Autremont, 2112

Sonntag, 2111-13

Stewart, 2111-13

Third reading

Nilson, 2130

Royal Assent, 2249


French language- See also School divisions - Funding - French language

D'Autremont, 5

Lorjι, 5


Frontier, Sask. See Farm machinery industry - Expansion, Honey Bee Manufacturing Ltd.


FSF See Fiscal Stabilization Fund


Fuel See Farm fuel; Gasoline


Fueling Change conference See Value-added industries/products, conference, Weyburn, member's statement


Fyke Commission See Commission on Medicare






Gabriel Dumont College, 94


Gabriel Dumont Institute of Mιtis Studies and Applied Research, 94


Gabriel Springs Health District, 2167-68


Gambling, 2379-84

Problem gamblers, 2380-83

Problem gambling prevalence survey

Osika, 409

Revenue-sharing partnerships

Calvert, 263

Social impact study

Calvert, 262-63

Eagles, 262


Gambling industry


Calvert, 1870

Hermanson, 1870


Gaming See Gambling


Gareau, Aurele See Woodcarving - Aurele Gareau


Gas industry See Natural gas


Gasoline - See also Farm fuel

Orphaned underground tank sites, clean-up, Centenary Capital Fund, member's statement

Prebble, 2142

Prices, increase

D'Autremont, 365


Brkich, 344

McMorris, 385

Wakefield, 297

Tax, for use on highways and roads

Hamilton, 335

Toth, 340

Tax, none for on-reserve Indians/First Nations, 2289


GDP (Gross domestic product) See Economy - Gross domestic product (GDP)


Geography Challenge, 2001 See Great Canadian Geography Challenge, 2001


Geoscience program

Funding, 698, 1391

Cline, 266


Global Kiosk Systems See Tourism - Information, interactive, Global Kiosk Systems


Global warming See Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)


Golf See Sports - Golf


Good food box program, Saskatoon See Children - Good food box program, Saskatoon



Population explosion, eradication, rural areas, 1948-49

Peters, 1841-42

Serby, 1842



Accountability, 4, 59, 75, 2410, 2411 See also Government Accountability Act (No. 224)

Accountability, ministerial, 2410

Accountability, questioned, member's statement

Wiberg, 325

Coalition, accomplishments

Calvert, 1917

Credit rating, 193


Cline, 278-79


D'Autremont, 364

Kwiatkowski, 377

Energy management program

Cline, 267

Expenditure increase

Use of savings, 1182-84

Financial management, 4, 75, 158, 193, 220, 1264-65

Cline, 266, 268

Lorjι, 349

Thomson, 366

Fiscal foundation, solid

Calvert, 260

Fiscal responsibility

Cline, 265

Hamilton, 332

Yates, 312

Fiscal restraint, lack of

Kwiatkowski, 377-78


Belanger, 375

Information technology, co-ordination, 2285

Non-confidence, issues

Hermanson, 1746-47

Officials, authorization for out-of-province travel

Lautermilch, 841

Personnel- See Public service

Public consultation, 1

Regulatory reform, 237-38

Responsible, effective, 155

Revenue sources from federal government, 1179-80

Services, 4

Calvert, 261

Cline, 265

Size, 271

Krawetz, 261

Values, co-operation, partnership

Hamilton, 332


Calvert, 13

Hamilton, 337

Hermanson, 13


Government Accountability Act (No. 224)

First reading

Krawetz, 2355


Government building space

Agriculture Dept., relocation, North Battleford, 1385

E.I. Wood Building, Swift Current, 1388

Leased properties, 756, 758-60

Vacancies, 756, 1384

Liquor board store, Battlefords, 222


Government debt See Government expenditures - Debt


Government expenditures

Debt, 2285-87, 2289-90

Cline, 572

D'Autremont, 352

Hillson, 398

Krawetz, 487

Toth, 341

Increase, 528

Reduction, 193

Thomson, 367, 369

Servicing, 893-94

Liabilities, current, 898


Government House

Activities, 1032-33

Funding, 1032-33

Gift, Yamaha grand piano, Dr. Morris and Jacqui Shumiatcher, member's statement

McCall, 2225-26

Revitalization, 1033


Government House, Battleford

Preservation, refurbishment, Centennial 2005, 211, 221

Restoration, centenary project, petitions, 1630, 1686, 1804, 1862, 1908, 1978, 2092, 2190

Hillson, 1659, 1774, 1833, 1861, 2061, 2141

Peters, 1861, 1908

Restoration initiative, member's statement

Hillson, 1427


Government motions See Motions, Government


Government on-line See Internet - Government strategy, Government On-Line Fund


Government revenue


McMorris, 383-84


Governor General's Medal of Bravery See Honours and awards




Closure, 2

Closure, Rosthern, resulting stress on highways, member's statement

Heppner, 514

Southwest Saskatchewan, two, new ownership, member's statement

Elhard, 2006

North East Terminal, member's statement

Draude, 426

Price subsidies, United States/European Economic Union, 22-23, 1266

Prices, 77

South West Terminal, member's statement

Elhard, 1776

Weyburn Inland Terminal (Firm), member's statement

Bakken, 569-70


Grants in lieu of taxes See Municipalities - Grants in lieu of taxes; Property tax - Grants in lieu of taxes


Grazing, forest fringe land See Forest fringe land - Tax assessment for cattle grazing


Great Canadian Geography Challenge, 2001

Toby Henneberg, Saskatchewan representative, Estevan Junior High, member's statement

Eagles, 928


Green Ribbon awards See Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations - Green Ribbon awards


Greenhouse gas emissions (climate change/global warming)

Monitoring, Weyburn, member's statement

Wartman, 110

Reduction, program

Cline, 267

Thomson, 367


Greenhouse Gas Technology Centre, Regina, 149


Greenhouses See Labour Standards Act - Greenhouse proprietors and employees, needs, petitions


GRIP See Gross revenue insurance program


Gross domestic product (GDP) See Economy - Gross domestic product (GDP)


Gross revenue insurance program (GRIP)

Bakken, 307

Harpauer, 371

Weekes, 414-15


Gruending, Dennis See Public service - Numbers, increase - Speech writer for Premier, Dennis Gruending


Guest houses

Atelier Manor, Maryfield, art gallery and guest house, official opening, June 9, 2001, member's statement

Toth, 1744


Guest ranches See Foot-and-mouth disease - Guest ranches


Gun control See Firearms Act (C-68)






Habitat for Humanity

Prince Albert Habitat for Humanity, government funding, member's statement

Lautermilch, 1514-15


Handicapped and disabled persons See Disabled and handicapped persons



Government, 1386-88


Hanson, Brian See Citizens - Brian Hanson


Health care, 73, 218, 1266, 2372-74- See also Alcohol and drug abuse - Treatment centre, Weyburn; Ambulance service; Cancer; Drugs and pharmaceuticals; Hospitals; Long-term care

Abortions, remove government funding, petitions, 785

Accessibility, 158

Alberta, annual premium, 207

ALS Week, June 17-23, 2001, member's statement

McCall, 1865


McMorris, 382

Bill of rights and responsibilities, 64-65

Gantefoer, 519

Centres See also below Facilities

Bengough- See Hospitals - Weyburn, Bengough Health Centre, Radville Marian Health Centre, Pangman Health Centre

Craik- See below Davidson and Craik, maintain at current level of service, petitions

Davidson, official opening, March 5, 2001, member's statement

Brkich, 200

Davidson and Craik, maintain at current level of service, petitions, 1395, 1630, 1686, 1775, 1804, 1862, 1908, 1978, 2004, 2062, 2092

Brkich, 1337, 1598, 1660, 1742, 1774, 1834, 1862, 1907, 1977, 2003, 2061

Kelvington, maintain at current level of service, petitions, 1862, 1978, 2062, 2092, 2141, 2224, 2252, 2390

Draude, 1833, 1907, 2003, 2061, 2091, 2189, 2223, 2347

Pangman- See Hospitals - Weyburn, Bengough Health Centre, Radville Marian Health Centre, Pangman Health Centre

Radville Marian- See Hospitals - Weyburn, Bengough Health Centre, Radville Marian Health Centre, Pangman Health Centre

Redvers, 1971-73

Redvers, maintain at current level of service, petitions, 785, 837, 868, 900, 926, 984, 1012, 1042, 1099, 1131, 1156, 1186, 1274, 1307, 1337, 1395, 1426, 1455, 1484, 1512, 1598, 1630, 1660, 1775, 2224, 2252, 2310, 2348, 2390

D'Autremont, 762, 783, 836, 868, 952, 984, 1012, 1098, 1130, 1155-56, 1241, 1273, 1306-7, 1336, 1394, 1425, 1454, 1483, 1565, 1597-98, 1629, 1742, 2189, 2224, 2251, 2309, 2347, 2389

McMorris, 783

Toth, 761, 783, 835, 899, 951, 1071


Gantefoer, 85

Nilson, 85

Unity Health Centre, Carrot River Health Facility, member's statement

Jones, 515

Wadena, maintain at current level of service, petitions, 1012, 1042, 1072, 1131, 1242, 1274, 1307, 1337, 1395, 1426, 1455, 1484, 1512, 1566, 1598, 1660, 1743, 1775

Draude, 983, 1011, 1041, 1097, 1217, 1241, 1273, 1305, 1335, 1393, 1425, 1483, 1511, 1565, 1629, 1685, 1741, 2309

Eagles, 1393, 1453, 1685

Commission on Medicare, final report, referral to Health Care Committee, M. (Lautermilch); amdt. (Gantefoer) See also Commission on Medicare

Allchurch, 1370-71

Bakken, 1321-24

Bjornerud, 1346-50

Boyd, 1330-34

Brkich, 1358-60

Draude, 1353-54

Eagles, 1329-30

Elhard, 1363-65

Gantefoer, 1319-21

Harpauer, 1326-29

Hart, 1351-53

Heppner, 1374-76

Hermanson, 1379-83

Huyghebaert, 1366-67, 1369

Julι, 1350-51

Junor, 1324-26

Kwiatkowski, 1356-58

Lautermilch, 1315-16

McMorris, 1371-74

Melenchuk, 1316-19

Stewart, 1369-70

Thomson, 1354-56

Toth, 1376-79

Wall, 1360-63

Weekes, 1345-46

Commissioner of Medicare support staff to appear before Committee of the Whole, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 591

Commissioner of Medicare to appear before Committee of the Whole, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 521

Deterioration, 98-99, 175, 245, 2410, 2411

Bakken, 308, 310

D'Autremont, 365

Gantefoer, 547

Hermanson, 442

Swift Current, 136-38


Northern communities, 184

Rural communities, 119


Goulet, 301

Fundraising, Lions Cavalcade for Diabetes, Craik, member's statement

Brkich, 2197

Emergency services, 219

Brkich, 347

First responders, Piapot First Nations and Sandy Bay, member's statement

Goulet, 168

Patient waiting times, 2368-70

Heppner, 1460-61

Nilson, 1460-61

Rural telephone support, 68

Emergency services workers- See Emergency medical services workers

Facilities See also Hospitals; Special care homes


Krawetz, 281

Closure, pending Commission on Medicare report

Hillson, 233

Nilson, 233

Equipment replacement, 63

Funding, Moosomin, 1974-76

Fetal alcohol effect

Justice system, youth, 1999-2000

Fetal alcohol syndrome, 3, 100, 210, 219

Draude, 316

Goulet, 301

Fetal alcohol syndrome, early childhood development programs, 1903-4

Fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effect, prevention and elimination M. (Draude)

Draude, 1919-21

Julι, 1928-29

Junor, 1922-23

Prebble, 1924-25

Toth, 1925-26

Wartman, 1926-28

Funding, 122, 2412 See also Health Transition Fund

Draude, 317

Goulet, 301

Harpauer, 370

Hillson, 549

Krawetz, 281-82

Toth, 341-42

Rural communities

Toth, 342

Funding, increase See also Ambulance service - Air ambulance; Saskatchewan Cancer Agency

Atkinson, 417

Belanger, 374

Calvert, 446

Cline, 266

Crofford, 292, 295

Melenchuk, 440

Sonntag, 403

Yates, 312

Gratitude to all affected citizens, for coping and work done during strike, member's statement

Gantefoer, 1835-36

Health Care Commissioner- See Health Care Commissioner Act (No. 211)

Hemochromatosis Awareness Week, May 25 - 31, 2001, member's statement

Junor, 1429

Immunization, 2159-60

Improved system, co-operative endeavour

Calvert, 2317

Nilson, 599

Laboratory system, provincial, 2158-59

Macular degeneration, Visudyne treatment, approved, member's statement

Junor, 481-82

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), 179

Advertising, Edmonton MRI, member's statement

D'Autremont, 2006-7

Waiting lists, 158, 189


Hermanson, 2315-16


Calvert, 232

Northern Saskatchewan, improvements, 93

Open-heart surgery, fundraising for Clark Anderson, Swift Current, member's statement, 1075

Patient services, 247

Patients, critical, out-of-province surgery

Hillson, 1811-12

Nilson, 1811-12

Primary health care sites, 219

Providers- See Health care workers

Provincial programs, miscellaneous, 2161-64

Public health inspectors, shortage, Battlefords Health District

Bakken, 2008-9

Nilson, 2008-9

Reform/renewal- See Health care reform/renewal

Research funding, provincial, 2159

Rural services, 1964-65

Saskatoon, ranking, annual health report, Maclean's magazine, member's statement

Lorjι, 1568

Services, no reduction, Shellbrook-Spiritwood constituency, petitions, 984, 1395, 1455, 1598, 1630, 1686, 1743, 1804, 1834, 2092, 2310, 2348

Allchurch, 952, 1337, 1426, 1566, 1598, 1660, 1686, 1774, 1804, 2062, 2252, 2310

Spinal cord injuries, research, member's statement

Addley, 276

Standing Committee on Health Care, appoint and empower, M. (Nilson)

D'Autremont, 1173-75

Gantefoer, 1169-72

Hillson, 1172-73

Melenchuk, 1167-69

Nilson, 1166-67

Standing Committee on Health Care, appointment of members, M. (Lautermilch)

D'Autremont, 1253-54

Lautermilch, 1251-52

Melenchuk, 1252-53

Structure, for benefit of citizens

Gantefoer, 518


Protection and improvement, 2


Health Care Commissioner Act (No. 211)

First reading

Gantefoer, 2319


Health Care Committee- See also Health care - Standing Committee on Health Care, appoint and empower; Health care - Standing Committee on Health Care, appointment of members

Public meetings, member's statement

Hillson, 2007

Report, first, M. (Junor) for concurrence

Junor, 1566

Request for participation

Nilson, 1490-91

Use of Legislative Chamber to facilitate televising and Internet streaming of its public hearings, M. (Junor)

Junor, 1573-74


Health care reform/renewal, 4, 63-64

Cline, 266

Serby, 545

Funding- See Health Transition Fund


Health care workers- See also Emergency medical services workers; Nurses; Physicians/Doctors; Psychiatric nurses; Speech therapists

Nilson, 171-72

Loss of, 183

Hermanson, 2315

Medical technologists, training, 1682-83


CUPE and Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations, 2412

Gantefoer, 1569

Nilson, 1569

Appointment of new conciliator or mediator

Nilson, 1690-91

Contract dispute, workload

Gantefoer, 1603

CUPE and Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations, mediation

Gantefoer, 1779-80

Nilson, 1779-80

CUPE and Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations, resumption with conciliator

Atkinson, 1602

Strike settlement, funding See also below Strike

Gantefoer, 1838

Nilson, 1838

Workplace issues

Gantefoer, 1838

Nilson, 1838-39

Number, increase

Gantefoer, 203

Nilson, 203

Numbers, 2364-65

Recruitment- See below Training, recruitment, and retention

Recruitment, difficult, Lanigan Hospital

Nilson, 664

Recruitment process

Nilson, 2315, 2318


Harpauer, 664

Julι, 2317-18

Shortages, Lanigan Hospital

Nilson, 664

Strike See also Health care - Gratitude to all affected citizens

Gantefoer, 1690-92

Ensure health and safety of patients

Nilson, 1690

Essential services delivery during mediation

Gantefoer, 1749

Nilson, 1749

Long-term care patients

Gantefoer, 1807-8

Nilson, 1808

Patients moved from long-term care facilities

Gantefoer, 1778-79

Patients sent out-of-province

Gantefoer, 1778

Nilson, 1778

Return to negotiations

Nilson, 1691-92

Surgery cancellation

Gantefoer, 1778, 1807

Nilson, 1778, 1807

Workplace issues

Gantefoer, 1808

Strike notice, delivery of health services

Atkinson, 1603

Gantefoer, 1569, 1602

Nilson, 1569

Training, recruitment, and retention, 63, 68-69, 196, 207, 219, 1677-80, 2301-2

Calvert, 2315

Nilson, 1490

Osika, 409

Sonntag, 405

Trew, 380


Atkinson, 1603


Health Department- See also Commission on Medicare - Recommendations, review, Health Department committees

Administrative structure and responsibilities, 1476-79

Budget, 2377-78

Bursary program, tuition in exchange for rural service, member's statement

Junor, 661

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 1122-27, 1476-81, 1677-84, 1957-76, 2154-68, 2402

Bakken, 1962-66

Bjornerud, 1126-27

D'Autremont, 1971-74

Gantefoer, 1122, 1476-81, 1677-83, 1957-62, 1966-71, 2154-60, 2161-64

Harper, 1122-26

Julι, 2164-68

Nilson, 1122-27, 1476-81, 1677-84, 1957-76, 2154-67

Toth, 1974-76

Wall, 1683-84, 2160-61

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2402-3

Provincial Nursing Council

Funding, projects, ministerial statement (Nilson)

Casual workforce issues

Gantefoer, 401

Nilson, 400

Magnet work environments

Gantefoer, 400

Nilson, 400

Mentor program, nursing students, clinical assignments

Gantefoer, 401

Nilson, 400

Role in water quality issues, 908-19

Round table committees, 1480


Health districts- See also Specific health districts

Budget allocations, 2001-2002

Bjornerud, 1491

Nilson, 1492

Deficits, 245

Equipment purchases

Hamilton, 336

Financial stress, 126

Funding, 1965-66

Osika, 409

Funding, capital

Crofford, 295

Reform, 65-67

Staffing statistics, tracking, 1122-23


Health Services Utilization and Research Commission

Planning for Saskatchewan's Future- See Population - Forecast


Health Transition Fund, 891-92

Krawetz, 281


Hearing Aid Sales and Services Act (No. 26)

First reading

Nilson, 992

Second reading

Gantefoer, 1930

Nilson, 1119

Weekes, 1119

Wiberg, 1641-42

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Gantefoer, 2149

Nilson, 2148-49

Third reading

Nilson, 2153

Royal Assent, 2250


Hearing impairment See Hearing Aid Sales and Services Act, 2001


Hemochromatosis See Health care - Hemochromatosis


Hemp, 153


Heppner, Dillon See Births - Heppner, Dillon, April 19, 2001


Heritage See Historic Properties Foundations Act (No. 3); Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 31)


High income surtax See Income tax - Surtaxes; Taxation - Reform


High schools

Hudson Bay Composite High School, Grade 7, recognition certificate for sturgeon project, Fish and Wildlife Branch, SERM, member's statement

Addley, 1632

Wesmore Community High School, winners, McKercher Cup mock trial competition, Canadian Bar Association, member's statement

Wiberg, 1428


High technology

Canadian Light Source synchrotron project, Saskatoon, 1, 17, 149, 184, 191-92

Lorjι, 348

Thomson, 370


Highway patrols See Police services - Highway patrols


Highway Traffic Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 58)

First reading

Sonntag, 2260

Second reading

Julι, 2265

Sonntag, 2265

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Julι, 2320-22

Sonntag, 2319-22

Third reading

Sonntag, 2333-34

Royal Assent, 2414


Highway Traffic Board, 2238


Highways and roads- See also Fiscal Stabilization Fund; Highway Traffic Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 58); Highways and Transportation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 53)

Alternate routes- See below Truck routes, alternate


Collapsed, liability, 1883

Construction, maintenance, planning, 1447-49, 1719-20

St. Louis bridge, 1722-23

Outlook bridge, 1728

Canada's worst highway contest, Canadian Taxpayers Federation, instigators, member's statement

Elhard, 1310-11

Construction and maintenance, 2, 57, 71, 73, 78, 97-98, 106, 127, 134, 155, 179, 1889-90 See also below Winter maintenance

Atkinson, 110-11

Belanger, 375

Calvert, 2395

Cline, 449

Elhard, 110-11

Hillson, 406

Toth, 340

Highway near Biggar, 1446

Member's statement

Harper, 1014, 1308-9

New projects, member's statement

Harper, 1806

Potholes, 2237-38

Twenty improvement projects, member's statement

Harper, 1458


Krawetz, 283

Deterioration, 141, 152, 185, 189, 1266

Election signs, placement, 1719

Funding, 2, 122, 133, 222, 780-81

Atkinson, 110-11, 417

Belanger, 374

Calvert, 446

Cline, 268

Crofford, 291

Draude, 317

Elhard, 110

Goulet, 302

Harpauer, 370

Hillson, 408

Krawetz, 281, 283

Melenchuk, 440

Osika, 280, 361, 408-9

Sonntag, 403

Toth, 339

Trew, 379

Yates, 313

Primary system, improvement, 2

Cline, 268

Yates, 313

Regional system, improvement, 2

Brkich, 345-46

Cline, 268

Huyghebaert, 432

Upgrading, resurfacing, twinning

Atkinson, 399

Osika, 409

Funding by government, petitions, 1099, 1131, 1219, 1242, 1337, 1426, 1455, 1484, 1512, 1834, 2252, 2310, 2348

Harper, 1071, 1097, 1185, 1217, 1305, 1393, 1425, 1453-54, 1483-84, 1659, 1803, 2223, 2251

Funding by rural municipalities, 186

Funding in partnership with rural municipalities, 1721-22

Cline, 269

Toth, 340

Prairie Grain Roads Program, 1443-44, 1721

Cline, 269

Gravel, reverting to

Bakken, 309

Elhard, 111

Hillson, 399, 406

Gravel, reverting to, petitions, 167, 273, 321, 356, 390, 542, 837, 926, 1042, 1099

Stewart, 107, 167, 273, 321, 355, 511, 701, 735, 899, 925, 983, 1011, 1071, 2389

Weekes, 784

Gravel surface, 189

D'Autremont, 365

Highway No. 1

Twinning, 2, 57, 98, 143, 159-61, 174

Atkinson, 417-18

Thomson, 368

Trew, 379

Twinning, funding

Cline, 268

Melenchuk, 440

Osika, 361

Toth, 339

Yates, 313

Highway No. 2, 1449

Highway No. 4

Construction and maintenance, 2238-39

Compliments, Robert Ducan, mayor of Val Marie, 2412

Highway No. 6, 1449

Highway No. 8, 1449

Toth, 339

Construction and maintenance, 1726

Highway No. 10

Construction and maintenance, 178

Highway No. 11

Designated Louis Riel Trail, member's statement

Belanger, 1979

Dividing- See below Safety concerns


Thomson, 368

Traffic counts, 1717

Twinning, 249

Highway No. 15

Construction and maintenance, 1727, 2242


Harpauer, 373

Highway No. 16

Construction and maintenance, 1725

Twinning, 211

Highway No. 18

Deterioration, 117

Highway No. 19

Construction and maintenance, 1727

Highway No. 20

Construction and maintenance, 1722


Harpauer, 373

Highway No. 21

Deterioration, 222

Highway No. 22

Construction and maintenance, 954-47

Gravel, reverting to, 189

Highway No. 35, 98, 2241-42

Toth, 339

Repairs, petitions, 1775, 1804, 1834

McMorris, 1742, 1773, 1804

Highway No. 38, 1449

Highway No. 39, 1449

Construction and maintenance, 1728

Highway No. 40

Construction and maintenance, 1446-47

Deterioration, 217, 222

Highway No. 43

Atkinson, 111-12

Krawetz, 282

Stewart, 111

Construction and maintenance, Vanguard to Highway No. 4, 1891-92

Construction and maintenance, Vanguard to Highway No. 4, petitions, 1660, 1775, 2062, 2141, 2252

Hillson, 1629, 1741, 2003, 2092, 2223

Upgrade, funding, petitions, 424, 452, 566, 594, 640, 660, 702

Stewart, 389, 423, 541, 565, 593, 639, 659

Weight limits, maintain, member's statement

Stewart, 1864-65

Highway No. 44

Construction and maintenance, 1720

Highway No. 47

Toth, 339

Highway No. 48, 1449

Toth, 339

Construction and maintenance, 2233-34

Highway No. 55

Construction and maintenance, 2239-40

Highway No. 310

Construction and maintenance, 178

Highway No. 312

Construction and maintenance, 249, 1717

Highway No. 339

Construction and maintenance to facilitate economic development, petitions, 1131, 1156, 1219, 1242, 1274, 1337, 1426, 1484, 1630, 1660, 1686, 1743, 1775, 1862, 1908, 1978, 2004, 2062, 2092, 2141, 2252, 2310, 2348, 2390

Stewart, 1097, 1129, 1185, 1217, 1241, 1305, 1393, 1453, 1597, 1629, 1659, 1685, 1741, 1833, 1861, 1907, 1977, 2003, 2061, 2091, 2223, 2251, 2347

Highway No. 373

Construction and maintenance, 1720

Highway No. 376

Construction and maintenance, 1446

Highways No. 1, No. 5

Construction and maintenance, member's statement

Harper, 2254

Highways No. 2, No. 4, No. 13, No. 18, No. 37

Construction and maintenance, 2234-36

Highways No. 13, No. 23, No. 40

Construction and maintenance, member's statement

Addley, 871

Maintenance- See above Construction and maintenance

National Road Safety Week, May 18-24, 2001, member's statement

Brkich, 1220-21

Northern, improvement

Atkinson, 418

Trew, 379

Primary system, improvement

Atkinson, 418

Trew, 379

Regional system, improvement

Atkinson, 418

Trew, 379

Rural, 175

Rural, rebuilding, 2, 161

Rural roads, strategic partnership with municipalities, 1890-91

Safety concerns, member's statement

Heppner, 49-50

Signage, tourist attractions, 1724-25

Thin membrane surface, 71, 189, 781

Atkinson, 111

D'Autremont, 365

Strengthening projects, 1884-85


Atkinson, 418

Osika, 361

Sonntag, 403

Trew, 379


Cline, 269

Yates, 313

Truck route management, 2

Truck routes, alternate, 57, 118, 185-86

Atkinson, 111

Bakken, 309

Elhard, 111

Hillson, 406

Krawetz, 282

Stewart, 111-12

Two-tier system, 189

Weight limits, review, 949-50

Winter maintenance, 1724, 1727

Yellowhead Highway- See above Highway No. 16


Highways and Transportation Amdt. Act, 2, 161


Highways and Transportation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 53)

First reading

Atkinson, 1607

Second reading

Atkinson, 1698

Bjornerud, 1698-99

Huyghebaert, 1932-33

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Atkinson, 2245-47

Huyghebaert, 2245-47

Third reading

Atkinson, 2249

Royal Assent, 2250


Highways and Transportation Department- See also Highways and roads; Highways and Transportation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 53)

Area transportation planning committees- See below Regional services

Asset management, 1883-84

Assistant Deputy Minister, additional, Don Wincherauk, 777-78

Budget, categories for construction and maintenance, 1720-21

Capital projects, 780, 944

Capital projects, criteria for funding allocation, 949

Central tire inflation program, 1888

Employees, additional, 778-80

D'Autremont, 364-65

Thomson, 368

Trew, 380

Equipment, oilers, 1893

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 771-82, 944-50, 1443-49, 1717-28, 1883-94, 2233-43

Atkinson, 771-81, 944-50, 1443-49, 1717-28, 1883-94, 2233-42

Bjornerud, 1725-27

Brkich, 1727-28

Eagles, 1728

Elhard, 944, 947-50, 1443-46, 1448-49, 1883-94

Harpauer, 1725

Hart, 944-47, 2242

Heppner, 1717-19

Hermanson, 1720-22

Huyghebaert, 2234-38

Julι, 1722-25

McMorris, 2241-42

Toth, 1449, 2233-34

Wall, 2238-39

Weekes, 1446-47

Wiberg, 2239-41

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2243

Maintenance staff deployment, 1717-18

Multi-year capital construction plan, 947-49, 1445-46

Oil purchase, 2000, 1893

Regional services, 781 See also Highways and roads - Regional system, improvement

Research and development investment, 1884-87, 1888

Trucking advisory forum, 1887-88


Historic Properties Foundations Act (No. 3), 211

First reading

Lorjι, 174

Second reading

Bakken, 1085-87

D'Autremont, 1702

Elhard, 1702-6

Lorjι, 524-25

Peters, 1469

Weekes, 525-26

Wiberg, 792-94

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Bakken, 2114-18

Lorjι, 2113-18

Third reading

Nilson, 2130

Royal Assent, 2249


Historic/heritage sites and monuments See Dugout houses

Foundations (corporations)- See Historic Properties Foundations Act


Hockey See Sports - Hockey


Hog industry

Expansion, Big Sky Farms, Rama area, grand opening, July 4, 2001, member's statement

Krawetz, 2348-49

Stomp Pork Farm and new generation co-operative, Leroy, proposal, environmental impact studies, 1503

Waste disposal, water contamination, 2180


Holocaust Memorial Day

Commemoration, Regina, April 22, 2001, member's statement

Thomson, 641

Commemoration, support of the Bill, member's statement

Toth, 765


Holocaust Memorial Day Act (No. 202)

First reading

Thomson, 202

Second reading

Hillson, 491

Junor, 490

Lorjι, 491-92

Thomson, 489-90

Toth, 491

Committee of the Whole Assembly

D'Autremont, 492

Thomson, 492

Third reading

Thomson, 493

Royal Assent, 591


Home care nurses See Nurses - Home care


Honours and awards

Governor General's Caring Canadian Award, Doris Dewhurst, Archerwill, member's statement

Draude, 1428-29

Governor General's Medal of Bravery, recipient, Glenn John Mooswa, Loon Lake, member's statement

Sonntag, 1221

Governor General's Medal of Bravery, recipients, Craig Hoisington and Craig Braun, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 482-83

Lieutenant Governor's Award for Outstanding Service to Rural Saskatchewan, Gerald Audette, recipient, member's statement

Gantefoer, 642-43

Prime Minister's Award for Excellence in Teaching, Connie Buchanan, White City School, recipient, member's statement

Hamilton, 1159-60

Royal Canadian Humane Association, Medal of Bravery, recipient, Tyler Howes, member's statement

Gantefoer, 597


Hoof-and-mouth disease See Foot-and-mouth disease


Hospital waiting lists, 119, 126, 155

Bakken, 310

Brkich, 345, 346

D'Autremont, 364

Gantefoer, 84, 742

Harpauer, 372

Hermanson, 442

Krawetz, 281

Nilson, 84

Toth, 341

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans- See Health care - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Gantefoer, 742

Saskatoon, development of action plan

Nilson, 742

Surgery, 57, 214, 217, 245, 2371

Bakken, 310, 2352-53

Gantefoer, 2316

Hermanson, 2350-51

Julι, 2317

Nilson, 2317, 2351-53

Elective, 189


Nilson, 2351

Orthopedic hip and knee replacement

Nilson, 2351


Calvert, 2316

Hermanson, 2314

Nilson, 2314


Hospitals, 217- See also Commission on Medicare; Regina General Hospital


Closures, 245

Beds, acute care


Krawetz, 281, 282

Shortage, Swift Current

Bakken, 2097-98

Nilson, 2097-98

Beds, new

Brkich, 345

Crofford, 295

Beds, psychiatric


Gantefoer, 172

Closures, 118

Gantefoer, 2316

Lanigan, June to September, 2001, 708, 1123-26

Harpauer, 663-64

Nilson, 664, 708

Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan Inc., alternative arrangements

Harpauer, 708

Nilson, 708

Closures, possible, Lanigan

Harpauer, 791-92

Nilson, 792

Closures, possible, Watrous

Harpauer, 373

Community fundraising, 183

Hafford, ensure it remains open, petitions, 566, 594, 660, 702, 785, 868, 900

Weekes, 542, 565, 639, 659, 702, 736, 762, 836, 868

Kamsack, ensure services maintained, petitions, 1156, 1219, 1274, 1395, 1426, 1455, 1484, 1598, 1660, 1804

Bjornerud, 1130, 1186, 1242, 1336-37, 1395, 1426, 1454, 1565-66, 1629-30, 1774

Krawetz, 1129, 1335


Nursing shortage

Harpauer, 708, 792

Nilson, 708, 792


Expanded, renovated, official opening, member's statement

Gantefoer, 1100

Wartman, 1100


Construction, 178

Construction, member's statement

Osika, 569

New, acute care facility

Bakken, 598-99

Nilson, 599

New, anticipated altered designation

Bakken, 599

Providence Hospital, Moose Jaw- See Providence Hospital, Moose Jaw Repeal Act (No. 303)

Regional, strengthening, 155

Souris Valley, Weyburn, 1964

St. Anthony's, Esterhazy, payroll problem

Bjornerud, 1491

St. Paul's, Saskatoon, Emergency Dept., Granger Campbell Award for Clinical Excellence, member's statement

Junor, 1912


Post-operative care, private services, reimbursement, 1962-63

Swift Current Regional Hospital, 2161

Swift Current Regional Hospital, new, petitions, 107, 167, 197, 227, 257, 273, 321, 356, 390, 424, 452, 480, 512, 542, 566, 594, 640, 660, 702, 785, 837, 868, 900, 926, 952, 984, 1012, 1072, 1099, 1131, 1156, 1186, 1219, 1242, 1274, 1307, 1395, 1426, 1484, 1512, 1566, 1598, 1630, 1660, 1686, 1743, 1775, 1804, 1834, 1862, 1908, 1978, 2004, 2062, 2092, 2141, 2190, 2224, 2252, 2310, 2348

Elhard, 867, 951

Hermanson, 1217-18

Wall, 47, 107, 167, 197, 227, 273, 321, 355, 389, 424, 451, 479, 512, 541, 565, 593, 639, 659, 701, 735, 761, 783, 835, 867, 899, 925, 951, 983, 1041, 1071-72, 1098, 1129, 1155, 1185, 1241, 1273, 1306, 1335, 1337, 1393-94, 1453, 1483, 1511, 1565, 1597, 1629, 1659, 1685, 1742, 1773, 1803, 1833, 1861, 1907, 1977, 2003, 2061, 2091, 2141, 2189, 2223, 2251, 2309

Swift Current Regional Hospital, new, request for, 1683-84

Wall, 287

Swift Current Regional Hospital, new, solicitation, volunteers, member's statement

Wall, 2314

Weyburn, Bengough Health Centre, Radville Marian Health Centre, Pangman Health Centre, ensure services maintained, petitions, 1274, 1426, 1484, 1511, 1566, 1804, 1834, 1862, 1908, 1978

Bakken, 1241, 1394, 1453, 1773, 1803-4, 1833, 1861, 2309, 2389

Yorkton, pediatric unit, bed closures

Bjornerud, 1489-91



Hotels Association of Saskatchewan, annual convention, 70th, member's statement

Kasperski, 201


Hotels Association of Saskatchewan See Hotels - Hotels Association of Saskatchewan


Housing - See also Northern communities - Housing; Women - Aboriginal - Housing

Quint affordable housing program, Saskatoon, 1475-76

Senior citizens, 190

Abbeyfield House project, Prince Albert, member's statement

Lautermilch, 1015

Housing project, Shaunavon, member's statement

Higgins, 200



Osika, 410-11

Centenary Capital Fund

Osika, 411

Starts, down

Hermanson, 570


Hudson Bay School Division

Mistatim School, closure, 537

Weekes School, 537, 538


Humboldt, Sask. See Cities; Property tax - Increase, Humboldt; Tourism - Humboldt Sommerfest


Humboldt Legion Royal Canadian Cadet Corps No. 572 See Army Cadet League of Canada (Saskatchewan) - 572 Humboldt Legion Cadet Corps


Humboldt Sommerfest See Tourism - Humboldt Sommerfest


Hunger See Children - Hunger, reduction






Ice and snow sailing See Sports - Ice and snow sailing


Immigration, 749



After tax, increase, 2, 129, 207, 209

Child tax credit, increase

Cline, 265

Crofford, 294

Yates, 311

Inequality, 148

Seniors' tax credit, increase

Cline, 265

Crofford, 294

Yates, 311


Income tax, 148, 239- See also Income Tax Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 51)

D'Autremont, 352, 364

Debt reduction surtax


Cline, 265

Hagel, 434

Trew, 379

Yates, 311

Flat tax


Cline, 265

Hagel, 434

Osika, 409

Trew, 379

Yates, 311

Indexing, 265

Hamilton, 334

Yates, 311

New system, 1180-82

Provincial tax credits, increases


Cline, 265

Crofford, 294

Hamilton, 334

Melenchuk, 441

Yates, 311

Disabled and handicapped persons

Cline, 265

Crofford, 294

Hamilton, 334

Melenchuk, 441

Yates, 311

Post-secondary education

Cline, 265

Crofford, 294

Hagel, 435

Hamilton, 334

Melenchuk, 441

Sonntag, 405

Yates, 311

Rates, increase, 56

Reduction, 73, 122, 130, 146, 527

Belanger, 374

Calvert, 446

Cline, 265, 449

Crofford, 292, 293, 294

Goulet, 300

Hermanson, 230

Krawetz, 230, 278, 285

McMorris, 382

Melenchuk, 441

Sonntag, 403

Thomson, 366

Yates, 311

Status quo, 270

Wakefield, 297

Weekes, 413

Surtaxes, elimination

Cline, 265

Hagel, 434

Osika, 409

Trew, 379

Tax relief

Working families

Cline, 265


Income Tax Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 51)

First reading

Cline, 1519

Second reading

Cline, 1699-1700

D'Autremont, 1700-1702

Krawetz, 1933-34

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Cline, 2024-27

Krawetz, 2024-27

Third reading

Cline, 2027

Royal Assent, 2249


Incorporation See Professionals, regulated - Incorporation


Indian Head, Sask. See Municipalities - Infrastructure, funding, local, Indian Head


Indians/First Nations, 191- See also Alcohol and drug abuse - Prescription drugs, Indians/First Nations; Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission - Training, Indians/First Nations, expansion; Education, post-secondary; Employment development - Interprovincial Association on Native Employment; Libraries - Services - Advisory Committee on Library Services for Aboriginal People; Physicians/Doctors - Graduates - Indians/First Nations; Population - Demographic change, Aboriginal; Women - Aboriginal

Aboriginal Awareness Week, May 21 - 26, 2001, member's statement

Julι, 1244


Funding, 1235

Cline, 269

Hamilton, 336

Melenchuk, 439-40

Aboriginal elders outreach program

Melenchuk, 439

Northern Saskatchewan, 94

First Nations Winter Games- See Sports - Winter Games

Fuel tax- See Gasoline - Tax, none for on-reserve Indians/First Nations

Full participation in economy and society, 19, 24, 74, 104, 187

Goulet, 306

Lorjι, 350

Budget initiatives, member's statement

Yates, 274-75

Budget initiatives, urban areas

Crofford, 295

Goulet, 306

Government interdepartmental work

Calvert, 446

Justice system, relationship to Aboriginals, 1997-98

Land claims

Goulet, 306

National Aboriginal Day, June 21, 2001, member's statement

Julι, 2005-6

McCall, 2006


Strategic development, co-operative, government, 134

Lorjι, 350

Strategy, budget

Calvert, 446

Off-reserve and Mιtis

Framework for co-operation program, member's statement

McCall, 1427-28

Partnerships, 115

Training programs See also Apprenticeship and Trade Certification Commission - Training

Hagel, 436

Treaty land entitlements, 2340-41

Lorjι, 350

Tax arrears, 2341-42

Urban service programs, Saskatoon, Regina, Prince Albert, Yorkton, funding, 752

Women- See Women - Aboriginal


Industry, 145


Information economy, 967

Transition to, 969


Information Services Corporation of Saskatchewan

Dividends, paid to General Revenue Fund

Axworthy, 908

Hillson, 908

Estimates, 2001

Expansion into commercial high technology, 2361-62

Axworthy, 788-89, 1748

Hillson, 1748

Wall, 788-89


Axworthy, 841

Wall, 841-42

Effect on small business, 827-29


Axworthy, 787-88

Wall, 787


Axworthy, 788, 842

Wall, 787-88


Information technology, 1- See also CommunityNet; Government - Information technology, co-ordination; Internet

Rapid promotion, M. (Thomson)

Hagel, 510

Junor, 509-10

Thomson, 504-9


Infrastructure, 179, 182, 247, 2412

Funding, municipalities- See Municipalities - Infrastructure, funding

Investment, 146

Calvert, 444

Lautermilch, 1019

Investment, University of Regina Research Park, 149

Needs, Redberry Lake area

Weekes, 414


Innovation and Science Fund, 1


Innovation Place, Saskatoon

Thomson, 370




Lorjι, 348

Automobile, Alberta, rates, 207

No-fault- See Personal injury protection plan


Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Department

Aboriginal affairs, 3

Funding, 752-53

Funding, accountability, 1037

Minister, First Nations Party of Saskatchewan, candidate, derogatory remarks towards

Julι, 51

Lorjι, 51

Ministerial responsibilities, 753-55

Departmental organization, two ministers, one administration, 747-48

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 747-55, 1030-38, 2338-42

Allchurch, 2340-41

Axworthy, 747-51, 2338

Bakken, 747-50

Hart, 750-52, 2341-42

Julι, 752-55, 1036-38, 2338-40

Lorjι, 752-55, 1030-38, 2338-42

Wiberg, 1033-35

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2342

Immigration Division, 748-49, 748-50

Office of French-language Co-ordination

Budget increase, 1031

Responsibilities, 1031-32

Role, 750-51

Staff numbers, 748

Women of the Dawn, contract not renewed, 1037-38


International Bible College Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 301)

Petition, 640, 660

Second reading

Higgins, 857

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Elhard, 1150

Higgins, 1150

Third reading

Higgins, 1152

Royal Assent, 1452


International Day of Families See Families - International Day of Families


International Labour Organization

Convention C.29 Forced Labour, Saskatchewan support for federal ratification, member's statement

Jones, 928-29


International Road Dynamics Inc. See Trucks - International Road Dynamics Inc.


International Special Librarians' Day See Libraries - International Special Librarians' Day


International Women's Day

Grant program, 974, 977-78


Internet, 207, 208-9- See also Centenary Capital Fund - Internet connectivity, schools, funding; CommunityNet; Education - Distance learning; Legislative Assembly - Proceedings broadcast on Internet; Tourism - Agricultural, via Internet

Government strategy, Government On-Line Fund, 829


High speed, 1, 118, 155, 179-80, 190, 212, 827 See also CommunityNet

Atkinson, 2354

Crofford, 291-92, 296

Sonntag, 404

High speed, northern Saskatchewan, 184

High speed, rural, 163, 184, 209, 210, 247, 527, 1267

Atkinson, 416-17

High speed, rural, member's statement

Kasperski, 109

Rural, 105, 115

Bakken, 309

Use, rural

Crofford, 291



Grease saver, Curt Heinen, Craik, designer and builder, member's statement

Brkich, 2142-43


Investment, 145

Attraction of new

Wakefield, 298

Provincial, in Ontario, member's statement

Hillson, 568


IRD See Trucks - International Road Dynamics Inc.


IRON Solutions See Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Investments,, competition with IRON Solutions


ISC See Information Services Corporation of Saskatchewan






Jackson, Eileen See Hospitals - Surgery - Post-operative care, private services, reimbursement


Jackson, Jim See Hospitals - Surgery - Post-operative care, private services, reimbursement


Janvier, Jack See Physicians/Doctors - Graduates - Indians/First Nations, Jack Janvier


Job creation See Employment development


Job loss See Employment - Loss


Justice Department

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 551-63, 1795-1801, 1997-2001

Axworthy, 551-63, 1795-1800, 1997-2001

Bjornerud, 1798-1801

Brkich, 2000-2001

Heppner, 551-56, 557-59, 2001

Julι, 556, 1997-2000

Toth, 559-63, 1795-98

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2001


Justice System Review Act (No. 204)

First reading

Heppner, 668






Kaczkowski, Viktor See Legislative Assembly - Clerk Assistant (Committees)


Karate See Sports - Karate


Kincaid, Sask. See Water quality - Unsafe - Kincaid, Sask.


Kinette clubs

Eastend Kinette Club, anniversary, 40th, member's statement

Elhard, 544


Kinne, Doris See Centenarians - Kinne, Doris



Cairn, International Peace Care and Rededication Ceremony, Monchy, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 1688-89


Kowalchuk, John Russell See Condolences - Kowalchuk, John Russell






Labour Department- See also Workers' Compensation Board

Departmental overview, 815-16

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 815-24, 1066-70, 2079-85

Draude, 1070

Trew, 815-24, 1066-70, 2079-85

Weekes, 815-24, 1066-70, 2079-85

Work and Family Unit, new Web site, work and family balance, member's statement

Addley, 1513


Labour force

Aboriginal internship and management development program, 1089-90

Government managerial positions unionized, 1093-95

Maternity/paternity leave, job security, legislation, 822-23

Mayworks celebrations, Regina, April 28 - May 5, 2001, member's statement

Harper, 838

New workers, information booklet, Guide for New Workers, ministerial statement (Trew)

Trew, 1020-21

Weekes, 1021

Re-entrance, 148

Retirements, 193

Shortage, initiatives to address, 971

Workers, National Day of Mourning for Workers Killed or Injured on the Job, April 28, 2001, member's statement

Hagel, 763-64

Trew, 770-71

Weekes, 764, 771

Workers, part-time, assignment of hours- See Labour Standards Act - Workers, part-time, assignment of hours


Labour Relations Board, 769- See also Labour force - Government managerial positions unionized

Adjudication, government managerial positions unionized, 2376, 2377

Crofford, 458-59, 769

Weekes, 458-59, 768-69

Budget, increase, 816

Labour unions, certification applications versus decertification applications, decisions, timeliness, 817

Labour unions, certification process, 817-19

Personnel, increase, 816-17


Labour Standards Act

Agricultural workers, inclusion, 822, 1066

Discrimination by employer prohibited See also Whistle-blower protection legislation

Trew, 1459-60, 1462

Greenhouse proprietors and employees, needs, petitions, 2062, 2224, 2252

Hermanson, 2003, 2189, 2223

Improvement and update, 3, 18, 73, 155, 240

Parental leave legislation, member's statement

Jones, 1836

Workers, part-time, assignment of hours, 823-24


Labour Standards Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 30), 1702

First reading

Trew, 1106

Second reading

D'Autremont, 1673-75

Heppner, 1437-39

Jones, 1675-76

McMorris, 1228

Toth, 1676-77

Trew, 1227-28

Weekes, 1642-44

Committee of the Whole Assembly

D'Autremont, 1790-92, 1794

Draude, 1789

Trew, 1786-94

Weekes, 1786-90, 1792-94

Third reading

Trew, 1795

Royal Assent, 1831


Labour-business round table, 2


LAND (Land Titles Automated Network Development) project- See also Information Services Corporation of Saskatchewan

Axworthy, 841

Fees for customers

Axworthy, 874

Heppner, 874

Profit, first year of operation

Axworthy, 789


Land Surveyors and Professional Surveyors Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 49)

First reading

Axworthy, 1519

Second reading

Axworthy, 1668-69

Bjornerud, 1942

McMorris, 1669

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2125-26

Heppner, 2125-26

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Land Surveys Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 20)

First reading

Axworthy, 520

Second reading

Axworthy, 1198

Bjornerud, 1442-43

Elhard, 1818-20

Harpauer, 1198

Heppner, 1619-21

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2126

Heppner, 2126

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Land Titles Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 19)

First reading

Axworthy, 520

Second reading

Axworthy, 1197

Brkich, 1945

D'Autremont, 1618-19

Heppner, 1440-42

Stewart, 1820-21

Wiberg, 1197-98

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2126

Heppner, 2126

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Land Titles Automated Network Development project See LAND (Land Titles Automated Network Development) project


Legislative Assembly- See also Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 33); Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Amdt. Act, 2001 (Set Election Dates) (No. 222); Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Amdt. Act, 2001 (Votes of Confidence) (No. 220)


July 6, 2001, M. (Lautermilch)

D'Autremont, 2417-18

Lautermilch, 2416-17

Speaker, 2418-19

Adjournment to allow all MLAs to travel to Ottawa- See Farm income - Crisis - Federal aid

Clerk Assistant (Committees), Viktor Kaczkowski

Speaker, 5

Conduct in question period, school bus driver's comments, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 1074-75

Employees, long service awards, congratulations, member's statement

Hagel, 2093

Fall session in 2001, 2410

Letter of thanks, Kristy Ridgway, Thom Collegiate, Regina, member's statement

Stewart, 2313

Member for Saskatoon Idylwyld, recognition, member's statement

Calvert, 2414

Hermanson, 2414-15

MacKinnon, 2415-16

Melenchuk, 2415

Move to Bill No. 203, Whistleblower Protection Act, M. (D'Autremont)

D'Autremont, 1465

Opening ceremonies

Speaker, 6

Pages, introduction

Speaker, 5, 1106, 1694

Proceedings, member's statement

Heppner, 168-69

Proceedings broadcast on Internet, M. (Hagel)

Hagel, 1095

Prorogation- See Lieutenant Governor

Votes and Proceedings, printing, M. (Calvert)

Calvert, 5


Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 33)

First reading

Lautermilch, 1344-45

Second reading

Hillson, 1671-73

Julι, 1942-43

Lautermilch, 1670-71

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Gantefoer, 2125

Lautermilch, 2125

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Amdt. Act, 2001 (Votes of Confidence) (No. 220)

First reading

McMorris, 1782


Legislative Assembly and Executive Council Amendment Act, 2001 (Set Election Dates) (No. 222)

First reading

Huyghebaert, 1165


Legislative Assembly members- See also Recall of Members of the Legislative Assembly Act (No. 213)

Meet with public, tax-supported work

Calvert, 1398-99

Members of the Legislative Assembly, government employees, impartiality and co-operation in police investigations M. (Heppner); amdt. (Yates)

Heppner, 1403-5

Julι, 1405-7

Thomson, 1409-10

Yates, 1407-9

Saskatoon Idylwyld constituency

Member resides at Hotel Saskatchewan, member's statement

Weekes, 1044


Calvert, 2421

Speaker, 2421


Legislative Building, Regina

Accessibility, 131

Restoration, 131

Restoration, cost, 1385-86


Legislative Library

Annual report, Communication Committee, referral, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 16

Staff- See Libraries - International Special Librarians' Day; Tributes - Mack, Yvonne


Lerat, Dutch See Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority - Investigation of Dutch Lerat


Leroy, Sask. See Hog industry - Stomp Pork Farm and new generation co-operative, Leroy


Liberal Party (Saskatchewan)

Caucus, third party, funding, legislation

Hillson, 1462-63

Krawetz, 1432-34

Lautermilch, 1432-34, 1462-63

Melenchuk, 1463

Leadership, member's statement

Hillson, 1865-66

Momentum in provinces, member's statement

Hillson, 1160

News releases, member's statement

Osika, 1486-87



Birch Hills Public Library

Wapiti Award, 2000, member's statement

Wiberg, 275

International Special Librarians' Day

Legislative Library, recognition, April 5, 2001, member's statement

Jones, 394


Advisory Committee on Library Services for Aboriginal People, member's statement

McCall, 1428


Lieutenant Governor

Budget increase, office, 1030-31, 1032, 1033

Prorogation speech, 2421-22

Speech from the Throne, 1-4


Limited liability partnerships See Partnership Amdt. Act, 2001


Liquor and Gaming Authority See Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority


Livestock industry- See also Cattle industry; Hog industry

Drought, west, south, and southwestern areas, government aid, 1507-10

Pasture land, taxes

Boyd, 2011

Serby, 2011


Living in Harmony awards See Discrimination and racism - Living in Harmony awards


Living Sky Health District- See also Hospitals - Closures, possible - Lanigan; Hospitals - Closures, possible - Watrous; Hospitals - Closures - Lanigan

Board decision, Lanigan and Watrous hospitals, 1124-25

Severance package for chief executive officer, 1126


Lloydminster, Sask. See Art/Artists - Vic Juba Performing Arts Centre; Economy - Growth, Lloydminster; Provincial sales tax - Exemption, Lloydminster


Long-term care- See also Special care homes

Brkich, 346

Golden Acres, Wynyard, official opening, member's statement

Hart, 1689

New facility to replace Parkland Care Centre, announcement, member's statement

Gantefoer, 1100

Wartman, 1100

Omni plan, 1963-64



Licensing fee, 2343

Profits distribution, 1208-9, 1292-93


Lou Gehrig's disease See Health care - ALS Week, June 17-23, 2001


Lumber industry See Forest industry


Lutheran church

Bethlehem Lutheran, Outlook, 90th anniversary celebration, member's statement

Brkich, 870





Macdowall, Sask. See Communities - Macdowall


Machinery industry See Farm machinery industry


Mack, Yvonne See Tributes - Mack, Yvonne


MacKenzie Art Gallery, Regina

Funding, government, 1212


Macular degeneration See Health care - Macular degeneration


Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) See Health care - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Maher, Hugh James See Condolences - Maher, Hugh James; Tributes - Maher, Jim



Limited liability, dentistry and medical variations, 556-57


Mandela, Nelson See Citizens - Canadian citizenship, honourary


Manufacturing industry, 147- See also Twine manufacturing industry

Claybank brick plant, annual open house, member's statement

Stewart, 2064-65


March of Dimes See Families - Mothers, March of Dimes


Mayworks See Labour force - Mayworks celebrations


Medical services See Health care; Physicians/Doctors


Medical technologists See Health care workers - Medical technologists, training


Medicare, 157- See also Health care


Medicare Commission See Commission on Medicare


Melenchuk, John See Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Department - Aboriginal affairs - Minister, First Nations Party of Saskatchewan, candidate, derogatory remarks towards


Melfort, Sask. See Property tax - Increase, Melfort


Melville, Sask. See Communities; Community-based organizations - Rail City Industries, Melville


Melville School Division

Parkview School, closure, 536


Members' statements See Member's statement under specific subject entries


Mental health

Mental Health Association, Saskatchewan, member's statement

Junor, 1075

Mental Health Week, 50th anniversary, May 7-13, 2001, member's statement

Draude, 1045

Ruth Robinson Place, Saskatoon, building renovation, housing, mentally ill, member's statement

Addley, 2143


Meridian dam project, 1233-34, 1451, 2296


Mιtis- See also Indians/First Nations - Off-reserve and Mιtis - Framework for co-operation program; Libraries - Services - Advisory Committee on Library Services for Aboriginal People; Mιtis Act (No. 42); Population - Demographic change, aboriginal; Women - Aboriginal


Funding, 1235

Northern Saskatchewan, 94

Full participation in economy and society, 19, 24, 74, 93, 104

Budget initiatives, member's statement

Yates, 274-75


Strategic development, co-operative, government

Lorjι, 350

Strategic development, co-operative, government, 134

Strategy, budget

Calvert, 446

Veterans- See Veterans - Mιtis

Village, Willow Bunch, funding, 1210-11


Mιtis Act, 3, 93-94, 104, 153

Lorjι, 350

Additions, improvements

Goulet, 2010-11

Julι, 2011

Public consultation

Julι, 2010


Mιtis Act (No. 42)

First reading

Lorjι, 1403

Second reading

Allchurch, 1879-80, 2017

Belanger, 2015-17

D'Autremont, 2017-19

Goulet, 2014-15

Hillson, 1494-95

Julι, 2012-14

Lorjι, 1492-94

Wiberg, 2266-68

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Julι, 2322-30

Kwiatkowski, 2331-32

Lorjι, 2322-33

Third reading

Lorjι, 2334

Royal Assent, 2414


Mιtis Nation of Saskatchewan

Election process, 755, 1035-36

Funding, 752

General election, supervision, Chief Electoral Officer, 1035-36


Mineral exploration See Mining industry - Exploration, northern Saskatchewan


Mineral Resources Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 50)

First reading

Sonntag, 1519

Second reading

McMorris, 1786

Sonntag, 1785-86

Stewart, 1939

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Sonntag, 2109-10

Stewart, 2109-10

Third reading

Nilson, 2130

Royal Assent, 2249


Minimum wage See Wages and salaries


Mining industry, 147, 696- See also Energy and Mines Department

Environmental quality, 93

Exploration, northern Saskatchewan, 2

Tax credits, 697

Cline, 266

Crofford, 294

Goulet, 303

Investment, deterrents, speech by Logan Kruger, president, Hudson Bay Mining and Smelting, member's statement

Stewart, 1458

Licensing, 1390

Mineral disposition regulations, 1391

National Mining Week, May 14-20, 2001, member's statement

Stewart, 1132-33

Regulations, 1389

Road tax on off-road fuel, 1389

Saskatchewan Mining Week, May, 2001, investor incentives, member's statement

Thomson, 1396

Saskatchewan Mining Week, May, 2001, member's statement

Stewart, 1340

Subsurface geological research and mapping

Funding, 697

Goulet, 303


Crofford, 293

Taxation, capital tax resource surcharge, 1390


Ministerial statements

Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Regina, new equipment for radiation treatment: Gantefoer, 1195-96; Nilson, 1194-95

Avonlea dam, water management infrastructure, dam rehabilitation: Brkich, 1752; Osika, 1751

Children, child welfare system, public consultation: Toth, 1812-13; Van Mulligen, 1812

Disabled and handicapped persons, report, Saskatchewan Disability Action Plan: Toth, 2232-33; Van Mulligen, 2232

Economy, Partnership for Prosperity (2001), strategic plan: D'Autremont, 1638-39; Lautermilch, 1638

Education, changing, Role of the School Task Force: Melenchuk, 206; Draude, 206

Education, post-secondary, northern health science access program: Hagel, 1985; Hart, 1985

Energy, conservation and ethanol production: Calvert, 1281-82; D'Autremont, 1282

Farm families, health and safety programs: Trew, 88; Weekes, 88

Farm safety, children: Trew, 88; Weekes, 88

Farm safety, North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks: Trew, 88; Weekes, 88

Foot-and-mouth disease, preventive measures: Serby, 330-31; Boyd, 331

Health Department, Provincial Nursing Council, funding, projects: Gantefoer, 400-1; Nilson, 399-400

Labour force, new workers, information booklet, Guide for New Workers: Trew, 1020-21; Weekes, 1021

Student loans, Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loans Program agreement: Hagel, 1917-18; Hart, 1918


Miscellaneous Statutes (Domestic Relations) Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 47)

First reading

Axworthy, 1434

Second reading

Axworthy, 1561-62

Elhard, 1986-89

Heppner, 1876-77

McMorris, 1562

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2279-80

Heppner, 2279-80

Third reading

Axworthy, 2281

Royal Assent, 2414


Miscellaneous Statutes (Domestic Relations) Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 2) (No. 48)

First reading

Axworthy, 1434

Second reading

Axworthy, 1562-63

Heppner, 1877

McMorris, 1563

Toth, 1990-91

Committee of the Whole Assembly, 2280-81

Third reading, 2414

Axworthy, 2281


Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal (Regulatory Reform) Act, 2001 (No. 55)

First reading

Axworthy, 1607

Second reading

Axworthy, 1694-95

D'Autremont, 1695-96

Heppner, 1873-74

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2088-89

Heppner, 2088-89

Third reading

Axworthy, 2089

Royal Assent, 2249



Defence shield, United States proposal, opposition, member's statement

Prebble, 2350


Moms on the Move scholarships, 974, 975-76- See also Women


Monchy, Port of, Sask./Montana See Kiwanis - Cairn, International Peace Care and Rededication Ceremony, Monchy


Moose Jaw, Sask. See Municipalities - Community spirit, Moose Jaw, compliments from Premier Ralph Klein; Recreation - Trans Canada Trail, Moose Jaw; Tourism - Investments, Moose Jaw; Tourism - Tunnels, Moose Jaw


Moosomin See Health care - Facilities - Funding, Moosomin


Mothers See Families


Motions See Motions, Government; Motions for supply (interim); Motions (priority of debate); Motions (under Rule 46); Private Members' motions; Seventy-five minute debate


Motions, Government

Assembly instructs Committee of Finance to reconsider supply resolution for Dept. of Economic and Co-operative Development, M. (Lautermilch), 2261-62

Standing Committee on Health Care, appoint and empower, M. (Nilson), 1166-75

Standing Committee on Health Care, appointment of members, M. (Lautermilch), 1251-54


Motions for supply (interim)


Fiscal year ending March 31, 2001, M. (Cline)

Cline, 2413

Fiscal year ending March 31, 2002

General Revenue Fund, M. (Cline)

Cline, 477, 1434, 1435, 2413


Fiscal year ending March 31, 2002

Boyd, 470-71

Brkich, 471

Cline, 460-77, 1434-36

D'Autremont, 476

Elhard, 471-75

Julι, 475

Krawetz, 460-70, 476-77, 1434-35

Weekes, 475-76


Motions (priority of debate)

Natural gas, rate increase, refer SaskEnergy back to Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel, M. (Wall); amdt. (Cline), 1519-44


Motions (under Rule 46)

Agricultural equalization payment

$1 billion to address agricultural crisis, M. (Serby)

Serby, 28-45

Water quality, infrastructure program, national, M. (Hermanson)

Hermanson, 1021-22, 1051-52


Mount Everest See Everest, Mount


MRI See Health care - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); Hospital waiting lists - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)


Municipal Affairs and Housing Department- See also Centenary Capital Fund - Projects - Choice and allocation, Municipal Affairs and Housing Department

Community Support Services Branch

Land subdivisions, processing, 1733

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 800-807, 1290-97, 1728-40, 2051-59

Allchurch, 1295-96

Bjornerud, 800-805, 1294-95

Brkich, 1290-92

Draude, 1296-97, 2057-59

Hart, 1292-94, 1733-40, 2052-57

Julι, 1728-29, 2051-52

Osika, 800-807, 1290-97, 1728-40, 2051-59

Toth, 805-6, 2059

Wall, 806-7, 1733

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2060

Protection and Emergency Services

Boilers, pressure vessels, inspection issues, 1733-40, 2052-55

Mandate, 1733


Municipal Law Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 236


Municipalities- See also Northern Municipalities Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 25); Planning and Development Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 6); Property tax; Rural Municipality Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 23); Urban Municipality Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 24)

Amalgamation, forced

Kwiatkowski, 378

Community spirit, Moose Jaw, compliments from Premier Ralph Klein, member's statement

Higgins, 1567

Equalization payments

McMorris, 385, 402

Funding, 100, 801-3

Bjornerud, 326, 2067

Crofford, 295

Osika, 409-10

Funding, targeted programs

Osika, 2067-68

Grants in lieu of taxes, 801, 1290-95

Osika, 327, 707

Impact on economic development

Wall, 287

Impact on employment development

Wall, 287

Infrastructure, 178

Draude, 318

Funding, 802-3, 1296-97

Osika, 410, 707, 790, 1016, 1290-95

Funding, local, Indian Head, member's statement

McMorris, 1487


Hermanson, 441

McMorris, 385

North Battleford, 801-2

Needs ignored

Hillson, 406, 408

Huyghebaert, 419

Kwiatkowski, 378

Northern- See Northern Municipalities Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 25)

Recreational facilities

Energy costs, 1207-8

Non-profit, electricity and natural gas rates, 175

Prince of Wales Cultural and Recreation Centre, Assiniboia, government funding, member's statement

Higgins, 662


Hillson, 769

Revenue-sharing grants, 800-802, 1290-95

Bakken, 310

Bjornerud, 261-62, 359-60, 430-31, 437-38, 872, 2068-69

Calvert, 261-62

Hermanson, 442

Huyghebaert, 420

Kwiatkowski, 378

Melenchuk, 2068

Osika, 325, 410

Revenue-sharing grants, impact

Bjornerud, 789-91, 872

Revenue-sharing grants, member's statement

Bjornerud, 393

Rural- See Rural Municipality Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 23)

Urban- See Urban Municipality Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 24)



Community museums, funding program through lotteries, 1207

Duck Lake Regional Interpretive Centre, new exhibits, plans, member's statement

Addley, 1744



Battlefords Music Festival, First Nations competitions included, member's statement

Peters, 596

Central Saskatchewan Music Festival, April 23-27, 2001, Mrs. Fran Stone, Davidson, special award, member's statement

Brkich, 1398

Estevan and District Music Festival, member's statement

Eagles, 545

Frenchman River Valley Gospel Music Jamboree, 10th anniversary, member's statement

Elhard, 1912-13

Kenny Rogers, country music artist, look-alike Web site, member's statement

McMorris, 1514

Music Fest 2001, Ottawa, Esterhazy High School senior concert band, gold medal, Esterhazy High School choir, bronze medal, member's statement

Bjornerud, 1486

Old Tyme Fiddle Jamboree, 5th annual, May 26-27, 2001, Battleford, member's statement

Peters, 1397

Prairie Region Cadet Honour Band, concert, Centre of the Arts, Regina, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 569

Prairie Region Cadet Honour Band, Elisa Sargent, band member, Borden, member's statement

Weekes, 787

Regina Ladies' Choir, Saskatchewan representatives at Canada Day celebrations, Parliament Hill, Ottawa, 2001, member's statement

Harper, 1220

SaskTel Saskatchewan Jazz Festival, Saskatoon, 15th, member's statement

Atkinson, 2007






NAGCAT See Farm safety - North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks


Natural gas, 182-83, 698- See also Freehold Oil and Gas Production Tax Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 11); Oil and Gas Conservation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 10); SaskEnergy Incorporated

Line development, First Nations

Goulet, 306

Lowest energy costs in Canada

Sonntag, 932

Price projection for purchase, 1179

Wall, 1488

Prices, best in Canada

Cline, 1516-18

Prices, M. (Wall); amdt. (Yates)

Harper, 1579-81

Thomson, 1582-83

Wall, 1574-76

Weekes, 1581-82

Wiberg, 1576-78

Yates, 1578-79

Prices, M. (Wall); amdt. (Yates); questions and comments

Thomson, 1584-85

Wall, 1583-84

Wiberg, 1584-85

Yates, 1584-85

Prices, Saskatoon StarPhoenix article, member's statement

Yates, 1633

Privatization, deregulation, not being considered

Cline, 1488, 1516

Rate increase

Brkich, 344

D'Autremont, 365

Hermanson, 706

Krawetz, 1190-91

McMorris, 382

Sonntag, 173-74, 571, 1750

Wall, 173, 571, 932-33, 1487-89, 1750-51


Sonntag, 1810-11

Wall, 1810-11

Application to rate review panel

Sonntag, 933

Wall, 932

Business closure, Arborfield Dehy Ltd., alfalfa dehydrating plant, 237

Business closure, Hudson Bay Dehydrators Mutual Ltd., alfalfa dehydrating plant, 237

Consideration of rate review panel recommendations

Cline, 1190-91, 1516

Government relief to customers

Krawetz, 1191

Impact See also School divisions - Costs, SaskEnergy rate increase

Bjornerud, 1517

Draude, 1518

Eagles, 1518

Elhard, 1517

Gantefoer, 1517-18

Harpauer, 1517

Hermanson, 1515

Wakefield, 1516

Wall, 1515-16

Refer SaskEnergy back to Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel, M. (Wall); amdt. (Cline)

Bjornerud, 1525-27

Cline, 1527-30

Elhard, 1555-58

Heppner, 1551-54

Huyghebaert, 1559-60

Jones, 1558-59

Julι, 1545-46

Kwiatkowski, 1547-50

McMorris, 1533-36

Osika, 1554-55

Sonntag, 1530-33

Speaker, 1519-20

Thomson, 1546-47

Trew, 1550-51

Wall, 1520-25

Yates, 1536-42


Sonntag, 1982-83, 2146-47, 2230-31

Wall, 1981-82, 2146, 2230-31

Rates, city of Regina purchases

Sonntag, 1982-83, 2146

Wall, 1981, 2146

Rates, cost of purchase, charges to customers, member's statement

Wall, 1663

Rebate for customers

Wall, 572

Rebate for customers, lack of resources

Sonntag, 572

Revenue, 270

Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show- See Oil industry - Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show


Decommissioned, 4, 75, 126

Drilled, 1, 193, 208, 1391

Reclaimed, 4, 75, 126


Natural Plantation Inc. See Purslane


Natural resources See Economy - Growth - Natural resources revenue


NEPS (Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan) See Nurses - Training, recruitment, and retention


Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA), 101-2, 586- See also Farm safety net


Network of Saskatchewan Women See Women - Employment and training services


New Democratic Party (Canada)

Dissolution, member's statement

Julι, 1602


New Spirit of Community Partnership Award See Canadian Centre for Philanthropy


Nguyen, Lana See Whistle-blower protection legislation


Nipawin School Division

Carrot River Elementary School, renovation and upgrade, 537


NISA See Net Income Stabilization Account (NISA)


Nominating Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (D'Autremont )

D'Autremont, 15

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 235


Non-confidence vote, coalition government- See also Finance Committee - Estimates vote for Economic and Co-operative Development Department, June 26, 2001, not vote of non-confidence in coalition government


Calvert, 2199


Non-controversial Bills Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 235


North American Guidelines for Children's Agricultural Tasks See Farm safety


North Battleford, Sask. See Business - North Battleford, progress; Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Program; Municipalities - Infrastructure, problems - North Battleford; Water quality - Unsafe, North Battleford


North Central Health District See Hospitals - Melfort; Long-term care - New facility to replace Parkland Care Centre


North East Health District

Fundraiser for disaster equipment, Lyle Moffat and Mark Ollinger, paramedics, endurance run-and-bike race, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 1245


North Saskatoon Business Association See Business - Business Builder Awards


Northern Affairs Office

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 1038-40, 1852-59

Goulet, 1038-40, 1852-59

Wiberg, 1038-40, 1852-59

Programs, 1038-39


Northern communities

Development, 2

Housing, 152

Infrastructure development, water and sewer

Goulet, 301


Northern Development Fund

Links to other agencies, 1039-40


Northern Municipalities Amdt. Act (No. 25)

First reading

Osika, 934

Second reading

Osika, 1117-18

Stewart, 1118

Wakefield, 1204-5

Wiberg, 1502, 1847-49

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Bjornerud, 2044-45

Osika, 2044-45

Third reading

Osika, 2050

Royal Assent, 2249


Northern Saskatchewan, 148, 152- See also Centenary Capital Fund; Forest industry - Development plan, northern Saskatchewan; Mining industry - Exploration, northern Saskatchewan

Economic development, 92

Economic development, barriers, 58

Skills training

Cline, 269


Northwest Community Futures Development Corporation, 1854-55, 1857



National holiday, May 17, 2001, member's statement

Nilson, 1188


Nurses - See also Health care workers; Psychiatric nurses; Registered Nurses Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 4); Saskatchewan Registered Nurses' Association

Concerns, Swift Current district, 2160-61

Education See also Education, post-secondary - Northern health science access program; Nurses - Training, recruitment, and retention

Lorjι, 349

Nilson, 172, 1461

Northern Saskatchewan

Lorjι, 349

Former, upgrading program to re-enter profession

Lorjι, 349

Home care, 196

International Nurses Day, May 12, 2001, member's statement

Bakken, 1074

National Nursing Week, May 7-12, 2001, member's statement

Junor, 954

Number of positions, increased

Nilson, 1462

Numbers, decrease, 217

Gantefoer, 203-4

Nilson, 203

Recruitment- See below Training, recruitment, and retention

Shortage, 245

Gantefoer, 83-84

Nilson, 84

Students, senior assist program, 1680

Training, recruitment, and retention, 68-69, 219, 2302-3

Gantefoer, 114

Nilson, 114


Nursing Education Program of Saskatchewan (NEPS) See Nurses - Training, recruitment, and retention






Occupational health and safety- See also Occupational Health and Safety Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 39)

North American Occupational Safety and Health Week, May 6-12, 2001, member's statement

Jones, 986

Occupational Health and Safety Week, May 6-12, 2001, member's statement

Weekes, 954-55


Occupational Health and Safety Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 39)

First reading

Trew, 1284

Second reading

Allchurch, 1880

Stewart, 1437

Trew, 1436-37

Weekes, 1642

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Trew, 2078-79

Weekes, 2078-79

Third reading

Melenchuk, 2079

Royal Assent, 2249


Offenders, dangerous

Release into communities, 1998-99


Office of Northern Affairs See Northern Affairs Office


Office of Rural Revitalization See Rural Revitalization Office


Oil and Gas Conservation Amdt. Act (No. 10)

First reading

Sonntag, 401

Second reading

Brkich, 1024-27

McMorris, 669

Sonntag, 668-69

Stewart, 878-79

Wiberg, 1813-14

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Sonntag, 2110-11

Stewart, 2110-11

Third reading

Nilson, 2130

Royal Assent, 2249


Oil industry, 142-43, 146, 182-83, 250, 696, 698-99- See also Freehold Oil and Gas Production Tax Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 11); Oil and Gas Conservation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 10)

Alberta, bonus, 207

CO2 enhanced oil recovery, 696


Crofford, 294

CO2 enhanced oil recovery program, Weyburn, PanCanadian Petroleum Limited, member's statement

Wartman, 110

Pipeline routes, Alaska and Mackenzie Valley pipelines

Hillson, 2012

Pipeline routes, Alliance Pipeline

Lautermilch, 2012

Production, 1, 193, 208

Revenue, 270

Royalties, 699-700

Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show, Weyburn, June 6-7, 2001, inductees into Saskatchewan Oilmen's Hall of Fame, member's statement

Stewart, 1631

Saskatchewan Oil and Gas Show, Weyburn, June 6-7, 2001, member's statement

Yates, 1601

Tax, 270

Used oil recovery, Biggar recycling centre, member's statement

Atkinson, 739-40

Used oil recovery, Used Oil, Filter and Container EcoCentre No. 13, Grenfell, official opening, June 15, 2001, member's statement

Toth, 1980


Decommissioned, 4, 75, 126

Drilled, 1392

Reclaimed, 4, 75, 126

Crofford, 293


Olympic Games, Special See Special Olympic Games


Oral question period

Abuse and Exploitation of Children through the Sex Trade Prevention Committee, report, recommendations, implementation: Toth, 2069-70; Van Mulligen, 2069-70

Abuse and Exploitation of Children through the Sex Trade Prevention Committee, report: Van Mulligen, 547-48

Action Committee on the Rural Economy (ACRE): Boyd, 549; Huyghebaert, 233

Agriculture, drought assistance: Boyd, 2258-59; Serby, 2258-59

Agriculture, policy: Boyd, 52; Serby, 52

Agriculture, policy, federal, overhaul, Saskatchewan proposals: Boyd, 1667; Serby, 1667

Aircraft, government, use by cabinet ministers, policy: Hamilton, 1135-36; Lautermilch, 1136-37

Aircraft, government, use by cabinet ministers for political purposes: D'Autremont, 1135-37

Ambulance service, fees, standardization: Hillson, 2231-32; Nilson, 2231-32

Budget, balanced, eighth consecutive: Cline, 278-79

Budget, investment strategies, highways and roads, education: Cline, 398-99

Business, taxation: Osika, 769

Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Program, North Battleford, water treatment assistance: Hillson, 1194; Osika, 1194


Revenue, First Nations Fund, expenditure on economic and social development for Aboriginal people: Julι, 1637, 1665, 1693-94; Lorjι, 1637

Revenue, First Nations Fund, provincial audit, findings: Julι, 1636-37, 1664-65; Lorjι, 1637

Revenue, First Nations Fund, provincial audit, government actions: Lorjι, 1636, 1664-65, 1693-94

Centenary Capital Fund: Osika, 360

Centennial 2005, Crown corporation, establishment: Bakken, 664-65; Lorjι, 665

Centennial summer student employment program: Calvert, 2396

Children, tobacco, possession, penalties: Bakken, 2066; Nilson, 2066

Children, tobacco use, education: Bakken, 2065-66; Melenchuk, 2066; Nilson, 2065

Commission on Medicare

Hospitals, closure, effect: Draude, 643

Hospitals, closure, effect, northern Saskatchewan: Wiberg, 644

Hospitals, closure, remaining services available, Cypress Hills: Elhard, 643

Public policy, citizen participation for formation: Calvert, 602


Hire additional managers: Hermanson, 516

Hospital bed closures: Hermanson, 516

Hospital closures: Bakken, 520; Gantefoer, 518, 546; Hermanson, 516

Physicians/doctors, salaried: Gantefoer, 519

Process for dealing with, all-party committee: Lautermilch, 643-44

Process for dealing with, all-party committee, mandate: Gantefoer, 644; Lautermilch, 644-45

Process for dealing with: Calvert, 516-17; Gantefoer, 545, 1983; Hermanson, 516; Hillson, 549; Lautermilch, 1984; Nilson, 520, 1983; Serby, 546-49

Public consultation: Calvert, 516-18; Serby, 545-47, 549

Reduce services: Gantefoer, 517


Serby, 546

Health care mismanagement: Bakken, 520

Health care system fragile: Gantefoer, 545

Shelve: Hillson, 601-2

Sustainable system needed: Hillson, 549-50

Commission on Medicare: Calvert, 232; Nilson, 204-5

Confidence, government: D'Autremont, 2199-2200; Hermanson, 2198-99

Crown corporations

Accountability: Hermanson, 873

Competition with private sector: Hermanson, 1222-23

Contribution to economy: Calvert, 873

Hurting small business: Wall, 876


Due diligence guidelines: Gantefoer, 933; Sonntag, 933-34

Due diligence guidelines, ignored: Gantefoer, 934

Effect on retention of youth: Hillson, 1314-15

Non-Saskatchewan, Liberal support: Lautermilch, 1916; McMorris, 1915-16; Sonntag, 1915

Non-Saskatchewan: Sonntag, 1315

Private business, Liberal support: McMorris, 1915; Sonntag, 1915

Investments: Sonntag, 646-47, 666-68, 906-7

Management: Hermanson, 872

Ownership: Calvert, 1222

Privatization: Calvert, 1223

Salary increases, managers: Wall, 485

Crown Investments Corporation of Saskatchewan

Business plans, concerns: Axworthy, 873; Hermanson, 873

Business plans, due diligence: Sonntag, 907; Wall, 907

Dividends, use of: Cline, 597-98; Wall, 597-98

Former Minister, Janice MacKinnon, resignation: Calvert, 904-5; Hermanson, 903-5

Investments, non-disclosure in exchange for world trip: D'Autremont, 992; Hermanson, 840-41; Lautermilch, 992

Non-Saskatchewan investment: Hillson, 87-88, 233-34, 398; Sonntag, 87-88, 233-34, 398

Drought, contingency programs, agricultural: Boyd, 2354; Serby, 2354-55

East Central Health District, Yorkton area, administrators working on longer term plan: Nilson, 1490


Confidence: Calvert, 741-42, 2144-45; Lautermilch, 741, 1019

Confidence, low, general population: Hermanson, 741

Deregulated, market-driven: Sonntag, 571

Diversification: Lautermilch, 570, 1692

Forecast, government, 2001-2002: Cline, 1980-81; Krawetz, 1980-81

Forecast, Toronto Dominion Bank: Eagles, 2396; Hermanson, 2394

Gross domestic product (GDP), growth, eight consecutive years: Lautermilch, 570

Gross domestic product (GDP), largest growth per capita in 1990s: Calvert, 429

Growth, incentives: Lautermilch, 395, 570

Growth: Lautermilch, 571

Partnership for Growth (1996): Calvert, 1635

Partnership for Prosperity (2001), strategic plan: Calvert, 1636, 1693, 1747, 2396; Lautermilch, 1667; Wall, 2354

Performance, weakest in Canada, Globe and Mail report: Hermanson, 570

Performance, weakest in Canada, Globe and Mail report, influenced by agricultural crisis: Lautermilch, 570

Slump: Hermanson, 1693; McMorris, 2145

Education, funding: Melenchuk, 2066-67; Osika, 280

Elections, promises: Calvert, 327; Hermanson, 327

Elections, promises, Liberal: Draude, 1916-17

Electricity, cogeneration, capacity, expansion, Cory and Muskeg Lake: Cline, 486

Elk industry, chronic wasting disease: Belanger, 398; Kwiatkowski, 397-98

Elk industry, chronic wasting disease, control measures: Belanger, 398; Kwiatkowski, 398

Emergency medical services workers, pay rates, standardization: Hillson, 2232; Nilson, 2232


Growth, March 2000 and March 2001: Lautermilch, 427

Growth, projection: Calvert, 1635-36; Hermanson, 1635-36

Loss, agricultural sector: Calvert, 428, 1746-47; Lautermilch, 1666, 1668, 1692, 1748

Loss: Calvert, 10-12, 2393-94; Eagles, 2395-97; Hermanson, 10, 427-28, 1692, 2393-94; Hillson, 1668, 1748; Wakefield, 1666-67

Employment development, lack of: Hermanson, 427-28

Employment development: Lautermilch, 1019

Environment and Resource Management Department

Minister, resignation request: Heppner, 1080

Minister, resignation request denied: Calvert, 1080

Water quality, testing, informing, regulating communities: Belanger, 1225-26; Kwiatkowski, 1225-26

Water quality, testing: Kwiatkowski, 1048

Water quality issues, no common government database: Kwiatkowski, 1048

Water quality issues, role in: Belanger, 1077, 1079; Heppner, 1077

Families, taxes, reduction: Cline, 202-3; Hermanson, 202

Farm families, government programs: Harper, 52-53; Serby, 52-54

Farm income

Crisis, $1 billion federal aid, MLAs presenting case in Ottawa: Boyd, 13-15; Calvert, 14-15

Crisis, correspondence with Prime Minister: Boyd, 601, 645; Serby, 601, 645

Federal aid: Boyd, 548, 645-46; Serby, 548, 645-46

Federal aid, provincial strategy for solicitation: Serby, 548

Federal aid, receipt of: Serby, 548

Farm safety net

Boyd, 2259-60; Serby, 2259-60

Canada Farm Income Program (CFIP), problems: Boyd, 329; Serby, 329

Farm Support Review Committee: Boyd, 329; Serby, 329

Farm Support Review Committee. development, recommendations: Harpauer, 52-53; Serby, 52-54

Long-term: Boyd, 13, 2201; Calvert, 13, 2201; Harper, 52-53

Farmland, farm land property tax rebate, administration costs: Boyd, 601; Serby, 601

Farmland, ownership regulations: Boyd, 1984; Serby, 1984-85

Forest fires, mobile fire suppression service: Belanger, 907-8; Hillson, 907-8

Forest industry

Closure, Ainsworth Lumber: Lautermilch, 206, 396-97; Wiberg, 205, 396-97

Development plan, northern Saskatchewan: Allchurch, 205; Lautermilch, 205

Investor confidence: Lautermilch, 399; Wiberg, 399


Revenue-sharing partnerships: Calvert, 263

Social impact study: Calvert, 262-63; Eagles, 262

Gambling industry, problems: Calvert, 1870; Hermanson, 1870

Gophers, population explosion, eradication, rural areas: Peters, 1841-42; Serby, 1842


Coalition, accomplishments: Calvert, 1917

Credit rating, upgrades: Cline, 278-79

Fiscal foundation, solid: Calvert, 260

Non-confidence, issues: Hermanson, 1746-47

Officials, authorization for out-of-province travel: Lautermilch, 841

Services: Calvert, 261

Size: Krawetz, 261

Vision: Calvert, 13; Hermanson, 13

Government expenditures, debt: Cline, 572; Hillson, 398; Krawetz, 487

Health care

Bill of rights and responsibilities: Gantefoer, 519

Centres, regional: Gantefoer, 85; Nilson, 85

Deterioration: Gantefoer, 547

Emergency services, patient waiting times: Heppner, 1460-62; Nilson, 1460-61

Facilities, closure, pending Commission on Medicare report: Hillson, 233; Nilson, 233

Funding: Hillson, 549

Improved system, co-operative endeavour: Calvert, 2317; Nilson, 599

Management: Hermanson, 2315-16

Micromanagement: Calvert, 232

Patients, critical, out-of-province surgery: Hillson, 1811-12; Nilson, 1811-12

Public health inspectors, shortage, Battlefords Health District: Bakken, 2008-9; Nilson, 2008-9

Reform/renewal: Serby, 545

Structure, for benefit of citizens: Gantefoer, 518

Health care workers

Nilson, 171-72

Loss of: Hermanson, 2315

Negotiations, CUPE and Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations, appointment of new conciliator or mediator: Nilson, 1690-91

Negotiations, CUPE and Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations, contract dispute, workload: Gantefoer, 1603

Negotiations, CUPE and Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations, mediation: Gantefoer, 1779-80; Nilson, 1779-80

Negotiations, CUPE and Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations, resumption with conciliator: Atkinson, 1602

Negotiations: Gantefoer, 1569; Nilson, 1569

Negotiations, strike settlement, funding: Gantefoer, 1838; Nilson, 1838

Negotiations, workplace issues: Gantefoer, 1838; Nilson, 1838-39

Numbers, increase: Gantefoer, 203; Nilson, 203

Recruitment: Calvert, 2315

Recruitment, difficult, Lanigan Hospital: Nilson, 664

Recruitment process: Nilson, 2315, 2318

Shortages: Harpauer, 664; Julι, 2317-18

Shortages, Lanigan Hospital: Nilson, 664

Strike, ensure health and safety of patients: Nilson, 1690

Strike, essential services delivery during mediation: Gantefoer, 1749; Nilson, 1749

Strike: Gantefoer, 1690-92

Strike, long-term care patients: Gantefoer, 1807-8; Nilson, 1808

Strike, patients moved from long-term care facilities: Gantefoer, 1778-79

Strike, patients sent out-of-province: Gantefoer, 1778; Nilson, 1778

Strike, return to negotiations: Nilson, 1691-92

Strike, surgery cancellation: Gantefoer, 1778, 1807; Nilson, 1778, 1807

Strike, workplace issues: Gantefoer, 1808

Strike notice, delivery of health services: Gantefoer, 1569; Nilson, 1569

Training, recruitment, retention: Nilson, 1490

Valued: Atkinson, 1603

Health districts, budget allocations, 2001-2002: Bjornerud, 1491; Nilson, 1492

Highways and roads

Construction and maintenance: Atkinson, 110-11; Calvert, 2395; Elhard, 110-11

Funding: Atkinson, 110-11; Elhard, 110; Osika, 280, 361

Funding, upgrading, resurfacing, twinning: Atkinson, 399

Gravel, reverting to: Elhard, 111; Hillson, 399

Highway No. 1, twinning, funding: Osika, 361

Highway No. 43: Atkinson, 111-12; Stewart, 111

Thin membrane surface: Atkinson, 111

Thin membrane surface, upgrading: Osika, 361

Truck routes, alternate: Atkinson, 111; Elhard, 111; Stewart, 111-12

Hospital waiting lists

Gantefoer, 84, 742; Nilson, 84

Saskatoon, development of action plan: Nilson, 742

Saskatoon: Gantefoer, 742

Surgery: Bakken, 2352-53; Gantefoer, 2316; Hermanson, 2350-51; Julι, 2317; Nilson, 2317, 2351-53

Surgery, ophthalmology: Nilson, 2351

Surgery, orthopedic hip and knee replacement: Nilson, 2351

Surgery, Saskatoon: Calvert, 2316; Hermanson, 2314; Nilson, 2314


Beds, acute care, shortage, Swift Current: Bakken, 2097-98; Nilson, 2097-98

Beds, psychiatric, closures: Gantefoer, 172

Closures: Gantefoer, 2316

Closures, Lanigan, June to September, 2001

Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, alternative arrangements: Harpauer, 708, 791-92; Nilson, 708

Closures, Lanigan, June to September, 2001: Harpauer, 663-64, 708; Nilson, 664, 708

Closures, possible, Lanigan: Harpauer, 791-92; Nilson, 792

Lanigan, nursing shortage: Harpauer, 708; Nilson, 708

Melville, new, acute care facility: Bakken, 598-99; Nilson, 599

Melville, new, anticipated altered designation: Bakken, 599

St. Anthony's, Esterhazy, payroll problem: Bjornerud, 1491

Yorkton, pediatric unit, bed closures: Bjornerud, 1489-91

Housing, starts, down: Hermanson, 570

Income tax, reduction: Hermanson, 230; Krawetz, 230, 278

Information Services Corporation of Saskatchewan

Dividends, paid to General Revenue Fund: Axworthy, 908; Hillson, 908

Expansion into commercial high technology: Axworthy, 788-89, 1748; Hillson, 1748; Wall, 788-89

Expansion into commercial high technology, contracts: Axworthy, 841; Wall, 841-42

Funding: Axworthy, 787-88; Wall, 787

Mandate: Axworthy, 788, 842; Wall, 787-88

Infrastructure, investment: Lautermilch, 1019

Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Department, Aboriginal affairs

Minister, First Nations Party of Saskatchewan, candidate, derogatory remarks towards: Julι, 51; Lorjι, 51

Internet services, high speed: Atkinson, 2354

Labour Relations Board, adjudication, government managerial positions unionized: Crofford, 458-59, 769; Weekes, 458-59, 768-69

Labour Standards Act, discrimination by employer prohibited: Trew, 1459-60, 1462

LAND (Land Titles Automated Network Development) project

Fees for customers: Axworthy, 874; Heppner, 874

Profit, first year of operation: Axworthy, 789

LAND (Land Titles Automated Network Development) project: Axworthy, 841

Legislative Assembly members, meet with public, tax-supported work: Calvert, 1398-99

Liberal Party (Saskatchewan), caucus, Third Party, funding, legislation: Hillson, 1462-63; Krawetz, 1432-34; Lautermilch, 1432-34, 1462-63; Melenchuk, 1463

Livestock industry, pasture land, taxes: Boyd, 2011; Serby, 2011

Mιtis Act, additions, improvements: Goulet, 2010-11; Julι, 2011

Mιtis Act, public consultation: Julι, 2010


Funding: Bjornerud, 326, 2067

Funding, targeted programs: Osika, 2067-68

Grants in lieu of taxes: Osika, 327, 707

Infrastructure, funding: Osika, 707, 790, 1016

Revenue sharing: Hillson, 769

Revenue-sharing grants: Bjornerud, 261-62, 359-60, 430-31, 872, 2068-69; Calvert, 261-62; Melenchuk, 2068; Osika, 325

Revenue-sharing grants, impact: Bjornerud, 789-91, 872

Natural gas

Lowest energy costs in Canada: Sonntag, 932

Price projection for purchase: Wall, 1488

Prices, best in Canada: Cline, 1516-18

Privatization, deregulation, not being considered: Cline, 1488, 1516

Rate increase, advertising: Sonntag, 1810-11 Wall, 1810-11

Rate increase, application to Rate Review Panel: Sonntag, 933; Wall, 932

Rate increase, consideration of Rate Review Panel recommendations: Cline, 1190-91, 1516

Rate increase, government relief to customers: Krawetz, 1191

Rate increase: Hermanson, 706; Krawetz, 1190-91; Sonntag, 173-74, 571, 1750; Wall, 173, 571, 932-33, 1489, 1750-51

Rate increase, impact: Bjornerud, 1517; Draude, 1518; Eagles, 1518; Elhard, 1517; Gantefoer, 1517-18; Harpauer, 1517; Hermanson, 1515; Wakefield, 1516; Wall, 1515-16

Rates, city of Regina purchases: Sonntag, 1982-83, 2146; Wall, 1981, 2146

Rates: Sonntag, 1982, 2146-47, 2230-31; Wall, 1981-82, 2146, 2230-31

Rebate for customers, lack of resources: Sonntag, 572

Rebate for customers: Wall, 572

Non-confidence vote, coalition government, consequences: Calvert, 2199


Education: Nilson, 172, 1461

Number of positions, increase: Nilson, 1462

Numbers, decrease: Gantefoer, 203-4; Nilson, 203

Shortage: Gantefoer, 83-84; Nilson, 84

Training, recruitment, and retention: Gantefoer, 114; Nilson, 114

Oil industry, pipeline routes, Alaska and Mackenzie Valley pipelines: Hillson, 2012

Oil industry, pipeline routes, Alliance Pipeline: Lautermilch, 2012

Personal care homes, Langham Senior Citizens Home, personal care home licence application: Nilson, 1839; Weekes, 1839

Personal injury protection plan

Eliminate: Wall, 2256-57

Review recommendations, implementation: Wall, 2255

Review recommendations, process: Sonntag, 2255-57


Loss of: Gantefoer, 546

Numbers, increase: Nilson, 172

Pediatrician, possible loss of, Yorkton: Bjornerud, 1490

Psychiatrists, loss, Regina Health District: Gantefoer, 457, 708-9; Nilson, 457, 709

Psychiatry Manpower Committee, Psychiatrist retention and compensation: Nilson, 457

Police services

Additional police officers: Axworthy, 743

Reduction: Heppner, 742-43

Special constables, appointment and responsibilities: Axworthy, 1246; Heppner, 1246


Decline: Hermanson, 395-96, 429

Demographics, Canada West Foundation seminar: Wakefield, 1018, 1019

Forecast: Calvert, 13; Hermanson, 13

Planning for Saskatchewan's Future: Gantefoer, 12-13; Nilson, 12-13

Increase, decade 1991-2001: Lautermilch, 395

Out-migration: Calvert, 10-12, 2144; Eagles, 2396; Hermanson, 10, 396, 427; McMorris, 2143-45

Out-migration, youth, Canada West Foundation report: Hillson, 1281

Out-migration, youth: Wakefield, 1019

Property, reassessment, 2001: Bjornerud, 572; Osika, 601

Property tax

Education tax, increase: Bjornerud, 573

Education tax, increase, Saskatoon: Draude, 743-44

Education tax, relief: Calvert, 770; Osika, 769-70, 790, 872

Education tax, rural municipalities, increase: Draude, 2066-67

Grants in lieu of taxes: Bjornerud, 573, 600; Osika, 572-73, 600

Increase: Bjornerud, 279-80, 325-26, 359-60, 600, 707, 872, 2068; Hermanson, 277; Melenchuk, 280

Increase, Humboldt: Bjornerud, 789-90

Increase, Liberal position on budget: Krawetz, 361; Melenchuk, 362

Increase, Melfort: Bjornerud, 600

Prostitution, child prostitution, protection: Julι, 547-48

Prostitution, child prostitution, protection, legislation: Julι, 547, 2201-02, 2228; Lautermilch, 2228; Van Mulligen, 2202, 2228

Provincial sales tax

Expanded: Hermanson, 230; Krawetz, 230-31

Reduced: Hermanson, 260

Remission process, extension request: Cline, 2229-30; Krawetz, 2229-30

Psychiatric nurses, shortage: Gantefoer, 171-72

Public service

Managerial positions unionized: Crofford, 1402, 2098; Weekes, 1401-02, 2098

Negotiations, SGEU strike vote: Crofford, 2099; Weekes, 2099

Numbers, increase: Bjornerud, 279-80, 359-60, 429-30; Hermanson, 276-78; Lautermilch, 278-79; Osika, 359-60, 429-30

Numbers, increase, Liberal position on budget: Krawetz, 360-61; Melenchuk, 361; Osika, 361

Retail trade, growth, low: Hermanson, 570

Royal Canadian Mounted Police, police officers, additional: Hermanson, 327-28

Rural economy, development: Atkinson, 233

Rural Revitalization Office, mandate: Atkinson, 233; Huyghebaert, 232-33

Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency, property assessment, flawed: Bjornerud, 1020

Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency, property assessment, opting out clause: Osika, 1020

Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce, report, Action Saskatchewan: a Blueprint for 2005, government role in rebuilding economy: Hermanson, 1222

Saskatchewan Economic Development Corporation: Huyghebaert, 233

Saskatchewan Government Insurance, investment, Ontario: Hillson, 1637-38; Sonntag, 1638

Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority

Gaming agreement, new, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations: Eagles, 2257-58; Hamilton, 2257-58

Internal audit, misappropriation of monies: Eagles, 1913-14; Hamilton, 1914

Payee list, release to public: Eagles, 2010

Political donations: Eagles, 87; Lautermilch, 87

Political donations, recovery: Eagles, 1840-41; Lautermilch, 1841

Revenue, misspent, recovery: Eagles, 113; Hamilton, 113-14

Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology, graduates, employment in Saskatchewan: Lautermilch, 396

Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority

Allegations of impropriety

Investigation, Justice Wakeling: Hamilton, 1312, 1430, 1868-70; Heppner, 1430

Investigation, Justice Wakeling, terms of reference: Hamilton, 1430, 1459, 1809; Heppner, 1430, 1459, 1808

Investigation, process, due diligence: Serby, 1314

Ministerial trip, northern Saskatchewan, Conflict of Interest Commissioner, review: Calvert, 1399; Hamilton, 1430

Ministerial trip, northern Saskatchewan, Conflict of Interest Commissioner, terms of reference: Hamilton, 1809; Heppner, 1808

Ministerial trip, northern Saskatchewan: Heppner, 1398-99

Report, Justice Wakeling: Eagles, 1913; Hamilton, 1809, 1840, 1913; Heppner, 1809, 1839-40

Allegations of impropriety: Heppner, 1868-69

Annual report, 1999-2000, tabled late: Calvert, 1607; Eagles, 1606; Hamilton, 1606; Hermanson, 1607

Appointment and firing of Joe Dosenberger: Heppner, 1246-49, 1277-79

Conflict of interest allegations, firing of employee: Hamilton, 1313; Heppner, 1313

Conflict of interest allegations: Hamilton, 1311-12; Heppner, 1311-12

Conflict of interest guidelines: Hamilton, 2095-96, 2147-48; Heppner, 2095-96, 2147-48

Departmental personnel matters, ministerial involvement: Calvert, 1400-1; Heppner, 1400-1

Firing of Bonnie Swan: Hamilton, 1342-44; Heppner, 1342-44

Firing of Joe Dosenberger, matter before courts: Axworthy, 1277-79

Firing of Joe Dosenberger, personnel issue and management responsibility: Hamilton, 1246-49

Firing of Joe Dosenberger, ruling, Justice Larry Kyle: Eagles, 1914-15; Hamilton, 1866-68, 1914-15; Heppner, 1866-68

Firing of Joe Dosenberger and Bonnie Swan, allegations: Heppner, 1341, 1400

Firing of Joe Dosenberger and Bonnie Swan, due process: Calvert, 1400

Firing of Joe Dosenberger and Bonnie Swan, personnel issue and management responsibility: Hamilton, 1341

Harassment issues, Bonnie Swan, independent investigation by Tim Coral: Hamilton, 1341-42; Heppner, 1341-42

Investigation of Dutch Lerat, CEO, Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, minister's awareness: Hamilton, 1749-50; Heppner, 1749-50

Investigation of Dutch Lerat, Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, minister's awareness: Hamilton, 1280-81; Heppner, 1280-81

Liquor franchises, awarding: Hamilton, 1430-32; Heppner, 1430-32

Ministerial trips: Heppner, 1400; Sonntag, 1400

Training course, leadership: Eagles, 2009-10; Hamilton, 2009-10

Saskatchewan Opportunities Corporation: Huyghebaert, 233

Saskatchewan Power Corporation

Financial settlement, vice president, departure: Sonntag, 455, 484; Wall, 455-56, 484

Power export: Cline, 486, 487

Rates, frozen: Sonntag, 457

Rates, increase: Calvert, 86; Hermanson, 706; Sonntag, 85-86; Wall, 85-86, 457

Rates, increase, residential: Sonntag, 112; Wall, 112

Rates, lower than most of Canada: Sonntag, 455

Rates, rebate: Wall, 173

Salary increases, executives: Wall, 457

Salary increases, managers: Wall, 485

Services, reliable: Sonntag, 455, 484

Staff increase, managers: Wall, 484-85

Saskatchewan Telecommunications


Sonntag, 1101-2; Wall, 1101

Assist rural Saskatchewan: Atkinson, 1103; Elhard, 1103

Competition with Draude, 1223; Sonntag, 1223-24

Competition with IRON Solutions: Sonntag, 1102-3, 1137-38; Wall, 1102-3, 1137-38

Competition with Western Producer: Hermanson, 1191-92

Due diligence: Elhard, 1103; Wall, 1137-38

Enhance parent company: Atkinson, 1104

Club Magic: Wall, 1104

Competition with Saskatchewan business: Hermanson, 1191-92

Diversification: Sonntag, 1105, 1192

DLC-West: Sonntag, 1809-10; Wall, 1809-10

Poor, Wall, 906-7

Poor, IQ&A, health data: Sonntag, 710, 767; Wall, 646-47, 665-68, 709-10, 767-68, Nashville, Tenn.: Sonntag, 1104; Wall, 1104

WestTel: Wall, 1780-82; Sonntag, 1781-82

Privatization: Calvert, 1193; Sonntag, 1192-93; Wall, 1192-93

Saskatchewan Valley Potato Corporation

Development, government support: Brkich, 263-64, 459, 488; Sonntag, 263, 459

Financial status: Brkich, 1603; Sonntag, 1603

Grant in lieu notice, unpaid

Rural Municipality of Canaan: Brkich, 905-6

Rural Municipality of Canaan, resolution discussions: Sonntag, 905-6

Rural Municipality of Rudy: Brkich, 844, 905-6; McMorris, 1572-73

Rural Municipality of Rudy, resolution discussions: Sonntag, 844-45, 905-6, 1573

Operating loss: Brkich, 487

Potato dumping, Broderick: Brkich, 1603-4; McMorris, 1572; Sonntag, 1572, 1603-4

Potato production: McMorris, 1572; Sonntag, 1572

Seed potatoes, export, Prince Edward Island: Sonntag, 488

Seed potatoes, frozen, returned from Prince Edward Island: Brkich, 459-60; Sonntag, 460

Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, debt restructuring: Krawetz, 905; Serby, 905

SaskEnergy Incorporated

Purchases for gas year 2001-2002, prices, purchase status: Cline, 1570-71; Sonntag, 1569-71, 1605-6, 1634-35; Wall, 1569-72, 1604-6, 1634-35

SaskPower International Inc., cogeneration project at Cory potash mine, ATCO Power Ltd., partner: Wall, 1163

SaskPower International Inc., cogeneration project at Cory potash mine, power purchase agreement: Sonntag, 1163-65; Wall, 1163-65

School boards, funding, Saskatoon: Melenchuk, 743

Schools, enrolment decline: Draude, 574; Melenchuk, 574

SecurTek, financial losses: Wall, 875

SecurTek, impact on small business: Sonntag, 875; Wall, 875

Sewage, effluent excess, discharge, North Saskatchewan River: Belanger, 988-91; Kwiatkowski, 988-91

Sewage, effluent excess, discharge, North Saskatchewan River, reports: Belanger, 1017-18; Kwiatkowski, 1017-18

Sexual offenders, adult, resident in Nipawin, close surveillance: Axworthy, 1135

Sexual offenders, adult, resident in Nipawin, concerned community: Kwiatkowski, 1135

Sexual offenders, registry: Axworthy, 766-67, 1134-35; Hermanson, 1134-35; Julι, 765-66

Small business

Deterrents, taxes: Cline, 171; Hermanson, 170-71

Tax increase, hotels: Bjornerud, 744

Tax reduction: Calvert, 276-77, 876

Taxes, southwest Saskatchewan, assessment review: Osika, 744

Social Services Department

Deaths of children in care, increasing, Children's Advocate review: Eagles, 1161-62

Deaths of children in care, interpretation of Children's Advocate review: Van Mulligen, 1161

Deaths of children in care, preventive measures: Van Mulligen, 1162

Special care homes, closures, Pioneer Lodge, Assiniboia: Calvert, 232; Huyghebaert, 204, 231-32; Nilson, 204, 231-32

Students, enrolment, declining: Draude, 12; Melenchuk, 12


Reduction: Calvert, 260; Cline, 170-71, 202-3, 230-31; Hermanson, 170-71, 202, 230

Relief, families: Hermanson, 259-60

Telephones, 911 service: Osika, 360

Television, cable industry, SaskTel investment: Atkinson, 2353; Wall, 2353

Tobacco Control Committee: Bakken, 2065

Universities, funding, including tuition: Hagel, 1249-50; Hart, 1250

University of Regina, tuition fees, increase: Hart, 1249

University of Saskatchewan

College of Medicine, funding: Gantefoer, 172-73; Nilson, 172-73

College of Medicine, loss of: Gantefoer, 546

Funding, capital: Hagel, 843

Funding, government operating grants, insufficient: Hart, 843-44


Rates, increase: Hermanson, 201-2, 230, 260; Krawetz, 230-31, 278; Sonntag, 202

Rates, lowest in Canada: Calvert, 260

Rebates: Hermanson, 707


Drinking water, strategy: Kwiatkowski, 1048

Management and quality: Calvert, 1193-94; Hillson, 1193

Treatment, provincial review: Hermanson, 1017

Treatment, repairs and replacements: Osika, 1017

Water quality

Assessment, monitoring, and protection programming, additional staff: Belanger, 1047, 1049, 1050

Assessment, monitoring, and protection programming: Belanger, 1046; Hermanson, 1046

Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, conference, Winnipeg, April 30 - May 1, 2001: Belanger, 991; Kwiatkowski, 991

Funding for testing: Belanger, 791

Infrastructure funding: Belanger, 1105; Kwiatkowski, 1105; Osika, 1105-6

Infrastructure funding, low priority Kwiatkowski, 1105-6

Infrastructure program, national: Hermanson, 1016-17

Infrastructure projects: Belanger, 1076, 1078; Osika, 1076


Hermanson, 1047

Boil-water advisories: Belanger, 988, 1079, 1080; Hermanson, 988; Kwiatkowski, 991; Osika, 1016-17

Cabinet reports: Belanger, 1077-79; Heppner, 1077-78; Kwiatkowski, 1050, 1076-77, 1079

Cryptosporidium parvum contamination, North Battleford, boil-water advisory: Hermanson, 930-31; Nilson, 930-31

Cryptosporidium parvum contamination, North Battleford, correction measures: Nilson, 930-32

Cryptosporidium parvum contamination, North Battleford: Hermanson, 930-31

North Battleford: Bjornerud, 791; Hermanson, 1046

North Battleford, government financial assistance: Calvert, 988; Hermanson, 988; Hillson, 1050; Osika, 1050

North Battleford, public inquiry: Belanger, 988-91; Calvert, 1277; Kwiatkowski, 1277

Public awareness: Belanger, 1047; Hermanson, 1047

Warnings: Kwiatkowski, 1049,1076

Whistle-blower protection legislation: Axworthy, 54-55, 1246; Heppner, 54-55, 1246, 1459-60; Hillson, 1462; Trew, 1459-60, 1462

Women, entrepreneurs, Employment Insurance, maternity leave benefits: Crofford, 2318-19; Harpauer, 2318-19

Workers' Compensation Board

Review 2000 of the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board: Recurring and Current Administrative Issues: Trew, 329, 740-41, 767; Weekes, 328-29, 740, 767

Accountability: Weekes, 397, 431

Retirement party, Board Chair, Stan Cameron: Trew, 363; Weekes, 362-63, 431

Retirement party, cancellation, Board Chair, Stan Cameron: Trew, 397, 431; Weekes, 397

Terminations, management staff: Allchurch, 2099; Trew, 362, 2099; Weekes, 328, 362

Workers' Compensation Board: Trew, 362

Youth, economic growth, opportunities: Calvert, 2396


Organic agriculture/food, 90, 134, 244- See also Canadian Wheat Board


Organized crime See Police services - Organized crime


Oriented strand board mill, OSB 2000, Hudson Bay See Forest industry - Oriented strand board mill, OSB 2000, Hudson Bay


Osika-Schick, Colby Ron See Births - Osika-Schick, Colby Ron, July 4, 2001


Our Lady of the Prairies Foundation Act, 2001 (No. 302)

Petition, 640, 660

Second reading

Addley, 857

Committee of the Whole Assembly, 1150

Third reading

Addley, 1152

Royal Assent, 1452


Out-migration See Population - Out-migration






Palmer, Ron See Whistle-blower protection legislation


PanCanadian Petroleum Limited See Oil industry - CO2 enhanced oil recovery program, Weyburn



Parental leave legislation- See Labour Standards Act - Parental leave legislation


Parkland Health District, 217

Board, decision on Blaine Lake Medical Clinic, petitions, 926

Weekes, 900


Parks - See also Representative areas network (RAN) program

Pioneer Park, St. Louis, commemorative plaque, Hector Tremblay, unveiling, June 10, 2001, member's statement

Julι, 1806

Regional, funding, 1266

Urban, funding, Centenary Capital Fund, member's statement

Junor, 2227-28


Partnership Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 1)

First reading

Axworthy, 174

Second reading, 1880

Axworthy, 576

Heppner, 794-96

McMorris, 576-77

Wakefield, 1439-40

Wall, 1085

Wiberg, 1706

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2086

Heppner, 2086

Third reading

Axworthy, 2089

Royal Assent, 2249


Partnership for Prosperity (2001) See Economy - Partnership for Prosperity (2001)



Celebration, member's statement

Toth, 543

Wartman, 543



Number per capita, 193


Pay equity- See also Public service

Legislation, pending, 1068-69

Public service, 1092

Cost of program, 1091

Status of program, 1091


Pensions See Public service - Pensions; Superannuation (Supplementary Provisions) Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 7); Teachers - Pensions, unfunded liabilities; Teachers Superannuation and Disability Benefits Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 41)


Personal care homes- See also Special care homes

Funding formula, 1269-70

Langham Senior Citizens Home, personal care home licence application

Nilson, 1839

Weekes, 1839

Non-profit, government provide subsidies, petitions, 1512, 1566, 1630, 1686, 1743, 1775, 1834, 1862, 1908, 1978, 2004, 2092, 2190, 2224, 2252, 2310, 2348, 2390

Bjornerud, 1484, 1511, 1598, 1660, 1686, 1742, 1804, 1833-34, 1862, 1907, 1977, 2061, 2141, 2190, 2224, 2252, 2309, 2347-48, 2389-90

Krawetz, 2389

St. Anthony's Home, Moose Jaw- See St. Anthony's Home Repeal Act (No. 305)


Personal injury protection plan


Wall, 2256-57

Recommendation for change, 2051

Review recommendations, implementation

Wall, 2255

Review recommendations, process

Sonntag, 2255-57

Saskatchewan Party position, member's statement

Wall, 2392



Reduction of use, 244


Pests See Gophers




Alcohol and drug abuse

Treatment centre, Weyburn

Ambulance service

Community-based, consolidation and centralization

Avonlea dam

Reconstruction and expansion


Preschool, speech and language services, funding

Tobacco use, protection

Community-based organizations

Rail City Industries, Melville, employee wage increase


Rebates to consumers

Fishing, licences, reverse decision to raise fee

Government House, Battleford

Restoration, centenary project, petitions

Health care

Abortions, remove government funding


Davidson and Craik, maintain at current level of service

Kelvington, maintain at current level of service

Redvers, maintain at current level of service

Wadena, maintain at current level of service

Services, no reduction, Shellbrook-Spiritwood constituency

Highways and roads

Funding by government

Gravel, reverting to

Highway No. 35, repairs

Highway No. 43

Construction and maintenance, Vanguard to Highway No. 4

Upgrade, funding

Highway No. 339

Construction and maintenance, to facilitate economic development


Hafford, ensure it remains open

Kamsack, ensure services maintained

Swift Current Regional Hospital, new

Weyburn, Bengough Health Centre, Radville Marian Health Centre, Pangman Health Centre, ensure services maintained

Labour Standards Act

Greenhouse proprietors and employees, needs

Parkland Health District

Board, decision on Blaine Lake Medical Clinic

Personal care homes

Non-profit, government provide subsidies


Events, government funding, discontinue

School divisions

Grants, operating (foundation grant)

Smoking, public places, workplaces and school property, ban, legislation

Special care homes

Pioneer Lodge, Assiniboia


911 service, province wide

Cellular service

Communities, Wood River constituency

Northern districts, ten



Bruno be part of Humboldt

Vehicles, emergency

Tow trucks


Treatment plant, North Battleford, financial assistance



Funding, St. Victor, 1210


Petroleum See Gasoline; Oil industry


Petroleum Technology Research Centre, Regina, 1, 149, 184

Thomson, 366, 370



Fee-for-service, 2160


Indians/First Nations, Jack Janvier, La Loche, medical doctor, member's statement

Belanger, 2063

Loss of

Gantefoer, 546

Macklin, new arrivals, member's statement

Jones, 357

Numbers, increase

Nilson, 172

Pediatrician, possible loss of, Yorkton, 1126

Bjornerud, 1490

Psychiatrists, loss, Regina Health District

Gantefoer, 457-58, 708-9

Nilson, 457-58, 709

Psychiatry Manpower Committee

Psychiatrist retention and compensation

Nilson, 457

Retention- See below Training, recruitment, and retention

Rosetown, new arrivals, Dr. Clint and Dr. Marguerite McDonald, member's statement

Prebble, 82

Rural Saskatchewan, new arrivals, member's statement

Junor, 1979-80

Shaunavon, new arrivals, Dr. Ivo Radenski and Dr. Wassefall, member's statement

Higgins, 229

Shortage, 126, 245

Training, recruitment, and retention, 68-69, 219

Toth, 342

Unity, new arrival, member's statement

Jones, 357


Pigs See Hog industry


Planning and Development Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 6)

First reading

Osika, 234

Second reading

Bjornerud, 966-67

Hart, 1815

McMorris, 1259

Osika, 799

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Bjornerud, 2045

Osika, 2045

Third reading

Osika, 2050

Royal Assent, 2249


Planning for Saskatchewan's Future See Population - Forecast - Planning for Saskatchewan's Future



Reading, The Ides (and Odes) of May - a festivity of poetry, the Exchange, Regina, member's statement

Higgins, 1189-90

Who is the Unknown Soldier, Leah McDonald, winner, Veterans Affairs Canada writing contest, member's statement

Hermanson, 738-39


Points of order

Comments non-procedural, strike from record

D'Autremont, 1022

Hagel, 1022


Accusations offensive and slanderous

D'Autremont, 1464

Krawetz, 1465-66

Melenchuk, 1463-64

Cannot reflect upon any vote (decision) of the Assembly

Hagel, 506

Toth, 506

Discouraged from referring by name to persons who are not members

Bjornerud, 2056

Lautermilch, 2055-56

"Phony hypocrite," apologize and withdraw remarks

Cline, 1492

D'Autremont, 1492

Motions, Government

Assembly instructs the Committee of Finance to reconsider supply resolution for Dept. of Economic and Co-operative Development, re-vote, out of order

D'Autremont, 2262-64

Assembly instructs the Committee of Finance to reconsider supply resolution for Dept. of Economic and Co-operative Development, re-vote, out of order, comment

McMorris, 2264-65

Committees of the Assembly are subjected to the Assembly's orders

Hagel, 2264

Motions (under Rule 46)

Entering into debate

D'Autremont, 1022

Deputy Speaker, 1022

Lautermilch, 1022

Statements referring to Progressive Conservative metro fund

Krawetz, 1466

Lautermilch, 1466

Table letter from which quotes made in question period

Atkinson, 1695

D'Autremont, 1695


Police Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 43)

First reading

Axworthy, 1403

Second reading

Axworthy, 1563-64

Heppner, 1874-75

Weekes, 1564

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2127

Heppner, 2127

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Police services- See also Police Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 43); Royal Canadian Mounted Police; Rural revitalization - Police services, role

Additional police officers, 552-53

Axworthy, 743

Wall, 289

Community co-operation, Hanley-Dundurn Community Consultative Group, member's statement

Brkich, 786-87

Community policing, 551

Funding, 551-52, 552, 2000-2001

Organized crime units, 551

(SHOCAP)- See Young offenders - Serious and habitual youth offender comprehensive action program (SHOCAP)

Highway patrols, 553-55

National Police Week, May 11-16, 2001, member's statement

Heppner, 1100-1101

Organized crime, 555-56 See also above Funding - Organized crime units


Heppner, 742-43

Saskatoon commercial crime section, Supernumerary Special Constable Will Collins sworn in, April 12, 2001, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 986-87

Special constables, appointment and responsibilities

Axworthy, 1246

Heppner, 1246


Federal contract with Saskatchewan, 553

Police College, 553


Political Contributions Tax Credit Act (No. 57)

First reading

Lautermilch, 1782

Second reading

D'Autremont, 1872-73

Lautermilch, 1871-72

Committee of the Whole Assembly

D'Autremont, 1991-92

Lautermilch, 1991-92

Third reading

Hagel, 1996

Royal Assent, 2001


Political parties

Contributions- See Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority - Political donations

Fundraising, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 1836-37



New perspectives, member's statement

Hermanson, 1632



Decline, 254, 2408

D'Autremont, 352

Hermanson, 395-96, 429, 441

Krawetz, 284, 286

Decline, youth, 185

Demographic change, Aboriginal, 1475


Krawetz, 283-84

Demographics, Canada West Foundation seminar

Wakefield, 1018, 1019


Calvert, 13

Hermanson, 13

Planning for Saskatchewan's Future

Gantefoer, 12-13

Nilson, 12-13

Increase, decade 1991-2001

Lautermilch, 395

Increase, encourage

McMorris, 385

Out-migration, 62, 117, 175-76, 222, 530, 531

Calvert, 10-12, 2144

D'Autremont, 364

Eagles, 2396

Harpauer, 372

Hermanson, 10, 396, 427

Krawetz, 283

McMorris, 381, 401, 2143-45

Wakefield, 296-97

To Alberta, 76, 77, 90, 138, 141, 153

Wakefield, 296

Youth, 194

Wakefield, 1019

Youth, Canada West Foundation report

Hillson, 1281


Harpauer, 372

Kwiatkowski, 377

Wakefield, 296, 297

Urbanization, rural-urban drift, 1264, 1266



Events, government funding, discontinue, petitions, 736


Port of Monchy, Sask./Montana See Kiwanis - Cairn, International Peace Care and Rededication ceremony, Monchy


Portulaca plant See Purslane



Scotty T. Rex postmark, ceremony, T-rex Discovery Centre, Eastend, member's statement

Elhard, 453


Post-secondary education See Education, post-secondary


Post-Secondary Education and Skills Training Department

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 685-95, 807-13, 1709-15, 2299-2308

D'Autremont, 2307-8

Elhard, 810-12

Hagel, 685-95, 807-13, 1709-15, 2299-2308

Hart, 685-95, 807-10, 1709-15, 2299-2307

Krawetz, 812-13

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2308

Redevelopment project, Saskatchewan Institute of Science and Technology, 131

Staff, increase in number, 693

Staff, increase in number, budget, 807

Staff, increase in number, responsibilities, 807-8

Vision, goals, 685-86

Working for Women program- See Working for Women program


Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan See Hospitals - Closures - Lanigan, June to September, 2001 - Potash Corporation of Saskatchewan, Inc., alternative arrangements; SaskPower International Inc. - Cogeneration project at Cory potash mine, ATCO Power Ltd., partner; SaskPower International Inc. - Cogeneration project at Cory potash mine, ATCO Power Ltd., power purchase agreement


Potash industry, 182-83, 193, 208

Revenue down, 1390-91

Sales, 1


Potato industry- See also Saskatchewan Valley Potato Corporation

Potato dumping, Broderick- See Saskatchewan Valley Potato Corporation - Potato dumping, Broderick

Production, year 2000, 2177

Transfers from Saskatchewan Water Corporation to Crown Investments Corporation, 2177-78


Poultry industry, 248

Processing, water use, 188


Poverty - See also Social assistance

Formula for assessment, 580-81

Reduction, 579, 975

Reduction, member's statement

Jones, 1632

Assistance programs, 3, 105

Cline, 267

Lorjι, 350

Yates, 312, 313

Assistance programs, proposed, 242


Power Corporation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 9)

First reading

Sonntag, 363

Second reading

Brkich, 1255-57

Sonntag, 1024

Wakefield, 1944-45

Wall, 1821-23

Weekes, 1024

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Sonntag, 2104-9

Wall, 2104-9

Third reading

Nilson, 2130

Royal Assent, 2249


Prairie and Forest Fires Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 44)

First reading

Belanger, 1403

Second reading

Belanger, 1495-96

Kwiatkowski, 1929-30

McMorris, 1496

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Belanger, 2129-30

Kwiatkowski, 2129-30

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Prairie Grain Roads Program See Highways and roads - Funding in partnership with rural municipalities - Prairie Grain Roads Program


Prairie Region Cadet Honour Band See Music - Prairie Region Cadet Honour Band



Business luncheon, May 2, 2001, member's statement

Yates, 870


Prince Albert, Sask. See Habitat for Humanity - Prince Albert Habitat for Humanity; Housing - Senior citizens, Abbeyfield House project; Indians/First Nations - Urban service programs


Prince Albert Habitat for Humanity See Habitat for Humanity


Prince of Wales See Royal family - Prince of Wales


Prince of Wales Cultural and Recreation Centre, Assiniboia See Recreational facilities - Prince of Wales Cultural and Recreation Centre


Priority of debate motions See Motions (priority of debate)


Private Members' Bills Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 235, 1051


Private Members' motions

No. 1. Information technology, rapid promotion, M. (Thomson), 504-10

No. 2. Rebates for utility rate increases, M. (Wall); amdt. (Addley), 711-33

No. 3. Canadian softwood lumber industry M. (Higgins); amdt. (Wakefield), 857-65

No. 4. Allegations by member for North Battleford be referred to Standing Committee on Privileges and Elections, M. (D'Autremont), 994-1000

No. 5. Early childhood development program, implementation, M. (Prebble), 1000-1009

No. 6. Members of the Legislative Assembly, government employees, impartiality and co-operation in police investigations M. (Heppner); amdt. (Yates), 1403-10

No. 7. Urge government to carry through long-term plan for education as announced in budget, M. (McCall), 1410-24

No. 8. Tourism, value to employment and economic development, M. (Thomson), 1585-96

No. 9. Employment development, commitment not attained, M. (Wakefield); amdt. (Yates), 1753-71


Private Members' statements See Members' statements under specific subject entries



Belanger, 375



Breach of law, accusation

D'Autremont, 95

Bribery of Member by Crown Investments Corporation

D'Autremont, 845

Hillson, 845-46

Bribery of Member by Crown Investments Corporation, ruling

Speaker, 876-78


Privileges and Elections Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 235, 1051


Pro Forma Bill

First reading

Calvert, 5


Problem gambling prevalence survey See Gambling - Problem gambling prevalence survey


Processing industry, 1263, 1268- See also Pulses - Pulse processing plant, Chaplin


Professional associations See Regulations Committee


Professional Corporations Act (No. 17)

First reading

Axworthy, 488

Second reading

Axworthy, 577

Heppner, 796-97

McMorris, 577

Stewart, 1706-7

Wakefield, 1471-72

Wall, 1084-85

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 1994-95

Heppner, 1994-95

Third reading

Hagel, 1996

Royal Assent, 2001


Professionals, regulated

Incorporation, 527

Cline, 266

Crofford, 294

Hamilton, 334

McMorris, 383

Yates, 312


Property - See also Commercial Liens Act (No. 28); Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency

Assessment- See Assessment Management Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 22)

Assessment, forest fringe land- See Forest fringe land - Tax assessment for cattle grazing

Ownership- See Land Titles Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 19)


Appeals, 805-6, 2291

Rural, 164, 175, 1728-29

Reassessment, 2001, 803-7

Bjornerud, 572

Osika, 601

Kelvington-Wadena constituency, member's statement

Draude, 902


Property rights See Saskatchewan Property Rights Act (No. 208)


Property tax, 185

Business, tax elimination, 538

Church bible camps, 2057, 2059

Education tax, 185, 2292-93 See also Farmland - Education tax

Increase, 1291-92, 1294-95

Bjornerud, 573

Increase, Saskatoon

Draude, 743-44

Relief, 801

Calvert, 770

Osika, 769-70, 790, 872

Residents in provincial parks, 1903

Rural municipalities, increase

Draude, 2066-67

Rural municipalities, rebate process, 2285

Exemptions, provincial buildings

Osika, 410

Grants in lieu of taxes

Bjornerud, 573, 600

Osika, 572-73, 600

Increase, 99, 270, 281, 801

Bjornerud, 279-80, 325-26, 359-60, 436-38, 572-73, 600, 707, 872, 2068

D'Autremont, 364, 365

Harpauer, 373

Hermanson, 277, 443

Hillson, 406

Krawetz, 281, 286

Kwiatkowski, 379

McMorris, 385, 386

Melenchuk, 280

Toth, 343

Wakefield, 297, 298

Wall, 288-90

Weekes, 412-13, 415

Humboldt, 802

Bjornerud, 789-90

Liberal position on budget

Krawetz, 361, 362

Melenchuk, 362


Bjornerud, 600

Rebate on education portion, 539



Child prostitution

Protection, 2410

Julι, 547-48

Protection, legislation

Julι, 547, 2201-2, 2228

Lautermilch, 2228

Van Mulligen, 2202, 2228

Protection, legislation, M. (Julι); amdt. (Yates); amdt. (Toth)

Draude, 848-49

Harper, 855

Jones, 851-52

Julι, 846-48

Prebble, 853-55

Toth, 852-53

Wartman, 855

Yates, 849-51

Protection, legislation, M. (Julι); amdt. (Yates); amdt. (Toth); questions and comments

Harper, 856

Julι, 855-57

Prebble, 855-56

Relationship to poverty, 579


Providence Hospital, Moose Jaw Repeal Act (No. 303)

Petition, 640, 660

Second reading

Higgins, 857

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Higgins, 1150-51

Huyghebaert, 1150-51

Third reading

Higgins, 1152

Royal Assent, 1452


Provincial Auditor

Reports, Public Accounts Committee, referral, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 16


Provincial Auditor Act, 4


Provincial Auditor Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 14)

First reading

Cline, 460

Second reading

Cline, 886-87

Krawetz, 1644-45

McMorris, 887-88

Wakefield, 1081-82

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Cline, 2021-23

Krawetz, 2021-23

Third reading

Cline, 2027

Royal Assent, 2249


Provincial disaster assistance program, 179


Osika, 411


Provincial Emblems and Honours Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 8)

First reading

Lorjι, 363

Second reading

Bakken, 574-75

D'Autremont, 523-24

Hillson, 575-76

Lorjι, 521-23

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Bakken, 671-72

Lorjι, 671-76

Wiberg, 673-75

Third reading

Lorjι, 676

Royal Assent [Note: Bill assigned incorrect number on p.711], 711


Provincial Nursing Council See Health Department - Provincial Nursing Council


Provincial parks

70th anniversary, member's statement

Addley, 839


Provincial sales tax, 830

Diminish to enhance competition

McMorris, 385

Equipment operators, Alberta-based, 2288-89

Exemption, Lloydminster, 76

Expanded, 175, 190

Hermanson, 230, 443

Krawetz, 230-31, 285

Toth, 342

Weekes, 412

Increase, 56

Lowest in Canada

Sonntag, 403


Crofford, 293

Goulet, 300

Hermanson, 260

Remission process, extension request

Cline, 2229-30

Krawetz, 2229-30

Status quo, 270

Brkich, 344

Wakefield, 297


Provincial-municipal infrastructure program, 2058-59


PST See Provincial sales tax


Psychiatric nurses- See also Health care workers; Nurses

Registered Psychiatric Nurses Association awards, May 15, 2001, member's statement

Junor, 1245


Gantefoer, 171-72

Training, professional qualification, 1681-82


Psychiatry Manpower Committee See Physicians/Doctors - Psychiatry Manpower Committee


Public Accounts Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 235

Provincial Auditor's reports, referral, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 16

Public Accounts, referral, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 16


Public and Private Rights Board

Re-appointment, M. (Axworthy)

Axworthy, 234-35


Public libraries See Libraries


Public safety See Municipal Affairs and Housing - Protection and Emergency Services


Public service- See also Pay equity

Hamilton, 337-38

Aboriginal, other minorities, disabled, percentages within service, 1090

Careers, 3

Classification and performance management plan, 1091-92

Employee recognition, Provincial Ombudsman report, Kudos Honour Roll, member's statement

Wartman, 2141-42

Negotiations, SGEU and Public Service Commission, 1893-94, 2412

Negotiations, SGEU strike vote

Crofford, 2099

Weekes, 2099

Managerial positions unionized

Crofford, 1402, 2098

Weekes, 1401-2, 2098

National Public Service Week, June 10-15, 2001, member's statement

Harpauer, 1688

Numbers, increase, 528

Bakken, 310

Bjornerud, 279-80, 359-60, 429-30, 437

Brkich, 344

Calvert, 444, 445, 446

Cline, 449-50

Crofford, 293

D'Autremont, 352, 365

Draude, 315-16

Harpauer, 372, 373

Hermanson, 276-78, 442, 443

Hillson, 406

Huyghebaert, 420-21, 432

Krawetz, 281

Kwiatkowski, 376-77

Lautermilch, 278-79

McMorris, 384-85, 401-2

Osika, 359-60, 429-30

Sonntag, 403

Thomson, 367, 369

Toth, 343

Trew, 380

Wakefield, 297

Wall, 287-88

Weekes, 413, 415


Crofford, 293

Hamilton, 337

Speech writer for Premier, Dennis Gruending

McMorris, 384

Numbers, increase, itemized, 528

Hagel, 434-35

Numbers, increase, Liberal position on budget

Krawetz, 360-61

Melenchuk, 361

Osika, 360-61

Out-of-scope classification and performance management plan, 1089


Health and dental benefits not provided, 1176-77

Types and indexing, 1176-78

Unfunded liabilities, 895-98


Public Service Commission- See also Labour force - Aboriginal internship and management development program; Public service

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 1089-95, 2132

Crofford, 1089-95

Harpauer, 1089-95

Henry Birks & Sons Ltd., payment, 1093

Rental changes, head office, 1092-93

Salary increases, 1090-91

Staff increase, 1089-90

Travel expenses, 1093


Public Trustee Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 35)

First reading

Axworthy, 1196

Second reading

Axworthy, 1607-8

D'Autremont, 1608-9

Heppner, 1877

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2127-28

Heppner, 2127-28

Kwiatkowski, 2128

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Public Trustee Consequential Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 36)

First reading

Axworthy, 1226

Second reading

Axworthy, 1609

D'Autremont, 1609

Heppner, 1877

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Heppner, 2128-29

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250



Blight, protection against, 1947-48

Production subsidies, external, 1949-50

Pulse processing plant, Chaplin, member's statement

Harper, 569



Super D Master pill, Natural Plantation Inc., Elsie Belcheff, developer, member's statement

Draude, 455






Queen's Bench Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 32)

First reading

Axworthy, 1106

Second reading

Heppner, 1871

McMorris, 1287-88

Nilson, 1287

Weekes, 1615-17

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 2087-88

Heppner, 2087-88

Third reading

Axworthy, 2089

Royal Assent, 2249


Question period See Oral question period






Race Relations Committee, Saskatoon See Discrimination and racism - Living in Harmony awards, 2001, Saskatoon Race Relations Committee


Racism See Discrimination and racism


Rail City Industries, Melville See Community-based organizations - Rail City Industries, Melville


Rail transportation/Railways- See also Railway Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 52)

Branch lines

Abandonment, 2, 771

Abandonment, moratorium by Canadian National, 772

Atkinson, 418

Competition, 772

Subsidies, 775-76

Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA), submissions to, 771, 775-76

Carlton Trail Railways, OmniTRAX subsidiary, grain transport restored from Birch Hills, member's statement

Wiberg, 1487

Short-line development, 771-72, 776-77

Atkinson, 418

Short-line spur, Crooked River to Arborfield, Hudson Bay Rail, first run, May 10, 2001, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 1309

Viability, 772-76


Railroads See Rail transportation/Railways


Railway Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 52)

First reading

Atkinson, 1519

Second reading

Atkinson, 1669-70

Elhard, 1939-42, 2070-73

Huyghebaert, 2073-74

Weekes, 1670

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Atkinson, 2247-49

Huyghebaert, 2247-49

Third reading

Atkinson, 2249

Royal Assent, 2250


Rainbow Youth Centre, Regina See Youth - Rainbow Youth Centre, Regina


Rama, Sask. See Hog industry - Expansion, Big Sky Farms, Rama area


RAN See Representative areas network (RAN) program


Ranch Ehrlo Society

Dalla-Vicenza house, Regina, new 10-youth home, member's statement

Trew, 1601-2


Ranches, guest See Foot-and-mouth disease - Guest ranches


Rate Review Panel See Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel


Rawlco Communications

Donations, programs, Broadcaster of the Year recipient, Jim Scarrow, Prince Albert, member's statement

Lautermilch, 1837


Rawlco Resource Centre See University of Saskatchewan - Rawlco Resource Centre


Rawlinson, Gordon See University of Saskatchewan - Rawlco Resource Centre


RCMP See Royal Canadian Mounted Police


Reading materials See Books


Reassessment, property See Property - Reassessment


Recall of Members of the Legislative Assembly Act (No. 213)

First reading

Hermanson, 330


Recorded votes See Divisions (Recorded votes)


Recording industry See Saskatchewan arts stabilization program - Funding


Records retention and disposal

Committee referral (Communication), M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 16


Recreation, 4- See also Municipalities - Recreational facilities

Infrastructure, 969

Infrastructure, funding, federal/provincial, 968

Recreational sites, decommissioned/demolished, 681-83

Trans Canada Trail, Moose Jaw, official opening, member's statement, 1689

Trans Canada Trail, volunteer, Gordon Glen, recognition, member's statement

Addley, 1866


Recreational facilities See Municipalities - Recreational facilities


Recycling industry

Maple Creek and District Opportunities Incorporated, eco-environment centre and expanded paper recycling depot, grand opening, member's statement

Elhard, 1513

Tires, Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation, 2139-40


REDAs See Regional economic development authorities


Regina, Sask. See Breweries - Molson Brewery, Regina; Chamber of Commerce, Regina; Community associations - Dieppe Community Association, Regina; Economy - Confidence - Regina; Economy - Growth - Regina; Indians/First Nations - Urban service programs; Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, Regina; School boards - Regina


Regina Food Security Project (RFSP)

Member's statement

Crofford, 201


Regina General Hospital- See also Hospitals

Emergency Department, backlogs, 1966

Neonatal intensive care unit, fundraiser, Z99 radiothon, member's statement

Trew, 10


Regina Health District See Physicians/Doctors


Regina Provincial Correctional Centre See Correctional centres


Regina Public Library

Funding, provincial

Osika, 411


Regina Research Park See Petroleum Technology Research Centre, Regina


Regina Transition House

Staff, board, volunteers, congratulations, member's statement

Crofford, 1911


Regina Youth Development Corporation, 1036-37


Regional colleges


Hamilton, 336


Regional economic development authorities, 531, 532-33, 825, 1267

Funding, 825


Regional health care centres See Health care - Centres - Regional


Regional parks See Parks - Regional, funding


Registered Nurses Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 4)

First reading

Nilson, 207

Second reading

Bakken, 1930-31

Gantefoer, 1120-21

McMorris, 961

Nilson, 960-61

Toth, 1639-40

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Gantefoer, 2150-52

Nilson, 2150-53

Third reading

Nilson, 2153

Royal Assent, 2250


Registered Nurses Amendment Act, 4


Regulations Committee

Professional associations, by-laws, committee referral, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 16


Regulatory reform See Government - Regulatory reform; Miscellaneous Statutes Repeal (Regulatory Reform) Act, 2001. (No. 55); Regulatory Reform Act (No. 207)


Regulatory Reform Act (No. 207)

First reading

Wakefield, 488


Representative areas network (RAN) program, 245

Designated areas, three, northern Saskatchewan, protection, member's statement

Prebble, 1486


Research and development, 1, 184

Agricultural, 2

Projected increases, 207

Rural, 155


Research Park, Regina See Petroleum Technology Research Centre, Regina


Reservoirs See Avonlea dam - Reservoir


Respect for persons

Goulet, 305


Retail trade

Growth, low

Hermanson, 570


Revenue-sharing See Municipalities; Rural municipalities


Review 2000 of the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board: Recurring and Current Administrative Issues See Workers' Compensation Board - Review 2000 of the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board


RFSP See Regina Food Security Project


Rice, wild See Wild rice


Ringette See Sports - Ringette


Road Builders Association See Saskatchewan Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association


Roads See Highways and roads


Rodeo See Sports - Rodeo


Rogers, Kenny See Music - Kenny Rogers, country music artist, look-alike Web site


Role of the School Task Force See Education - Changing, Role of the School Task Force


Royal Canadian Humane Association

Medal of Bravery- See Honours and awards - Royal Canadian Humane Association


Royal Canadian Legion

Melfort Branch No. 30, 75th anniversary, 2001, member's statement

Gantefoer, 1486

Prince Albert Branch, 75th anniversary, 2001, member's statement

Wiberg, 1568

Royal Regina Rifles, recognition and commendation, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 1600-1601

75th anniversary, 2001, member's statement

McCall, 1600


Royal Canadian Mounted Police- See also Police services

Graduates, congratulations, Cst. David Knibbs, North Battleford, member's statement

Bakken, 839

Graduates, congratulations, member's statement

Toth, 110

Police officers

Aboriginal descent, 552


Hermanson, 327-28

Numbers, overstaffed, 552

Rural services, 247, 554-55

Training, Regina, 553


Royal family

Prince of Wales, provincial visit, April 26-28, 2001, 1

Budget allocation, 1033-34

Scott Collegiate and Chili for Children program, member's statement

McCall, 840

Thanks to organizers and workers, member's statement

Higgins, 786


Royal Red Horse Show See Canadian National Arabian Horse Show


Royal Regina Golf Club See Sports - Golf - Royal Regina Golf Club


Royal Saskatchewan Museum, Regina


Crofford, 293


Royal visits See Royal family


Royalties, 697


Rules and Procedures Committee

Membership, substitution, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 236

Report, second, for concurrence, M. (Thomson)

D'Autremont, 2311-12

Thomson, 2310-11


Rural communities- See also Value-added industries/products

Craik, economic viability, future, member's statement

Brkich, 705

Discouragement, 1265

Bakken, 307

Economic development, member's statement

Wartman, 259

Economic viability, 163-64

Infrastructure requirements, 250

Social viability, 163-64


Rural economy

Development, 106

Atkinson, 233

Barriers, 89-90, 1267

Historical, 1262-63

Investment instruments, 1267

Lack of, 1264

Diversification, 1263-64

Growth and sustainability, 2

National survey, Spalding and Wood River, participants, member's statement

Draude, 1633

Revitalization, 62-63, 163-64, 175-76, 246

Bakken, 308-9

Draude, 318


Rural medical emergency service, telephone See Health care - Emergency services - Rural telephone support


Rural municipalities


Brkich, 344


Rural Municipality Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 23)

First reading

Osika, 934

Second reading

D'Autremont, 1114-17

Krawetz, 1845-47

McMorris, 1501-2

Osika, 1112-14

Peters, 1202-3

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Bjornerud, 2035-39

Osika, 2035-39

Third reading

Osika, 2050

Royal Assent, 2249


Rural revitalization, 826-27

Government plan, commendation M. (Wartman)

Addley, 495-96

Bjornerud, 498-500

Elhard, 497-98

Higgins, 500-501

Toth, 501-2

Wartman, 493-95

Government plan, commendation M. (Wartman); questions and comments

Addley, 503

Brkich, 503

D'Autremont, 502-3

Elhard, 503, 504

Higgins, 504

Wall, 504

Wartman, 503

Yates, 503

Police services, role, 555


Rural Revitalization Office, 126, 133, 151- See also Economic and Co-operative Development

Huyghebaert, 433

Weekes, 414

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 1262-68, 1450-52, 2243-45

Atkinson, 1262-68, 1450-52, 2243-45

Bjornerud, 1262-68

Draude, 2243-44

Elhard, 1450-52

Hart, 2243

McMorris, 2244-45

Funding for staff

Brkich, 345

Krawetz, 283

Mandate, 1262, 2244

Atkinson, 233, 418

Brkich, 345

Hillson, 406

Huyghebaert, 232-33

Mandate, differs from that of former Rural Development Department, 1451

Office location, Regina, 2245

Redundant, 531

Role, 532, 1450-51, 2243

Staff, qualifications, 2243

Synergy with other departments, 531-32


Rural-urban drift See Population - Urbanization, rural-urban drift


Ruth Robinson Place, Saskatoon See Mental health - Ruth Robinson Place, Saskatoon






SAHA See Sports - Hockey - Saskatchewan Amateur Hockey Association (SAHA)


SAHO See Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations


SAMA See Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA)


SARM See Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM)


Saskatchewan Advanced Technology Association

Office, new, Innovation Place, Saskatoon, member's statement

Jones, 1159


Saskatchewan Amateur Hockey Association See Sports - Hockey - Saskatchewan Amateur Hockey Association (SAHA)


Saskatchewan Archives Board


Osika, 411


Saskatchewan arts stabilization program


Cline, 267


Saskatchewan Assessment Management Agency (SAMA), 164, 175- See also Assessment Management Agency Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 22); Property

Property assessment, flawed

Bjornerud, 1020

Property assessment, opting out clause

Osika, 1020


Saskatchewan Association of Community Living

Lifetime honorary membership, Marg Thompson, Davidson, member's statement

Brkich, 1690


Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations- See also Health care workers - Negotiations - CUPE and Saskatchewan Association of Health Organizations

Green Ribbon awards, 2001, member's statement

Lautermilch, 483


Saskatchewan Association of Recreation Professionals, 210


Saskatchewan Association of Rehabilitation Centres

Awareness Week, barbecue by Estevan Diversified Services, member's statement

Eagles, 1014-15


Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 304)

Petition, 640, 660

Second reading

Wartman, 857

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Bjornerud, 1151

Wartman, 1151

Third reading

Wartman, 1153

Royal Assent, 1452


Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities (SARM)

Amendment Act- See Saskatchewan Association of Rural Municipalities Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 304)

Infrastructure programs for municipalities, 1293

Tax increase

Wall, 290


Saskatchewan Cancer Agency, 2156- See also Allan Blair Cancer Centre, Regina

Breast- See Cancer - Breast cancer screening program

Funding, increase

Brkich, 345

Cline, 266

Crofford, 295

Trew, 380

Yates, 312


Saskatchewan Chamber of Commerce

Report, Action Saskatchewan: a Blueprint for 2005, government role in rebuilding economy

Hermanson, 1222


Saskatchewan College of Medicine See University of Saskatchewan - College of Medicine


Saskatchewan Communications Network, 194- See also Education - Distance learning - Saskatchewan Communications Network

Anniversary, 10th, recognition, Yorkton Short Film and Video Festival, member's statement

Higgins, 1487

Funding, additional, year 2000, 2307


Saskatchewan Craft Council See Saskatchewan arts stabilization program - Funding


Saskatchewan Dream campaign See Business - Saskatchewan Dream campaign


Saskatchewan Drug Plan See Drugs and pharmaceuticals


Saskatchewan Economic Development Corporation

Huyghebaert, 233


Saskatchewan Electronic Tax Service See Business - Saskatchewan Electronic Tax Service


Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management (SERM) See Environment and Resource Management Department


Saskatchewan Farm Security Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 206)

First reading

Bjornerud, 1986


Saskatchewan flat tax See Income tax - Flat tax; Taxation - Reform


Saskatchewan Gaming Corporation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 45)

First reading

Crofford, 1403

Second reading

Crofford, 1496-97

D'Autremont, 1497-98

Eagles, 1945

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Crofford, 2122-23

D'Autremont, 2123

Eagles, 2122-23

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Saskatchewan Government Employees Union (SGEU) See Labour Relations Board - Adjudication, government managerial positions unionized


Saskatchewan Government Growth Fund, 2184-87

Crown Capital Partners Inc., management services, 2184-87


Saskatchewan Government Insurance- See also Youth - Programs - Nipawin, van donation by Saskatchewan Government Insurance

Investment, Ontario

Hillson, 1637-38

Sonntag, 1638

Medical reports, payment, member's statement

Harper, 2143


Saskatchewan Health bursary program See Health Department - Bursary program


Saskatchewan Health Information Network, 134, 220, 1968-71


Saskatchewan Heritage Foundation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 31)

First reading

Osika, 1106

Second reading

Bjornerud, 1851

Osika, 1286-87

Weekes, 1287

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Bjornerud, 2045

Osika, 2045

Third reading

Osika, 2051

Royal Assent, 2249


Saskatchewan Housing Corporation

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2403


Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, Regina

Building launch, April 20, 2001, member's statement

Kasperski, 642

Powwow, 23rd annual, member's statement

Goulet, 454


Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, 131- See also Casinos - Revenue - First Nations Fund; Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority

Gaming agreement, new, Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations

Eagles, 2257-58

Hamilton, 2257-58

Internal audit, misappropriation of monies

Eagles, 1913-14

Hamilton, 1914

Payee list, release to public

Eagles, 2010

Political donations

Eagles, 87

Lautermilch, 87

Political donations, recovery

Eagles, 1840-41

Lautermilch, 1841

Revenue, misspent, recovery

Eagles, 113

Hamilton, 113-14


Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology- See also Education, post-secondary - Graduates - Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology; Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation - Redevelopment project

Board of directors, appointment, 2305


Brkich, 346

Cline, 269

Hamilton, 336

Osika, 409

Sonntag, 405

Funding, information technology

Hagel, 436


Employment in Saskatchewan

Lautermilch, 396

Kelsey campus

Facility for heavy equipment mechanics program, official opening, member's statement

Jones, 705-6

Palliser campus

Donation to electrical engineering laboratory from SaskPower, member's statement

Higgins, 544

Pay equity, in-scope staff, 809-10

Principles for performance reporting, 2305


Electronic communications technician, issues, 2305-6

Media communications, issues, 2306

Redevelopment project, Regina, 131, 222

Tuition fees, increase, 2305


Saskatchewan Labour Force Development Board

Programs, youth, 195

Training for Excellence awards, 2001, member's statement

Jones, 1746


Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority, 130- See also Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority

Allegations of impropriety

Heppner, 1868-69

Investigation, Justice Wakeling

Hamilton, 1312, 1430, 1868-70

Heppner, 1430

Investigation, Justice Wakeling, terms of reference

Hamilton, 1430, 1459, 1809

Heppner, 1430, 1459, 1808

Investigation, process, due diligence

Serby, 1314

Ministerial trip, northern Saskatchewan

Heppner, 1398-99

Ministerial trip, northern Saskatchewan, Conflict of Interest Commissioner, review

Calvert, 1399

Hamilton, 1430

Ministerial trip, northern Saskatchewan, Conflict of Interest Commissioner, terms of reference

Hamilton, 1809

Heppner, 1808

Report, Justice Wakeling

Eagles, 1913

Hamilton, 1809, 1840, 1913

Heppner, 1839-40

Annual report, 1999-2000, tabled late

Calvert, 1607

Eagles, 1606

Hamilton, 1606

Hermanson, 1607

Appointment and firing of Joe Dosenberger

Heppner, 1246-49, 1277-80

Conflict of interest allegations

Hamilton, 1311-13

Heppner, 1311-13

Conflict of interest allegations, firing of employee

Hamilton, 1313

Heppner, 1313

Conflict of interest guidelines

Hamilton, 2095-96, 2147-48

Heppner, 2095-96, 2147-48

Departmental personnel matters, ministerial involvement

Calvert, 1400-1401

Heppner, 1400-1401


Bonnie Swan

Hamilton, 1342-44

Heppner, 1342-44

Joe Dosenberger, matter before courts

Axworthy, 1277-80

Joe Dosenberger, personnel issue and management responsibility

Hamilton, 1246-49

Joe Dosenberger, ruling, Justice Larry Kyle

Eagles, 1914-15

Hamilton, 1866-68, 1914-15

Heppner, 1866-68

Joe Dosenberger and Bonnie Swan, allegations

Heppner, 1341, 1400

Joe Dosenberger and Bonnie Swan, due process

Calvert, 1400

Joe Dosenberger and Bonnie Swan, personnel issue and management responsibility

Hamilton, 1341

Harassment issues, Bonnie Swan, independent investigation by Tim Coral

Hamilton, 1341-42

Heppner, 1341-42

Investigation of Dutch Lerat, CEO, Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority, minister's awareness

Hamilton, 1280-81, 1749-50

Heppner, 1280-81, 1749-50

Liquor franchises, awarding

Hamilton, 1430-32

Heppner, 1430-32

Ministerial trips

Heppner, 1400

Sonntag, 1400

Revenue decrease, video lottery terminal replacement, 1178-79

Training course, leadership

Eagles, 2009-10

Hamilton, 2009-10


Saskatchewan Municipal Board

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2291

Bjornerud, 2291

Osika, 2291

Mandate, 2291

Staff, 2291


Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 34)

First reading

Lorjι, 1196

Second reading

D'Autremont, 1289-90

Heppner, 1879

Lorjι, 1288-89

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Kwiatkowski, 2118

Lorjι, 2118

Third reading

Nilson, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Saskatchewan Opportunities Corporation

Huyghebaert, 233

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2181-83

Sonntag, 2181-83

Wakefield, 2181-83

Expenditure increases, research parks, buildings and operations, 2181

Loan losses, 2182-83

Loans, Bellaton Explorations Inc., Calgary, 2183

Mandate, 2181

Northern Saskatchewan, activities, 1852-59


Saskatchewan Party

Constituency nomination, Saskatoon Idylwyld, Shelly Hengen, June 13, 2001, member's statement

Wakefield, 2064

Leader, checklist for economic growth, member's statement

Addley, 1275

Vision for rebuilding Saskatchewan, party leader, May 23, 2001, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 1275


Saskatchewan Potato Utility Development Company (SPUDCO) See Potato industry


Saskatchewan Power Corporation, 150- See also Electricity; Power Corporation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 9); Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology - Palliser campus; SaskPower International Inc.

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2403

Financial settlement, vice president, departure

Sonntag, 455-56, 484

Wall, 455-56, 484

Investment, Alberta, 212

Power export

Cline, 486, 487



Sonntag, 457

Increase, 151

Brkich, 344

Calvert, 86

D'Autremont, 365

Hermanson, 706

Sonntag, 85-86

Wall, 85-86, 457

Increase, residential

Sonntag, 112

Wall, 112

Lower than most of Canada

Sonntag, 455


Brkich, 344

Harpauer, 371

Wall, 173

Weekes, 413

Salary increases, executives

Wall, 457

Salary increases, managers

Wall, 485

Services, rates, 163-64

Services, reliable

Sonntag, 455, 484

Staff increase, managers

Wall, 484-85


Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation, 131

Aviation fleet- See Aircraft - Government

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 755-60, 1384-88, 2132

Hamilton, 756-60, 1384-88

Huyghebaert, 757-58

McMorris, 1386-87

Peters, 756, 758-60, 1385-86, 1388

Wall, 1388

Redevelopment project, Saskatchewan Institute of Science and Technology, Regina, 222

Redevelopment project, Saskatchewan Institute of Science and Technology, Regina, management, 131

Strategic plan, five-year, 756


Saskatchewan Property Rights Act (No. 208)

First reading

D'Autremont, 363


Saskatchewan Rate Review Panel

McMorris, 382


Saskatchewan Registered Nurses' Association

Nursing Excellence awards, Saskatoon chapter, May 9, 2001, member's statement

Junor, 1044


Saskatchewan Research Council

Board of directors, dismissal and replacement, 1895-96

Chief executive officer, dismissal, 1896

Donations, Ian Wahn estate, 1897 See also below Technology-in-Action Fund

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 1894-99, 2131

Draude, 1896-99

Sonntag, 1894-99

Wakefield, 1894-96, 1899

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2131-32

Funding, 1894-95

Joint venture, Bova-Can, 1897

Mandate, 1894

Pension funding, 1897, 1899

Projects, programs, 1897, 1898-99

Royalties, 1897

Technology-in-Action Fund, 1898


Saskatchewan Research Network

Lorjι, 349


Saskatchewan Road Builders and Heavy Construction Association

Funding, highways

McMorris, 383


Saskatchewan Science Centre

Hot Science: Climate Change Workshop, member's statement

Thomson, 358


Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation See Recycling industry - Tires, Saskatchewan Scrap Tire Corporation


Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association

Educational programs, funding from Agriculture and Food Department, member's statement

Prebble, 596


Saskatchewan Telecommunications, 149- See also Telephone directories; Television - Cable industry, SaskTel investment

Installations to First Nations

Goulet, 306

International recognition, World Bank

Sonntag, 404


Sonntag, 1101-2

Wall, 1101

Assist rural Saskatchewan

Atkinson, 1103

Elhard, 1103

Competition with

Draude, 1223-24

Sonntag, 1223-24

Competition with IRON Solutions

Sonntag, 1102-3, 1137-38

Wall, 1102-3, 1137-38

Competition with IRON Solutions, learning experience, 1451-52

Competition with Western Producer

Hermanson, 1191-92

Due diligence

Elhard, 1103

Wall, 1137-38

Enhance parent company

Atkinson, 1104

Club Magic

Wall, 1104

Competition with Saskatchewan business

Hermanson, 1191-92


Sonntag, 1105, 1192


Sonntag, 1809-10

Wall, 1809-10


Wall, 906-7

Poor, IQ&A, health data

Sonntag, 710, 767

Wall, 646-47, 665-68, 709-10, 767-68, Nashville, Tenn.

Sonntag, 1104

Wall, 1104


Sonntag, 1781-82

Wall, 1780-82

Levy to support costs in rural and remote areas, CRTC requirement, 750


Calvert, 1193

Sonntag, 1192-93

Wall, 1192-93

SecurTek- See SecurTek

Training programs, youth, recognition, Conference Board of Canada, member's statement

Thomson, 169


Saskatchewan Telecommunications Holding Corporation

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2403


Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership Inc.

Objectives and role, 832-33


Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA)

Infrastructure programs for municipalities, 1293

Revenue-sharing, 801

Tax increase

Wall, 290


Saskatchewan urban native teacher education program, 94


Saskatchewan Valley Potato Corporation- See also Potato industry

Acreage planted, year 2000, 2296

Development, government support

Brkich, 263-64, 459, 488

Sonntag, 263, 459

Financial status

Brkich, 1603

Sonntag, 1603

Grant in lieu notice, unpaid, Rural Municipality of Canaan

Brkich, 905-6

Resolution discussions

Sonntag, 905-6

Grant in lieu notice, unpaid, Rural Municipality of Rudy

Brkich, 844, 905-6

McMorris, 1572-73

Resolution discussions

Sonntag, 844-45, 905-6, 1573

Operating loss

Brkich, 487

Potato dumping, Broderick, 2178

Brkich, 1603-4

McMorris, 1572

Sonntag, 1572, 1603-4

Potato production

McMorris, 1572

Sonntag, 1572

Seed potatoes, export, Prince Edward Island

Sonntag, 488

Seed potatoes, frozen, returned from Prince Edward Island

Brkich, 459-60

Sonntag, 460


Saskatchewan Water Corporation- See also Water; Water Corporation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 12); Water quality

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 1229-34, 2176-81, 2296-99

Brkich, 1229-32, 1234, 2176-78, 2179-80, 2296-97, 2298-99

Elhard, 1232-34

Harpauer, 2178-79, 2180

Osika, 1229-34, 2176-81, 2296-99

Wiberg, 2297-98

Legal fees, 2000, 2179-80

Maps, water flow, 2297

Permits, water diversion, 2297-98

Research, funding, 2180

Role in water quality issues, 908-19

Rural water quality advisory program, 1230-33

Fees for water testing, 1231-32

Funding, 1232

Water quality issues, long-term strategy review, 1230

Water treatment infrastructure, review, 912, 914


Saskatchewan Wheat Pool

Debt restructuring

Krawetz, 905

Serby, 905


Saskatchewan's Disability Action Plan report See Disabled and handicapped persons - Report, Saskatchewan's Disability Action Plan


Saskatoon, Sask. See Chamber of Commerce, Saskatoon; Economy - Growth - Saskatoon; Hospital waiting lists - Saskatoon; Indians/First Nations - Urban service programs; Property tax - Education tax - Increase, Saskatoon; School boards - Funding - Saskatoon; Theatre - Broadway Theatre, Saskatoon


Saskatoon Open Door Society

Anniversary, 20th, apologies for insensitive remarks by MLA, member's statement

Draude, 357

Anniversary, 20th, member's statement

Junor, 323


Saskatoon Preschool Foundation

Educator of Distinction Award, Constable Jocelyn Schriemer, member's statement

Julι, 393-94


SaskEnergy Incorporated- See also Natural gas

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 2403

Purchases for gas year 2001-2002, prices, purchase status

Cline, 1570-71

Sonntag, 1569-71, 1605-6, 1634-35

Wall, 1569-72, 1604-6, 1634-35


SaskPower - See Saskatchewan Power Corporation


SaskPower International Inc.- See also Saskatchewan Power Corporation

Cogeneration project at Cory potash mine, ATCO Power Ltd., partner

Wall, 1163

Cogeneration project at Cory potash mine, power purchase agreement

Sonntag, 1163-65

Wall, 1163-65


SaskTel See Saskatchewan Telecommunications


SaskTel Mobility See Tourism Saskatchewan - Tourist information, cellphone, partnership with SaskTel Mobility


SaskTel Pioneers See Volunteers - National Volunteer Week, April 22-28, 2001, recognition of SaskTel Pioneers


SATA See Saskatchewan Advanced Technology Association



Canada Millennium Foundation, Excellence Award, Kimberly Holmgren, Kinistino High School, member's statement

Gantefoer, 2313


School boards

Funding See also Property tax


Melenchuk, 743


Reduction in mill rate, member's statement

Harper, 870


School divisions- See also Individual school divisions

Busing, cities, 1627-28, 1900-1901

Costs, SaskEnergy rate increase, 1622-24


Draude, 316-17

Capital, 537, 1626-27

Draude, 316-17

Decrease in 2001, 1625

Foster care children, difficulties, 1902

French language, 1901

Long-range planning, 1625-26

Grants, operating, 534, 535

Atkinson, 416

Belanger, 374

Melenchuk, 438-39

Osika, 409

Sonntag, 405

Trew, 380

Grants, operating (foundation grant), funding increase, 1234-35

Grants, operating (foundation grant), petitions, 1072, 1395, 1566

Harper, 1041, 1335, 1511, 1630

Northern, funding

Melenchuk, 439


School operating grants See School divisions - Grants, operating


SchoolPLUS: a Vision for Children and Youth See Education - Schoolplus: a Vision for Children and Youth



Closures, 535-36, 537-38, 1238-40, 1266, 1267

Community schools, 3, 73, 134, 148, 155, 240

Community schools, expansion, 240, 1235

Atkinson, 416

Belanger, 374

Calvert, 447

Cline, 269

Crofford, 291

Goulet, 300, 302

Hillson, 406

Lorjι, 349

Melenchuk, 439

Osika, 409

Sonntag, 403, 405

Trew, 380

Yates, 314

High schools

Belanger, 374

Cline, 269

Goulet, 300

Melenchuk, 439

Sonntag, 403

Rural schools

Cline, 269

Melenchuk, 439

Sonntag, 403

Construction and maintenance, 3, 134, 155, 187

Enrolment, declining, 536, 2293, 2410

Draude, 12, 317, 574

Hermanson, 441

Melenchuk, 12, 574

Internet access See also Centenary Capital Fund - Internet connectivity, schools, funding; CommunityNet; Education - Distance learning, via Internet

Belanger, 374

Crofford, 293

Osika, 409

Sonntag, 405


Cline, 269

Curriculum materials

Cline, 269

Learning resources

Melenchuk, 440

Yates, 313

Isolated, funding factor, 538-39, 1624-25

Lakeridge School, Saskatoon, Earth School status, member's statement

Lorjι, 1634

Non-attendance, social problems- See Students - Non-attendance, social problems

Non-attendance, tracking system, province wide- See Students - Non-attendance, tracking system, province wide

Northern communities, 3

Playground equipment, 250


Community and First Nations involvement

Crofford, 293

Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.), Broadview and Whitewood, Grade 5 classes, member's statement

Toth, 1662

Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.), grade 6, St. Dominic School, Humboldt, member's statement

Julι, 1911

Rural, 3

Brkich, 346

Closures, 246

Facilities, crowded, 249

Safety Patrol Week, member's statement

McMorris, 869-70

Small, funding factor- See above Schools - Isolated, funding factor

St. Olivier School, Radville, National Platinum Recognition Award for daily physical education, winners, member's statement

Bakken, 1912

St. Theresa School, Regina, inducted into League of Peaceful Schools, member's statement

Yates, 1663

Swift Current Comprehensive High School, Outdoor Education Club, tree planting at trout pond, Highway No. 32, member's statement

Wall, 1911-12

Truancy, 1237-38


Science fairs See Students


SCN See Saskatchewan Communications Network


Scotty T. Rex postmark See Postmarks


Seager Wheeler Maple Grove Farm, 249


Securities See Securities Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 2)


Securities Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 2)

First reading

Axworthy, 174

Second reading

Allchurch, 962-63

Axworthy, 744-45

Heppner, 880-83

Julι, 1617

Weekes, 745

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 1992-93

Heppner, 1992-93

Third reading

Hagel, 1996

Royal Assent, 2001


Security monitoring systems See SecurTek



Financial losses

Wall, 875

Impact on small business

Sonntag, 875

Wall, 875


SEDCO See Saskatchewan Economic Development Corporation


Semchuk, Martin See Condolences - Semchuk, Martin


Senior care homes See Special care homes


Senior citizens, 148- See also Housing - Senior citizens; Income - Seniors' tax credit, increase

Fixed incomes, concerns

Brkich, 347

Recreational centres, rural, 250

Tax credit- See Income - Seniors' tax credit, increase

Utility rate increases, effects of, 189


SERM See Environment and Resource Management Department


SETS (Saskatchewan Electronic Tax Service) See Business - Saskatchewan Electronic Tax Service


Seventy-five minute debate

Health care, fetal alcohol syndrome and fetal alcohol effect, prevention and elimination M. (Draude), 1919-29

Natural gas, prices, M. (Wall); amdt. (Yates), 1574-85

Prostitution, child prostitution, protection, legislation M. (Julι); amdt. (Yates); amdt. (Toth), 846-57

Rural revitalization, government plan, commendation M. (Wartman), 493-504

Tourism, value to employment and economic development, M. (Thomson), 1585-96

Water quality, drinking water, improvement, M. (Junor); amdt. (Kwiatkowski), 1138-50



Effluent excess, discharge, North Saskatchewan River

Belanger, 988-91

Kwiatkowski, 955-57, 988-91

Effluent excess, discharge, North Saskatchewan River, reports

Belanger, 1017-18

Kwiatkowski, 1017-18

Treatment plant, North Battleford, funding

Bjornerud, 959


Sex Offender Registry Act (No. 205)

First reading

Julι, 770


Sexual abuse See Prostitution - Child prostitution; Sex Offender Registry Act (No. 205)


Sexual offenders

Adult, resident in Nipawin, close surveillance

Axworthy, 1135

Adult, resident in Nipawin, concerned community

Kwiatkowski, 1135

Registry See also Sex Offenders Registry Act (No. 205)

Axworthy, 766-67, 1134-35

Hermanson, 1134-35

Julι, 765-66

Young, out-of-province programs, 920-21, 1827-28

Young, pilot program, Regina, 919-20, 1828


SGEU (Saskatchewan Government Employees Union) See Labour Relations Board - Adjudication, government managerial positions unionized


SGI (Saskatchewan Government Insurance) See Saskatchewan Government Insurance; Youth - Programs


Shaunavon Co-op Association See Co-operatives


SHIN See Saskatchewan Health Information Network


SHOCAP See Young offenders - Serious and habitual youth offender comprehensive action program (SHOCAP), funding


ShopSPMC See E-commerce


Shore, Eddie See Sports - Hockey - Shore Recreational Park, Cupar


SIAST See Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology


SIFC See Saskatchewan Indian Federated College, Regina


SIGA See Saskatchewan Indian Gaming Authority


Skating See Sports - Skating


Skeet shooting See Sports - Trap shooting


Skills Canada Saskatchewan competition See Training programs


Skills training See Saskatchewan Institute of Applied Science and Technology; Training programs


Skydiving See Sports - Skydiving


SLGA See Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority


Small business, 147, 220- See also Centennial summer student employment program; Employment development

Deterrents, 217


Cline, 171

Hermanson, 170-71

Tax increase


Bjornerud, 744

Tax reduction, 527

Brkich, 344

Calvert, 276-77, 446, 876

Cline, 265-66, 449

Crofford, 294

Goulet, 300

Hamilton, 333, 334

Krawetz, 284

McMorris, 382-83

Osika, 409

Sonntag, 403

Trew, 381

Wakefield, 297

Wall, 287

Weekes, 413

Yates, 312

Taxes, southwest Saskatchewan, assessment review

Osika, 744



Public places, workplaces and school property, ban, legislation, petitions, 1337, 1395, 1455, 1484, 1686, 1743

Addley, 1305

Higgins, 1306, 1336, 1454

Junor, 1307

Prebble, 1306, 1426

Van Mulligen, 1305, 1336

Wartman, 1306, 1335, 1659-60

Yates, 1336


Snowbirds See Canadian Armed Forces - Snowbirds


Soccer See Sports - Soccer


Social assistance, 105

Caseloads, numbers, no correlation with food bank usage, 579

Caseloads, reduction, 3, 578

Caseloads, reduction, member's statement

Yates, 2391

Dependence, reduction, 3, 128, 218, 578

Cline, 267

Crofford, 295

Yates, 312

Emergency assistance, clawback when Employment Insurance received, 582-83

Non-profit agencies, continuing need for, 578


Social assistance recipients

Allowances, 581

Clawback from overpayment, 583

Shelter, rental payment issues, 2334-35

Single mothers, life skills training, 583

Training and employment, 242

Training and employment, programs, 580, 583-84


Social development

Economic development, role

Goulet, 300


Social programs, 220


Social Services Department

Clients, primarily aided in own communities, 920-22

Deaths of children in care, increasing, Children's Advocate review

Eagles, 1161-62

Deaths of children in care, interpretation of Children's Advocate review

Van Mulligen, 1161

Deaths of children in care, preventive measures

Van Mulligen, 1162

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 577-84, 919-24, 1268-71, 1823-31, 2334-38

Brkich, 921-22

Draude, 580-81, 1825-27

Eagles, 583-84

Hagel, 1823-24

Hart, 919-20, 1827-28

Julι, 1828-31, 2337

Toth, 578-79, 581-82, 922-24, 1268-71, 1823-25, 2334-37

Van Mulligen, 578-84, 919-24, 1268-71, 1825-31, 2334-38

Estimates, supplementary (2000-2001), 2338

Staff, numbers, increase, 2337

McMorris, 384

Temporary, non-permanent positions, training needs, 1828-29

Workers, file sharing, school counsellors, 1829-30


Social Union Framework Agreement, 2338


Social workers See Social Services Department - Workers


SOCO See Saskatchewan Opportunities Corporation


Sodium sulphate industry

Capital incentive

Crofford, 294


Softball See Sports - Softball


Soil conservation

Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Week, April 15-21, 2001, member's statement

Prebble, 596


Soil Conservation Association See Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association


Sommerfest, Humboldt See Tourism - Humboldt Sommerfest


South Central Health District See Special care homes - Tatagwa View facility



Deputy Speaker, Graham Addley, election

Addley, 994

Harper, 994

Speaker, 993-94

Deputy Speaker, Lindy Kasperski, election

D'Autremont, 15

Kasperski, 15

Speaker, 15

Deputy Speaker, Lindy Kasperski, resignation

Speaker, 960


Speaker and Deputy Speaker, rulings and statements


Confine remarks to Bill in hand, 795

Proposing appropriation of public revenue requires recommendation of Lieutenant Governor, 1752


Members' remarks should be directed through the Chair, 34, 51, 53, 94, 111, 113, 170, 203, 231, 233, 277, 327, 329, 363, 385, 459, 516, 546, 599, 601, 644, 716, 744, 855, 876, 905, 991, 992, 1079, 1080, 1105, 1149, 1192, 1223, 1249, 1279, 1281, 1331, 1333, 1334, 1401, 1490, 1491, 1550, 1668, 1748, 1984, 2011, 2096, 2097, 2144, 2145, 2147, 2148, 2203, 2218, 2228, 2258, 2260, 2355, 2396


Do not involve guests or anybody else, 1405

Do not involve Speaker, 1333

Parliamentary practices, respecting, 443

Single debate, not simultaneous debates, 1405, 1581

Decorum, 40

Noise level, 96, 230, 231, 352, 361, 393, 429, 430, 432, 435, 516, 571, 732, 744, 769, 876, 1150, 1165, 1193, 1222, 1223, 1303, 1462, 1491, 1982, 2008, 2068, 2142, 2207, 2315, 2394, 2395, 2396


Visitors, participating in debates, 429, 2256

Visitors, participating in proceedings, 425, 515, 705, 1913, 2010


Caution, 1914


"Accusing a member... as saying something that's untrue," 1342

"Deliberately misleading or deliberately hiding," 1143

"Pertains to a member or somebody...a civil servant who cannot defend himself," 1247


Cannot reflect upon any vote (decision) of the Assembly, can challenge members' views during debate, 520-21

Conversations, private, wishing to conduct, do so behind the bar, 2334

Engaging in debate during the time for member statements, 1160

Engaging in exchange with members on opposite side while a debate is in progress, 339, 400

Petitions, present one per day, 1629

Point of debate, not privilege, 576

Reference should be by constituency, title, or position, 48, 89, 171, 210, 216, 228, 1210, 1575, 2205, 2226

Reference to presence or absence of members not permitted, 310-11, 548, 1587

Request leave of Assembly to introduce guests, 522

Stay in order, 2212


Amendment out of order, focus differs from that of motion, 722

Out of order for a motion to be moved by the seconder of the original motion, 1407

Reword, submission out of order, 1143

Points of order

Amendment to motion in order, 1144

Comments non-procedural, strike from record, not granted, 1051

Do not impugn on motives of government members, 1407

Members discouraged from referring by name to persons who are not members, 2056

Motions, Government

Assembly instructs the Committee of Finance to reconsider supply resolution for Dept. of Economic and Co-operative Development, re-vote, out of order, not well taken, 2283-84

Motions (under Rule 46), entering into debate, point taken, 1050-51

Notice paper, vote on, 88

Statements referring to Progressive Conservative metro fund, not well taken, 1481

Table letter from which quotes made in question period, not well taken, 1752

Privilege, to be addressed by way of a motion rather than by way of debate, 576


Members cannot ask ministers to respond to matters for which they have no official responsibility, 1432


Speaker and Deputy Speaker, rulings and statements - Committee of Finance


Members' remarks should be directed through the Chair, 1653


Noise level, 2360, 2366, 2368, 2370, 2373, 2380, 2383, 2384, 2385, 2406, 2410, 2412


Personal conversations to take place behind the bar, 2240, 2407


Special care homes, 69- See also Personal care homes

Closures, Pioneer Lodge, Assiniboia, 118

Calvert, 232

Huyghebaert, 204, 231-32, 433

Nilson, 204, 231-32

Gull Lake and District Special Care Home, expansion, member's statement

Yates, 83

Mennonite Youth Farm, Rosthern, senior care home, opening of renovations, member's statement

Heppner, 662

Pioneer Lodge, Assiniboia, concern about possible closure, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 1160-61

Pioneer Lodge, Assiniboia, maintain services, petitions, 273, 321, 356, 390, 424, 452, 480, 512, 594, 640, 660, 702, 785, 837, 868, 900, 926, 952, 984, 1012, 1072, 1099, 1131, 1156, 1186, 1219, 1242, 1274, 1307, 1337, 1395

Eagles, 867, 1071, 1097

Huyghebaert, 227, 273, 321, 355, 389, 424, 451, 479, 566, 594, 640, 660, 702, 762, 784, 837, 900, 926, 952, 984, 1042, 1072, 1099, 1130, 1156, 1186, 1218, 1242, 1274, 1307, 1337, 1908

Peters, 594, 640, 660, 702, 762, 784, 837, 868, 900, 952, 984, 1042, 1098, 1130, 1156

Smeaton and District Care Home Co-operative, opened December 1, 2000, member's statement

Wiberg, 662-63

St. Mary's Villa, Humboldt, staffing, 2164-66

Tatagwa View facility, Weyburn, sod turning ceremony, May 11, 2001, member's statement

Jones, 1132


Special committees See Abuse and Exploitation of Children through the Sex Trade Prevention Committee; Nominating Committee; Regulations Committee; Rules and Procedures Committee; Tobacco Control Committee


Special librarians See Libraries - International Special Librarians' Day


Special Olympic Games

Special Olympics Plaza, Prince Albert, dedication, member's statement

Wiberg, 1045

Summer games, June 8 - 10, 2001, Saskatoon, member's statement

Junor, 1662-63

Serby, 1836


Speech from the Throne

Consideration, March 21, 2001, M. (Calvert)

Calvert, 5

Debate- See Address in Reply to the Speech from the Throne

Read by the Lieutenant Governor

Lieutenant Governor, 1-4


Speech therapists

Shortage, member's statement

Hillson, 2227


Spence, Ahab, Dr. See Tributes - Spence, Ahab, Dr.


Spinal cord injuries See Health care - Spinal cord injuries


SPMC See Saskatchewan Property Management Corporation


Sports - See also Recreation; Special Olympic Games


Saskatchewan Junior Male Athlete of the Year, Owen Gunther, Spruce Home, member's statement

Wiberg, 169


Saskatchewan High School Athletic Association championships, Kinsmen Century Field, Yorkton, member's statement

Serby, 1458

Saskatchewan High School Athletic Association championships, Wendy Linnell, Joleen Saccucci, silver medalists, Hafford Central School, member's statement

Weekes, 2350


Canadian National Old-timers Federation, 9th annual tournament, August 2-6, 2001, Regina Ghosts, hosts, member's statement

Harper, 2393

Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame, Dennis and Jim Korte, Humboldt area, inductees, August 18, 2001 member's statement

Julι, 1457-58

Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame, Dub Henderson, Mayor of Melfort, inductee, August 18, 2001 member's statement

Gantefoer, 1227

Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame, Jack Hort, Endeavour, inductee, August 18, 2001 member's statement

Draude, 2065

Saskatchewan Baseball Hall of Fame, Lucien Chabot, inductee, August 18, 2001, member's statement

Elhard, 1220


Provincial I AA competition, Moose Jaw, Birch Hills Marauders, winners, member's statement

Wiberg, 483


Club 55+ Triples Team National Championships, national finals, Brampton, Ont., June 23-24, 2001, Glentworth team, participants, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 596


National competition, Kitchener, Ont., Bruno Junior Axemen, bronze medalists, member's statement

Julι, 482

Provincial competition, Debden, Bruno Midget T-Birds, gold medalists, member's statement

Julι, 482


National Aboriginal Curling Championships, 9th, Saskatoon, April 12-16, 2001, member's statement

Goulet, 543

Provincial Elks and Royal Purple championships, 2003, Bladworth hosts, member's statement

Brkich, 1836

Provincial Junior Juvenile Curling Championship, March 16-21, host, Burstall, member's statement

Elhard, 109

Southwest Athletic Conference District Curling Title, Cabri, winner, Fox Valley, member's statement

Elhard, 109


Youth male award, finalist, Jean-Pierre Sequin, member's statement

Junor, 229


Can-Am Bowl, 5th annual, July 7, 2001, Carrot River, host town, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 2391-92


Craik golf course fundraising event, member's statement

Brkich, 1014

Deer Valley Golf and Estates, near Lumsden, official opening, July 3, 2001, member's statement

Wartman, 2312

Royal Regina Golf Club, clubhouse, address, June 9, 2001, member's statement

Wartman, 1806


Air Canada Cup, Prince George, BC, Beardy's Blackhawks, Justin Cruz, Most Valuable Defenceman, member's statement

Allchurch, 871

Air Canada Cup, Prince George, BC, Beardy's Blackhawks midget AAA team, participants, member's statement

Allchurch, 454

Allen Cup, Canadian senior level hockey, Sarnia, Ont., Lloydminster Border Kings, winners, member's statement

Wakefield, 568

Bantam Tier II provincial championship, Batco/TNT Eliminators, Swift Current, winners, member's statement

Wall, 358

Caronport Midget A Cougars, international tournament, Kazakhstan, member's statement

Stewart, 324-25

Estevan Bruins, Celebrity Sports Dinner, May 26, 2001, member's statement

Eagles, 1340-41

Goal keeper, Terry Denike, Weyburn Red Wings, drafted by Los Angeles Kings, National Hockey League draft, member's statement

Bakken, 2226-27

Hayley Wickenheiser, homecoming, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 169

Memorial Cup 2001, Regina, congratulations, member's statement

Kasperski, 1339

McMorris, 1339

Memorial Cup 2001, Regina, member's statement

Kasperski, 1220

McMorris, 1219

Men's Senior A Hockey Championship

Final, Raymore Rockets and Cupar Canucks, member's statement

Hart, 82

Winners, Raymore Rockets, member's statement

Hart, 274

Provincial A Championship, Unity Midget Laser team, winners, member's statement

Peters, 394

Provincial A Tier II championship, Pee Wee Mustangs, Swift Current, winners, member's statement

Wall, 358

Provincial B Championship, Unity Midget Girls Hockey Club, winners, member's statement

Peters, 662

Provincial C Championship, Pee Wee Greyhounds, Gull Lake, winners, member's statement

Elhard, 785

Saskatchewan Amateur Hockey Association (SAHA), Provincial Bantam B Championship, Whitewood Bantam Elks, winners, member's statement

Toth, 258

Saskatchewan Hockey Association (SHA) Bantam B Girls Championship, Eston Bantam Hurricanes, winners, member's statement

Boyd, 394

Saskatchewan Hockey Association (SHA) Senior B Championship, Avonlea Prairie Thunder midget girls, winners, member's statement

Stewart, 229

Saskatchewan Junior Hockey League, Weyburn Red Wings, finalists, member's statement

Bakken, 259

Shore Recreational Park, Cupar, named in honour of Eddie Shore, National Hockey League player and Hall of Fame, member's statement

Hart, 2093

Western Canadian Bantam hockey tournament, Melfort, member's statement

Gantefoer, 426

Western Canadian Junior B Championship, Keystone Cup, Maple Ridge, BC, Assiniboia Southern Rebels, competitors, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 544

Western Canadian Junior B Championship, Keystone Cup, Maple Ridge, BC, Assiniboia Southern Rebels, winners, member's statement

Huyghebaert, 703-4

Western Canadian Shield Female Hockey Championship, Senior B Division, Prairie Thunder, Avonlea, gold medal winners, member's statement

Stewart, 704

Western Hockey League, bantam draft, Logan Stephenson selected, member's statement

Brkich, 1244-45

Western Hockey League, playoffs, Swift Current Broncos, participants, member's statement

Wall, 49, 641

Whitewood arena opening, member's statement

Toth, 10

Ice and snow sailing

World Ice and Snow Sailing Association, world championship, March 6-10, 2001, Blackstrap Lake, member's statement

Brkich, 427


Junior National Judo Championships, bronze medallist, Frazer Will, formerly of Star City, member's statement

Gantefoer, 1429


Aurora Karate Club, Prince Albert, demolition, old museum, Paddockwood, Guinness Book of World Records title, member's statement

Wiberg, 2349


Regina AA Bandits, provincial title, member's statement

Stewart, 201


Biggar Central School 2000, Jordan Laventure and Christen Laventure, participants, High School Rodeo Association, member's statement

Weekes, 2197-98

Saskatchewan High School Rodeo Association, finals, Vincent Northrop, Bladworth, first place, member's statement

Brkich, 1746


Senior Ladies National Skating Championship, silver medal, Nicole Watt, Melfort, member's statement

Gantefoer, 82


Members' dive, Carrot River Valley and Kelvington-Wadena, member's statement

Draude, 1188


Under-12 provincial championship, Swift Current Under-12 Girls Indoor Soccer team, winners, member's statement

Wall, 358

Youth, end-of-season games, Swift Current, member's statement

Wall, 2094-95


Annual playoffs, Squirt D girls and Pee Wee C girls, July 6, 2001, Birch Hills, host town, member's statement

Wiberg, 2393

Track and field

High school championships, cross-country championships, Amber McGowen, winner, member's statement

Gantefoer, 1806

High school provincial championships, Pat Mitsuing and Richard Ben of Makwa Sahgaiehcan First Nation, achievements, member's statement

Sonntag, 1837

Sask Sport Athlete of the Year, 2000, Master Athlete Award, Howard West, member's statement

Junor, 229

Trap shooting

Provincial champion, Brian Sheppard, Lloydminster, member's statement

Wakefield, 2143

Winter games

First Nations Winter Games, 21st, Prince Albert, April 15-19, 2001, member's statement

Belanger, 544

Saskatchewan Winter Games, February 17-23, 2002, Humboldt, member's statement

Jones, 50


Provincial high school meet, March 23-24, 2001, Theresa Lynn, Melfort, bronze medal, member's statement

Gantefoer, 324


Spring (season)

Signs, member's statement

Van Mulligen, 9


SPUDCO (Saskatchewan Potato Utility Development Company) See Potato industry


SRnet See Saskatchewan Research Network


SSCA See Saskatchewan Soil Conservation Association


St. Anthony's Home Repeal Act (No. 305)

Petition, 640, 660

Second reading

Higgins, 857

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Higgins, 1151

Third reading

Higgins, 1153

Royal Assent, 1452


St. Gabriel's School, Biggar See Theatre - St. Gabriel's School, Biggar


St. Louis, Sask. See Parks - Pioneer Park, St. Louis


St. Thomas More College Act, 2001 (No. 306)

Petition, 640, 660

Second reading

Addley, 857

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Addley, 1151-52

Gantefoer, 1151-52

Third reading

Addley, 1153

Royal Assent, 1452


St. Victor, Sask. See Petroglyphs - Funding, St. Victor


Standing Committee on Agriculture and Agri-Food (Federal)

Saskatchewan participation, June 5, 2001, 1504-5


Standing committees See Agriculture Committee; Communication Committee; Constitutional Affairs Committee; Crown Corporations Committee; Education Committee; Estimates Committee; Health Care Committee; Municipal Law Committee; Non-controversial Bills Committee; Private Members' Bills Committee; Privileges and Elections Committee; Public Accounts Committee; Regulations Committee


Statements by members See Member's statement under specific subject entries


Statute Law Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 37)

First reading

Axworthy, 1226

Second reading

Axworthy, 1564

Heppner, 1875

McMorris, 1564

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Axworthy, 1996

Heppner, 1996

Third reading

Hagel, 1997

Royal Assent, 2001


Statute Law Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 2) (No. 38)

First reading

Axworthy, 1226

Second reading

Axworthy, 1564

Heppner, 1876

McMorris, 1564

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Heppner, 1996

Third reading

Hagel, 1997

Royal Assent, 2001


STEP See Saskatchewan Trade and Export Partnership Inc.


Stomp Pork Farm, Leroy See Hog industry - Stomp Pork Farm and new generation co-operative


Strasbourg, Sask. See Students - Exchange programs, Charlesbourg, Quebec and Strasbourg


Student Assistance and Student Aid Fund Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 29)

First reading

Hagel, 1080

Second reading

Bjornerud, 1469-71

Hagel, 1196

Hart, 1648-50

Krawetz, 1943-44

McMorris, 1817-18

Weekes, 1196-97

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Hagel, 2119-21

Hart, 2119-21

Third reading

Hagel, 2131

Royal Assent, 2250


Student loans, 808, 2303

Brkich, 346

Cline, 269

Hagel, 435-36

Sonntag, 405

Thomson, 370

Canada-Saskatchewan Integrated Student Loans Program agreement, ministerial statement (Hagel)

Hagel, 1917-18

Hart, 1918

Program, changes, 693-95, 812

Program, changes, bankruptcy management, 812-13


Students - See also Student Assistance and Student Aid Fund Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 29)

Bursaries, student teachers, 1900

Centennial summer student employment program- See Centennial summer student employment program

Enrolment, declining

Draude, 12

Melenchuk, 12

Exchange programs, Charlesbourg, Quebec and Strasbourg, member's statement

Hart, 740

Financial assistance, government, 695

Great Canadian Geography Challenge- See Great Canadian Geography Challenge

Income support

Hagel, 435

Mathematics competition, national, Greystone Heights School students, grade 6, winners, member's statement

Prebble, 1044-45

Non-attendance, social problems, 240-41

Non-attendance, tracking system, province wide, 241, 2293-94

Out-migration on completion of education, member's statement

Hart, 1777

Pythagoras mathematics competition, grade 6, Bobby Xiao and David Wang, Greystone Heights School students, winners, member's statement

Melenchuk, 1978-79

Scholarships, Lester B. Pearson United World College, British Columbia, Nigel Francis, Carpenter High School, Meadow Lake, recipient, member's statement

Sonntag, 1133

Science fairs

Canada-Wide Science Fair, Kingston, Ontario, Amber Lee Fay, Foam Lake Composite School, silver medalist, member's statement

Kasperski, 1602

Canada-Wide Science Fair, Kingston, Ontario, Saskatoon competitors, member's statement

Cline, 929

Canada-Wide Science Fair, Kingston, Ontario, Thomas Kerluke, Elfros, honourable mention, member's statement

Hart, 1805

National, Ontario, Jonas Samson Junior High School, Meadow Lake constituency, member's statement

Sonntag, 786

Qu'Appelle Valley Regional, Lumsden, member's statement

Wartman, 482

Special needs, documentation, 2294-95, 2307-8

Summer employment, 74, 142, 155

Calvert, 446

Draude, 316

Crown corporations, 529

Exclusions, 58-59


SUFA See Social Union Framework Agreement


SUMA See Saskatchewan Urban Municipalities Association (SUMA)


Summer jobs See Centennial summer student employment program; Students - Summer employment


SUNTEP See Saskatchewan urban native teacher education program


Superannuation (Supplementary Provisions) Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 7)

First reading

Cline, 234

Second reading

Cline, 885

D'Autremont, 885-86

Huyghebaert, 1621-22

Krawetz, 1082-83

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Cline, 2019-21

Krawetz, 2019-21

Third reading

Cline, 2027

Royal Assent, 2249


Supply motions See Motions for supply (interim)


Surgery See Hospital waiting lists


Surveyors See Land Surveyors and Professional Surveyors Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 49)


Swan, Bonnie See Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority - Firing - Bonnie Swan; Saskatchewan Liquor and Gaming Authority - Harassment issues, Bonnie Swan, independent investigation by Tim Coral


Swift Current, Sask. See Business - Swift Current Business Excellence awards; Hospitals - Swift Current


Synchrotron See High technology






Tamara's House, Saskatoon See Women - Survivors, child sexual abuse, services, Tamara's House, Saskatoon, funding


Tartan Day

Recognition, April 6, 2001, member's statement

Boyd, 425

Hamilton, 426


Tax credits

Increase, 239-40

Trew, 381


Taxation, 253-54- See also Corporation Capital Tax Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 27); Farmland - Education tax - Rebate program; Four-year Taxation Plan Act (No. 227); Income tax; Property tax; Women's Secretariat - Assessment and taxation, role


Cline, 265

Crofford, 292

Hamilton, 334

Yates, 311

Competitive, lack of

Huyghebaert, 419-20

Federal system, de-linking

Hamilton, 333

Freedom day, member's statement

Brkich, 2255

Harmonization, removal

Crofford, 292-93

Historical review, 1992-2000

Hamilton, 332-35


Krawetz, 281

Increase, rural areas

Huyghebaert, 420

Intercity comparisons

Yates, 314-15

Rates, competitive, importance, 125-26, 138, 141

Reduction, 130, 142, 145, 158, 184, 247, 254

Calvert, 260

Cline, 170-71, 202-3, 230-31

Hermanson, 170-71, 202, 230

Thomson, 366

Reduction, member's statement

McCall, 2392

Reform, 2, 4, 71, 73, 78, 126, 130, 209

Cline, 265

Relief, families

Hermanson, 259-60

Relief, lack of

Bakken, 310

Brkich, 344

Wall, 287

Weekes, 412

Relief, low-income earners and families, Women's Secretariat, 975

Simple, fair system

Cline, 265

Hamilton, 334

Yates, 311

Tax base diminishing

Hermanson, 442


Teachers - See also Teachers' Dental Plan Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 40); Teachers Superannuation and Disability Benefits Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 41)

Bursaries, student- See Students - Bursaries, student teachers

Collective bargaining process, 1904

Extended health insurance plan, 1235

Pensions, unfunded liabilities, 894-98

Recruitment, northern areas, funding

Melenchuk, 440

Recruitment, specialists, rural areas, funding

Melenchuk, 440

Recruitment and retention, 1900


Teachers' Dental Plan Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 40)

First reading

Melenchuk, 1345

Second reading

D'Autremont, 1465

Draude, 1878

Eagles, 1610

McMorris, 1466

Melenchuk, 1464-65

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Draude, 2074-75

Melenchuk, 2074-75

Third reading

Trew, 2079

Royal Assent, 2249


Teachers Superannuation and Disability Benefits Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 41)

First reading

Melenchuk, 1345

Second reading

Draude, 1878-79

Krawetz, 1610-12

McMorris, 1468

Melenchuk, 1466-68

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Draude, 2075-76

Melenchuk, 2075-76

Third reading

Melenchuk, 2079

Royal Assent, 2249




Hagel, 435

Investment, strategic

Cline, 268



FiberLINK device, Critical Telecom company, Saskatoon, member's statement

Jones, 2196-97


Telephone directories

Abuse Help Line pages, partnership between SaskTel and Provincial Association of Transition Houses of Saskatchewan, member's statement

Jones, 953


Telephones - See also Saskatchewan Telecommunications

911 emergency service, province wide, petitions, 1512, 1598, 1630, 1660, 1686, 1775, 1804, 1834, 1862, 1908, 1978

Weekes, 1483, 1565, 1598, 1629, 1659, 1742, 1773-74, 1804, 1833, 1861-62, 1907

911 service

Bakken, 308

Osika, 360

911 service, expansion, southeast Saskatchewan, member's statement

Yates, 324

911 service, expansion, southern Saskatchewan, member's statement

Higgins, 595-96

Cellular service, 119, 163, 217

Bakken, 308

Communities, Wood River constituency, petitions, 1426, 1455, 1484, 1512, 1566, 1598, 1630, 1686, 1743

Huyghebaert, 1395, 1426, 1455, 1484, 1512, 1566, 1598, 1660, 1686

Expansion, rural Saskatchewan, member's statement

Yates, 987

Northern districts, ten, petitions, 1156, 1186, 1219, 1242, 1274, 1307, 1337, 1395, 1426, 1455, 1484, 2092, 2141, 2190, 2224

Weekes, 1130, 1156, 1186, 1218, 1242, 1274, 1307, 1336, 1394, 1426, 1454, 2061, 2091, 2141, 2189

Shellbrook-Spiritwood, petitions, 1131, 1156, 1426, 1484, 1862, 1908, 1978, 2062, 2141, 2224, 2252, 2390

Allchurch, 1098, 1130, 1218, 1242, 1395, 1455, 1512, 1630, 1834, 1862, 1908, 2003, 2092, 2190, 2224, 2348


Bruno be part of Humboldt, petitions, 640, 660, 702, 1072, 1131, 1219, 1242, 1274, 1337

Julι, 593, 639, 659, 701, 1041, 1097, 1185, 1217, 1241, 1305



Cable industry, SaskTel investment

Atkinson, 2353

Wall, 2353


Territorial House, Battlefords See Government House, Battleford



Act One Productions, Alida, How the West was Fun, member's statement

D'Autremont, 200-201

Birch Hills High School, Birch Hills, Godspell, hit musical performance, member's statement

Wiberg, 1132

Broadway Theatre, Saskatoon, presentation of government funding, member's statement

Atkinson, 1689

Missoula Children's Theatre, Performing Arts Camp, August 12 - 25, 2001, Nathan Jenkins, Humboldt, participant, member's statement

Julι, 1979

Saskatchewan Drama Association, Region 4, Invermay School award winners, member's statement

Krawetz, 168

Saskatchewan Drama Festival, Region 7, March 29-31, 2001, Hudson Bay Composite High School, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 481

Shakespeare on the Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, 17th season, July 4 to August 19, 2001, member's statement

Lorjι, 2254-55

St. Gabriel's School, Biggar, Meet the Creeps, by Tim Kelly, member's statement

Weekes, 903

Tumbleweed Community Theatre, Balgonie, Looking Back and Stepping Forward, member's statement

Hamilton, 765


Thick Wood Hills Regional Business and Learning Centres, 216


Thompson, Marg See Saskatchewan Association of Community Living - Lifetime honorary membership, Marg Thompson


Throne speech See Speech from the Throne


TLE See Indians/First Nations - Treaty land entitlements


TMS See Highways and roads - Thin membrane surface


Tobacco - See also Children - Tobacco use

World No Tobacco Day, May 31, 2001, member's statement

Addley, 1457

Eagles, 1457


Tobacco Control Act (No. 56)

First reading

Nilson, 1668

Second reading

Bakken, 1937-38

Bjornerud, 1934-36

Eagles, 1784-85

Gantefoer, 2100-2104

Nilson, 1783-84

Prebble, 1936-37

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Bjornerud, 2269-70, 2275

Eagles, 2273

Gantefoer, 2268-70, 2273-79

McMorris, 2277

Nilson, 2268-79

Toth, 2270-72, 2277

Wall, 2272-73

Third reading

Nilson, 2281

Royal Assent, 2414


Tobacco Control Committee

Bakken, 2065

Final report

Eagles, 390

Wartman, 390


Tourism - See also Highways and roads - Highway No. 18

Agricultural, via Internet, 105

Attractions, southern Saskatchewan, 117

Business expansion, Love, Mary Marshande, cottage development, opening, June 10, 2001, member's statement

Wiberg, 1807

Cultural, 967

Funding for projects, member's statement

Addley, 1244

Humboldt Sommerfest, Humboldt, August 3-6, 2001, member's statement

Kasperski, 2314

Information, interactive, Global Kiosk Systems, success, member's statement

Harper, 426

Investments, Moose Jaw

Osika, 411-12

Nipawin, Displayco Canada Ltd. award, 239

Tunnels, Moose Jaw, Attractions Canada award, 2001, member's statement

Higgins, 1340

Value to employment and economic development, M. (Thomson), 1585-96

Addley, 1594-96

Higgins, 1594

Thomson, 1585-89

Toth, 1593-94

Yates, 1589-93


Tourism Saskatchewan, 831-32

Funding, 831

Saskatchewan Trivia Challenge by Robin and Arlene Karpan- See Books - Saskatchewan Trivia Challenge

Tourist information, cellphone, partnership with SaskTel Mobility, member's statement

Yates, 1688


Tourism Saskatoon

E-commerce portal, 209


Track and field See Sports - Track and field



Agricultural equalization payment- See Farm income - Crisis


Trade Union Amdt. Act, 2001 (Freedom of Speech in the Workplace) (No. 226)

First reading

Weekes, 2319


Training programs- See also Indians/First Nations - Training programs; Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Training programs


Belanger, 374

Investment, strategic

Cline, 269

Yates, 314

Skills Canada competition, national, Edmonton, June 1-2, 2001, Estevan Comprehensive High School, medal winners, member's statement

Eagles, 1567

Skills Canada competition, national, Edmonton, June 1-2, 2001, L.P. Miller Comprehensive High School, Nipawin, medal winners, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 1633

Skills Canada Saskatchewan competition, Moose Jaw, L.P. Miller School, Nipawin, medal winners, member's statement

Kwiatkowski, 358

Skills Canada Saskatchewan competition, Moose Jaw, member's statement

Higgins, 275-76


Trans Canada Trail See Recreation - Trans Canada Trail


Transfer payment

Wakefield, 298


Transportation - See also Rail transportation/Railways; Trucking industry


Federal, 81

Infrastructure, development, 527

Investment, strategic

Cline, 268


Trap shooting See Sports - Trap shooting


Treaty land entitlements See Indians/First Nations - Treaty land entitlements; Saskatchewan Natural Resources Transfer Agreement (Treaty Land Entitlement) Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 34)


T-rex Discovery Centre, Eastend See Postmarks - Scotty T. Rex postmark


Tributes - See also Condolences

Fair, Milton, Chief Executive Officer (retired), Saskatchewan Wheat Pool, member's statement

Wakefield, 1043-44

Mack, Yvonne, Legislative Library employee

D'Autremont, 658

Hagel, 657-58

Speaker, 656-57

Maher, Jim, MLA for The Battlefords, 1950-1952, member's statement

Hillson, 1310

Spence, Ahab, Dr., Saskatchewan Indian Federated College professor, member's statement

Julι, 929


Truancy See Schools - Truancy


Trucking advisory forum See Highways and Transportation Department - Trucking advisory forum


Trucking industry

Driver training, 1888

Yanke Group of Companies, Saskatoon, employment equity award from Conference Board of Canada, member's statement

Jones, 1397



International Road Dynamics Inc., research and development, 1885-87


Trustee, Public See Public Trustee Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 35); Public Trustee Consequential Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 36)


Tuition fees See Universities


Twine manufacturing industry

Bridon Cordage, Saskatoon, 209

Bridon Cordage, Saskatoon, member's statement

Jones, 168







Rate, 71, 73, 155 See also Employment - Loss


Belanger, 374-75


Unions See Democratic Unionism Act (No. 215); Trade Union Amdt. Act, 2001 (Freedom of Speech in the Workplace) (No. 226)


United Empire Loyalist Day

June 19, 2001, member's statement

Osika, 1912


United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

Biosphere reserves, Redberry Lake, 216


Unity, Sask. See Communities - Unity, Communities in Bloom competition


Universities - See also University of Regina; University of Saskatchewan

Funding, 691-93, 1710-15, 2299

Capital, 1712

Challenges, 1714

Scholarships, bursaries, student loans, 1713-14

Tuition fees, increases, 1710, 1713

Funding, including tuition

Hagel, 1249-50

Hart, 1250

Mandates, review, 2300

Research, 2300-2301


University of Regina

Engineering professor, impersonation- See Whistle-blower protection legislation

Tuition fees, increase

Hart, 1249


University of Saskatchewan

Canadian Light Source- See High technology - Canadian Light Source synchrotron project, Saskatoon

College of Agriculture building

Funding donation, Hutterites

Thomson, 370

College of Medicine, 2301, 2368

Funding, 691, 1959-62

Gantefoer, 172-73

Nilson, 172-73

Integrated health sciences facility, 1961-62

Loss of

Gantefoer, 546

Role in health care delivery, 1958-62


Capital, 241

Hagel, 843

Government operating grants, 241

Government operating grants, insufficient

Hart, 843-44

Government operating grants, insufficient, member's statement

Hillson, 739

Rawlco Resource Centre, established through donation by Gordon Rawlinson, member's statement

Addley, 597

Tuition fees, increase

Hart, 843



Production, 698

Production reduction, 244

Royalties, 697


Uranium industry

Government involvement, 1389, 1853

Revenue down, oversupply issues, 1390


Urban Municipality Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 24)

First reading

Osika, 934

Second reading

Brkich, 1499-1501, 1844-45

Elhard, 1110-12

Kwiatkowski, 1199-1202

Osika, 1108-10

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Bjornerud, 2039-41, 2043

Elhard, 2041-44

Osika, 2039-44

Third reading

Osika, 2050

Royal Assent, 2249


Urbanization See Population - Urbanization, rural-urban drift


Utilities - See also Electricity; Natural gas; Telephones

Rates, 151, 163 See also Senior citizens - Utility rate increases

Rates, increase, 218, 270

Hermanson, 201-2, 230, 260, 442

Krawetz, 230-31, 278

Sonntag, 202

Wakefield, 298

Wall, 290

Weekes, 413

Rates, low

Lorjι, 348

Rates, lowest in Canada

Calvert, 260

Sonntag, 404


Hermanson, 707

Rebates for utility rate increases, M. (Wall); amdt. (Addley)

Addley, 725-30

Brkich, 712-14

Eagles, 730-32

Jones, 722-24

Krawetz, 724-25

Thomson, 715-22

Wall, 711-12

Yates, 732-33






Valleau, Delmar Storey See Condolences - Valleau, Delmar Storey


Value-added industries/products, 208

Fueling Change conference, Weyburn, March 21, 2001, member's statement

Wartman, 9-10


Vehicles, emergency

Tow trucks, petitions, 1131

Bakken, 1098



Mιtis, recognition, 93


Vic Juba Performing Arts Centre, Lloydminster, Sask. See Art/Artists - Vic Juba Performing Arts Centre


Video lottery terminals See Lotteries


Vision care See Health care - Macular degeneration



Macular degeneration- See Health care - Macular degeneration


VLTs (Video lottery terminals) See Lotteries


Volunteer Firefighters Association See Firefighters - Volunteer Firefighters Association



Highest rate per capita

Lorjι, 349

National Volunteer Week, April 22-28, 2001, recognition of Humboldt volunteers, Ed and Isabelle Brockmeyer, member's statement

Julι, 663

National Volunteer Week, April 22-28, 2001, recognition of SaskTel Pioneers, member's statement

Addley, 739

North Central Regional Recreational Association, volunteer recognition, April 29, 2001, member's statement

Wiberg, 839-40

Rainbow of Hope for Children, Brazil, Clark Puckett, recognition, member's statement

Brkich, 83

Southwest region, recognition, Margaret Bykevich of Vidora Archeological Society, Bev Dolgopol of Skate Canada, member's statement

Elhard, 870-71






Wages and salaries

Minimum wage, Alberta, 208

Women, Alberta, 208


Waiting lists See Health care - Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); Hospital waiting lists


Wakaw School Division

St. Louis, Indian and Mιtis Education Development Program, 1902


Wascana Centre Authority, 132


Water - See also Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Program; Centenary Capital Fund - Projects - Water and sewer infrastructure, northern Saskatchewan; Hog industry - Waste disposal, water contamination; Water Corporation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 12); Water quality

Beaver dam management, 2298

Diversion, permits- See Saskatchewan Water Corporation - Permits, water diversion

Drainage, ditches, Rural Municipality of Churchbridge, legal action, against, 679-81

Management and quality

Calvert, 1193-94

Hillson, 1193


Provincial review

Hermanson, 1017

Repairs and replacements

Osika, 1017

Repairs and replacements, funding

Serby, 958

Treatment, small communities

Repairs and replacements

Brkich, 344

Treatment plant, North Battleford, financial assistance, petitions, 1186, 1219, 1242, 1307, 1337, 1426, 1455, 1484, 1512, 1630, 1743, 1834

Hillson, 1155, 1186, 1218, 1274, 1393, 1425, 1455, 1483, 1597, 1685, 1803


Water, drinking See Water quality


Water Corporation Amdt. Act, 2001 (No. 12)

First reading

Osika, 432

Second reading

Brkich, 1849-51

D'Autremont, 1286

Osika, 1285-86

Committee of the Whole Assembly

Brkich, 2171

Osika, 2171

Third reading

Nilson, 2171

Royal Assent, 2250


Water quality, 2140, 2412- See also Canada-Saskatchewan Infrastructure Program; Environment and Resource Management Department - Water quality; Saskatchewan Water Corporation; Water

Allen, community to south, 2178-79

Assessment, monitoring, and protection programming

Belanger, 1046

Hermanson, 1046

Assessment, monitoring, and protection programming, additional staff

Belanger, 1047, 1049, 1050

Canadian Council of Ministers of the Environment, conference, Winnipeg, April 30 - May 1, 2001

Belanger, 991

Kwiatkowski, 991

Drinking water, improvement, M. (Junor); amdt. (Kwiatkowski)

Bjornerud, 1147-48

Goulet, 1145-47

Higgins, 1140-42

Junor, 1138-40

Krawetz, 1144-45

Kwiatkowski, 1142-44

Drinking water, improvement, M. (Junor); amdt. (Kwiatkowski); questions and comments

Bjornerud, 1149, 1150

D'Autremont, 1149

Goulet, 1149

Junor, 1148

Krawetz, 1148-49

Thomson, 1148, 1149, 1150

Drinking water, safety, role of Saskatchewan Water Corporation, 1229

Drinking water, safety compliance

Belanger, 374

Drinking water, strategy

Kwiatkowski, 1048

Funding for testing

Belanger, 791

Infrastructure funding

Belanger, 1105

Kwiatkowski, 1105

Osika, 1105-6

Infrastructure funding, low priority

Kwiatkowski, 1105-6

Infrastructure program, national

Hermanson, 1016-17

Infrastructure program, national, M. (Hermanson)

Hermanson, 1021-22, 1051-52

Infrastructure program, national, rule 46 and debate transcripts to Prime Minister and to opposition party leaders, M. (Lautermilch)

Lautermilch, 1066

Infrastructure projects

Belanger, 1076, 1078

Osika, 1076

Program, member's statement

Junor, 82

Testing- See Environment and Resource Management Department - Water quality, testing


Hermanson, 1047

Boil-water advisories

Belanger, 988, 1079-80

Hermanson, 988

Kwiatkowski, 991

Osika, 1016-17

Cabinet reports

Belanger, 1077-79

Heppner, 1077-78

Kwiatkowski, 1050, 1076-77, 1079

Cryptosporidium parvum contamination, North Battleford, 908-12

Gantefoer, 957, 958

Hermanson, 930-31

Cryptosporidium parvum contamination, North Battleford, boil-water advisory

Gantefoer, 958

Hermanson, 930-31

Nilson, 930-31

Cryptosporidium parvum contamination, North Battleford, correction measures, 908-12

Nilson, 930-32

Cryptosporidium parvum contamination, North Battleford, member's statement

Hillson, 954

Kincaid, Sask., 913-14, 918-19

North Battleford See also Sewage - Effluent excess, discharge, North Saskatchewan River

Bjornerud, 791

Hermanson, 1046

Kwiatkowski, 955-58

North Battleford, awareness, Saskatchewan Water Corporation, 1229-30

North Battleford, government financial assistance

Calvert, 988

Hermanson, 988

Hillson, 1050

Osika, 1050

North Battleford, public inquiry

Belanger, 988-91

Calvert, 1277

Hillson, 1277

Serby, 955-59, 960

Public awareness

Belanger, 1047

Hermanson, 1047


Kwiatkowski, 1049, 1076

World Water Day, March 22, 2001, member's statement

Junor, 82


Web sites See Labour Department - Work and Family Unit, new Web site, work and family balance; Music - Kenny Rogers, country music artist, look-alike Web site


Wedding anniversaries

60th, Keith and Linda Jackson, Kinistino, member's statement

Gantefoer, 2094

70th, Gordon and Edith Taylor, Melfort, member's statement

Gantefoer, 1221


Welfare See Social assistance


Weyburn, Sask. See Cable industry - Nexans Canada Inc. power cable plant; Weyburn Central School Division


Weyburn Central School Division

Griffin School, closure, 537-38


Weyburn Inland Terminal (Firm) See Grain - Weyburn Inland Terminal (Firm)


Weyerhaeuser See Forest industry - Weyerhaeuser Saskatchewan


Wheeler Farm See Seager Wheeler Maple Grove Farm


Whistleblower Protection Act (No. 203)

First reading

Heppner, 1250


Whistle-blower protection legislation- See also Labour Standards Act - Discrimination by employer prohibited; Whistleblower Protection Act (No. 203)

Axworthy, 54-55, 1246

Heppner, 54-55, 1246, 1459-60

Hillson, 1462

Trew, 1459-60, 1462


White Buffalo Youth Lodge, Saskatoon See Youth - White Buffalo Youth Lodge, Saskatoon


Wild rice, 182-83, 208

Production, 1, 193


Wildlife lands See Representative areas network (RAN) program


Willow Bunch, Sask.

Mιtis village, Willow Bunch, funding- See Mιtis - Village, Willow Bunch, funding


Wincherauk, Don See Highways and Transportation Department - Assistant Deputy Minister, additional, Don Wincherauk


Wind energy See Wind power


Wind power, 4, 126, 242, 243

Calvert, 446

Cline, 267

Projects, two, member's statement

Addley, 2065

Saskatchewan Power Corporation wind power project, member's statement

Prebble, 1513

Sunbridge Windpower Project, Gull Lake area, member's statement

Prebble, 929-30

Funding, 696


Winter games See Sports - Winter games


Women - See also Families - Mothers; International Women's Day; Moms on the Move scholarships; Wages and salaries - Women; Working for Women program; YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association)


Access to education, 1473

Employment, sexual and economic barriers, Women's Secretariat, action, 975

Employment equity, 1474-75

Housing, 1474-75 See also Housing - Quint affordable housing program, Saskatoon

Pay equity, 1475

Programs, education, 1474

Programs, government, 1473


Purple Ribbon Awareness Week, May 7-13, 2001, member's statement

Jones, 953

Drop-in centres, Visitation House, Regina, opening, member's statement

Van Mulligen, 109

Economic independence, Women's Secretariat, 975

Employment and training services, 2174-75


Employment Insurance, maternity leave benefits

Crofford, 2318-19

Harpauer, 2318-19

Employment Insurance benefits, 2174

Entrepreneurs' Week, May 3-9 2001, member's statement

Jones, 901-2


Agriculture crisis, 2173

Off-farm jobs, member's statement

Draude, 1776-77

Services, medical, 2172-73

Stress, 2171-72

Quota Club, Weyburn, Women of the Year awards, member's statement

Bakken, 985-86

Survivors, child sexual abuse, services, Tamara's House, Saskatoon, funding, 2175-76

Violence against, member's statement

Draude, 953

Women's on-line program, forum, Women's Secretariat, 975


Women of the Dawn- See also Intergovernmental and Aboriginal Affairs Department - Women of the Dawn

Funding, 2303-4


Women's Secretariat, 132- See also Families - Violence, Women's Secretariat, policy initiatives; International Women's Day - Grant program; Moms on the Move scholarships; Taxation - Relief, low-income earners and families, Women's Secretariat; Women - Aboriginal - Employment, sexual and economic barriers, Women's Secretariat, action; Women - Economic independence, Women's Secretariat; Women - Women's on-line program, forum, Women's Secretariat

Draude, 318

Hamilton, 337

Assessment and taxation, role, 978-79

Conference, If Gender Mattered ... Policy and Strategies to Advance Women's Equality, 2001, member's statement

Draude, 109

Estimates, main (2001-2002), 974-81, 1473-76, 2171-76

Draude, 974-81, 2171-75

Eagles, 1473-76

Hamilton, 974-81, 1473-76, 2171-76

Julι, 2175-76

Mandate, 974-75

Progress and achievements, 2000-2001, 974-75

Staff, 970, 975

Travel budget, 980



Aurele Gareau, recognition, member's statement

Julι, 1189


Workers See Labour force


Workers' compensation

Survivor benefits, one-time tax free payment, old age pension benefits, 1066-68

Survivor benefits, one-time tax free payment, old age security clawback, member's statement

Weekes, 2254

Survivor benefits, one-time tax free payment, old age security clawback, remission order sought, member's statement

Wartman, 2227

Survivor benefits, spouse and children, 1070


Workers' Compensation Board

Trew, 328-29, 362


Weekes, 397, 431

Assessment/billing system, pilot project, 1069

Business travel, seminars, 2080

Disaster recovery plan, 2079

Employer rate deductions, lower, 1069

Independence allowance, 2081-82

Independent medical opinions, 2083

Independent review appeal panel, 2082-83

Minimum Wage Board, 2085

Occupational diseases, firefighters, review, 2084

Payments, public disclosure, 2079-80

Relationship to Labour Department, 819


Stan Cameron, Board Chair, financial settlement, 820

Stan Cameron, Board Chair, party, 819-20

Trew, 363, 431

Weekes, 362-63, 431

Stan Cameron, Board Chair, party cancellation

Trew, 431

Weekes, 397

Review 2000 of the Saskatchewan Workers' Compensation Board: Recurring and Current Administrative Issues, 821, 1066, 1070, 2080

Trew, 329, 740-41, 767

Weekes, 328-29, 740, 767

Recommendations, legislative changes, 2080-81

Recommendations, policies and procedures made public, 2081

Terminations, management staff

Allchurch, 2099

Trew, 362, 2099

Weekes, 328, 362

Workers' Advocate office, backlog, 821-22, 2083


Workforce See Labour force


Working for Women program, 976-77


Wrestling See Sports - Wrestling



Saskatoon Writers' Club, Saskatchewan poetry book, co-editor-in-chief Ethel Sigurdson, member's statement

Draude, 259






Yellowhead highway See Highways and roads - Highway No. 16


Yom haShoah See Holocaust Memorial Day; Holocaust Memorial Day Act (No. 202)


Yorkdale School Division

Bredenbury School, closure, 537-38


Yorkton, Sask. See Economy - Yorkton, booming, healthy housing market; Indians/First Nations - Urban service programs


Young offenders

Serious and habitual youth offender comprehensive action program, funding, 551


Youth, 155, 211-12- See also Employment development - Government, youth; Employment development - Government/private sector partnerships for youth; Entrepreneurship - Government programs, young people; Health care - Youth - Protection and improvement; Population - Forecast; Population - Out-migration; Saskatchewan Telecommunications - Training programs

Achievements, Fairview School grade 8, Swift Current Comprehensive High School music department, Swift Current, member's statement

Wall, 986

Economic growth, opportunities, 967

Calvert, 2396

Employment, 147

Lorjι, 348

Fetal alcohol effect- See Health care - Fetal alcohol effect - Justice system, youth

Opportunities, expanding

Cline, 268


Nipawin, van donation by Saskatchewan Government Insurance, member's statement

McCall, 275

Rainbow Youth Centre, Regina, peer helpers' program, Youth Week, member's statement

McCall, 1015

Retention in province, 968

Troubled- See Ranch Ehrlo Society

White Buffalo Youth Lodge, Saskatoon, programs for at-risk youth, member's statement

Junor, 903


YWCA (Young Women's Christian Association)- See also Women

Moose Jaw, Women of Distinction awards, member's statement

Higgins, 954

Prince Albert, Women of Distinction awards, member's statement

Lautermilch, 871-72

Regina, Honorary Woman of Distinction award, Dr. Lynda Haverstock, member's statement

Crofford, 928

Regina, Women of Distinction awards, member's statement

Crofford, 928

Weekes, 928

Saskatoon, 90th anniversary, member's statement

Junor, 787

Saskatoon, Women of Distinction awards, member's statement

Atkinson, 1014